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View Full Version : Poetic Justice

12/1/2008, 12:18 AM
It's poetic justice that despite getting jobbed by the refs a seemingly large amount of times in many of our games, we get rewarded by the BCS more often than not. It's nice to see stuff like that even out.

It's poetic justice that OSU still couldn't win, despite their idiotic ticket policy to keep Sooner fans out of the stadium in Stillwater. Not only did they not win, but their crowd didn't seem to impact our offense that much. Plus they netted a lot less money than they would if they just charged a flat rate at a decent price.

It's poetic justice that Texas didn't make it, after Mack was on ESPN/ABC about every day for a week, whining and complaining. ESPECIALLY after Mack was on in the middle of our game, which he had no business doing. He had absolutely no stake in that game, and yet he got on there and talked over our team's performance. It's disrespectful to us, OSU, and the entire process.

It's poetic justice that those idiot Texas fans wasted thousands of dollars on signs, gas money, hotel money, and hiring a plane for the dumb 45-35 campaign...and it failed. At least they can cry into Herbie's shoulder.

It's poetic justice that ESPN/ABC's all out assault on OU failed. Everything short of failing to broadcast our game they did. It's been some of the most biased sports coverage I've seen in a long time.

It's poetic justice that OU got rewarded for playing the tougher OOC opponents in Cincy and TCU (both top 15 BCS). We played 1/3 of the top 15 teams in the BCS and beat 80% of them.

It's poetic justice that the computer rankings did EXACTLY what they were intended to do, balance out undue human influence.

So to all the homers for Texas...a big F. U.

Let's stick it to them some more and hoist another crystal ball. Nobody is giving us a chance against an SEC opponent and some are doubting whether we'll advance pass Mizzou. That would be the icing on an awesome season.