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View Full Version : Playoff solution? Sounds good to me!

12/1/2008, 11:34 PM
I like the way this guy thinks. Maybe it's not perfect, but it's better on paper than anything associated with the flawed BCS system.


12/1/2008, 11:36 PM
I'd like it, but we have a better chance of McCain winning the election this year.... hehe

Crucifax Autumn
12/2/2008, 12:38 AM
I'd like it too, but we have a better chance of mack brownnose growing a sack.

Leroy Lizard
12/2/2008, 02:01 AM
Why did the writer choose a 16-team playoff? Because he can't choose an eight-team playoff because some team would get screwed.

As I said, all playoff schemes ultimately turn into 16-team playoffs. Because eight is not enough to keep a team from getting left out. (This year it would be undefeated Boise St.)

12/2/2008, 02:08 AM
Why did the writer choose a 16-team playoff? Because he can't choose an eight-team playoff because some team would get screwed.

As I said, all playoff schemes ultimately turn into 16-team playoffs. Because eight is not enough to keep a team from getting left out. (This year it would be undefeated Boise St.)

**** you really are an Idiot aint ya ?:pop:

Leroy Lizard
12/2/2008, 12:00 PM
The typical pro-playoff comeback. Real intelligent.

Hot Rod
12/2/2008, 12:05 PM
I'd like it too, but we have a better chance of Blake Gideon catching an interception.

12/2/2008, 12:34 PM
The is one aspect of a playoff that I don't think fans consider. Let's say there is an 8 team playoff and an elite program (like say, OU) gets in most years. There is an 88% chance that your team will lose its final game of the year every year. With the current system (which has been *very* good to OU), the odds are against being in the top 2 in any given year, but there should be a 50/50 chance of winning which ever bowl game selects your team. (I know, OU has been good in bowls recently, but it averages out).

Leroy Lizard
12/2/2008, 04:05 PM
I've mentioned this many times. This is especially important to teams that have a realistic chance of making it to a bowl game, but little chance of making it into a playoff.

Think about the time that OU lost to KU in basketball for the title. I'm not proud of that season. As far as I am concerned, that is the season "in which we got beat by KU for the national title."

12/2/2008, 04:55 PM
Hate it. Way too many teams. Impossible to organize logistically. Rewards mediocre teams with bids. Completely kills the regular season.

Give me a six team playoff max. Top four BCS and two at-large with the highest ranked undefeated non-bcs team getting an auto at-large bid. Top two get a bye to reward them for being 1 & 2, thereby keeping the regular season meaningful. Plus it only adds two games max, and usually wouldn't add any games to the schedule or add one at the most.

12/2/2008, 06:24 PM
16 is not "way too many teams", seems like a good scenario to me.
It doesn't kill the regular season, most teams are sitting around for a month waiting on their bowl game to happen.
It doesn't reward mediocre teams, it gives all conference champs a chance, and as we well know, some of them can sneak up and beat the big boys once in a while.
No more of a logistics problem than bowl games in places not even close to the participants or their fans.
Six team playoff? Heck, we might as well have the stinkin' BCS mess. ;)

Leroy Lizard
12/2/2008, 07:12 PM
It doesn't kill the regular season, most teams are sitting around for a month waiting on their bowl game to happen.

The entire country was glued to the OU/OSU game this past weekend. With a 16-team playoff, the outcome would have had little effect on anything. In fact, Tech's loss to OU would have similarly been no big deal. And who would really care about the upcoming Florida/Alabama game other than fans of the two schools? Both teams would easily get into a 16-team playoff.

12/2/2008, 07:18 PM
The typical pro-playoff comeback. Real intelligent.

No diff than any of your anti-playoff arguments

The entire country was glued to the OU/OSU game this past weekend.

No it wasnt, alot of the midwest was. Not that many people watched overall

With a 16-team playoff, the outcome would have had little effect on anything. In fact, Tech's loss to OU would have similarly been no big deal. And who would really care about the upcoming Florida/Alabama game other than fans of the two schools? Both teams would easily get into a 16-team playoff.

And wild cards win the WS, Wild cards win the super bowl, 6 seeds win the ncaa tourney. IF you beat the best, you are the champion. I would love to see 10 teams with two byes

12/2/2008, 07:50 PM
It doesn't kill the regular season, most teams are sitting around for a month waiting on their bowl game to happen.

The bowls have nothing to do with what I'm talking about, I mean the important reg season games, especially late in the year, now become meaningless.

It doesn't reward mediocre teams, it gives all conference champs a chance, and as we well know, some of them can sneak up and beat the big boys once in a while.

Just look at the Big12's limited history. A&M, UT that first year, Kansas State, Mizzou this year if they happen to win. It would reward not only those teams but whatever sorry *** team happens to win the Wac or Mac or ACC, or Big East. Those teams don't deserve playoff bids. Especially in years like this where you have 4 teams in the Big12 South alone that are more deserving.

No more of a logistics problem than bowl games in places not even close to the participants or their fans.

No, you're way off here. Bowl games are scheduled a month in advance. Teams know where they are going and have travel plans laid out for weeks and weeks before the game. This isn't the NFL, you have bands, cheerleaders, 100 players, personnel, coaches, etc, that all have to be accounted for. It is impossible for a team, especially a small school team, to make those kinds of plans in under a week.

Not only that but the fanbases wont support it. Bowls are a once a year vacation. There aren't enough people to travel to four consectuive bowl games to make the games profitable. And so then your relying on random townies to fill the stands or are forced to do home games until the championship. And again, that secures the fact that if a small school team makes the playoffs, the better they do the more the school is going to suffer.

Not in a million years will there be a 16 team playoff in college football. It's impossible. Dont get me wrong, I'd love to watch the games (though I still disagree with it being conf champs) but it will never, ever happen. Evar.

12/2/2008, 08:24 PM
This guy has the same ideas, AND the EXACT SAME BRACKET, I posted on here 2 days before his article! Makes me wonder if some of these sports writers have nothing to say, and go to message boards to find a good topic. :D


Leroy Lizard
12/2/2008, 09:37 PM
No diff than any of your anti-playoff arguments

Boy, you really got me there. How am I going to respond to such a witty comment. I know! I'll call you an "idiot." I'm so smart.

12/2/2008, 09:54 PM
A playoff should be limited to 8 teams using the old BCS system(SOS, Quality wins). Reduce the regular season to 11 games.

12/2/2008, 10:23 PM
6 major conference champions with two "wildcards/at-large" bids.

Say next week we see:

BIG 12 Champion Oklahoma
SEC Champion Florida
BIG 10 Champion Penn State
PAC 10 Champion USC
ACC Champion Florida State
Big East Champion Cincinnati

... you have two wildcards that you can choose between Utah, Boise State and Texas IMO. I'm pretty sure with UT's resume and the constant nagging that UT would (and should) get one of those seeds. Utah appears to be the strongest of the unbeaten patsies in terms of SOS, I guess.

Seed the 8 team tourney according to National rank. It should look something like
1 Florida vs 8 Florida State (Gainesville, FL) Hypothetical... I know they've already played, okay...
2 Oklahoma vs 7 Cincinnati (Norman, OK) Once again, this doesn't happen every year... I realize we've already played, okay?
3 Texas vs 6 Utah (Austin, TX) Not a bad way to start things off for either team. Utah finds out really quick if they're for real or not.
4 USC vs Penn State (Los Angeles, CA) What do you know... the Rose Bowl might be onto something this year.

Hypothetically speaking... say Florida, OU, Texas and USC take the home field advantage and run with it...

1 Florida vs 4 USC (Wow... right?)
2 OU vs Texas (More wow, right?)

I don't understand why people think that the regular season goes to shat if we have this system in place. In fact, it makes the conference title chase actually mean something more than just a speed bump or a chance to get style points in a beauty contest. In this system, you're never going to please everybody, but you sure as hell won't ever leave out a one-loss conference champion to let an undefeated (and overrated) team play a one or even two-loss media darling for nothing more than hype, exposure and politicking.

IOW, when I want to watch a sport, I don't turn on a debate.

The only way the playoff gets out of control is when the stepchildren have a three loss season and their billionaire alums politic for more seeds in the playoff... then you end up ruining the regular season. I'm sorry, though... I don't buy into an eight team playoff ruining showdowns like the RRS, Bed-lame, tOSU/UM, OU/NU, the Lone Star Showdown or even the Sunflower Showdown for that matter. That's BS and everyone that believes that is full of even more BS. You have to still win your regular season games to have a chance... you just don't end up screwed because of controversial losses or because Mark May or Lou Holtz says so.

12/2/2008, 10:26 PM
Boy, you really got me there. How am I going to respond to such a witty comment. I know! I'll call you an "idiot." I'm so smart.

Here let me show you


Person A-I like playoffs, I think they would make cfb better for reasons A,B,C,D

Leroy-no they wouldnt, playoffs are bad, logistics, someone mad, etc.

Person A- All the things you just listed can be fixed by doing A,B,C,D

Leroy- I think im smarter than everyone so im not going to respond to the answers to my problems with a playoff, I am just going to repeat original argument

Person A- I gave you reasons why all of the problems you listed can be worked out

Leroy-Playoffs could never work, logistics, playoffs are bad, someone mad, etc.

Person A- I just gave you examples of how all of those can be worked out

Leroy-Playoffs could never work, logistics, playoffs are bad, someone mad, etc.

Person A- This is pointless

2 weeks later
