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View Full Version : Another arguement against Texas ... the Florida State precedent

11/26/2008, 09:31 AM
Flash back to 1993 ... unbeaten and untied Florida State played an unbeaten and untied Notre Dame squad on November 13th. It was a great game between two great teams and in the end the Irish prevailed 31-24.

The Irish jumped to the top of the polls on the win as the Seminoles slid back a bit. The very next week Notre Dame hosted rival Boston College and lost a heartbreaker 41-39. The next day Florida State jumped back above Notre Dame in the polls. Controversy ensued.

Of course, Notre Dame's cry was what we hear now .... "head to head," "we beat them just a week ago," etc. But, the "experts" had a different opinion .... the prevailing line of thought went as follows ... Florida State deserved to be ranked ahead of Notre Dame because the Irish lost to an inferior team while the Seminoles lost to a better team. Notre Dame was deemed a better quality loss than Boston College so Florida State got the nod. The Seminoles, behind Heisman winner Charlie Ward would go on and win the MNC beating Nebraska in the Oreange Bowl.

So, using the same logic that propelled FSU to it's first MNC, Texas is a better quality loss than Texas Tech therefor OU gets the nod. Unless, of course, someone wants to argue that Texas Tech is superior to Texas. ;)

11/26/2008, 09:35 AM
FSU deserved that title in 1993 defeating an undefeated Nebraska squad who who would go on a run the next 2 years.

11/26/2008, 09:37 AM
Apples and turnips aggy.

Prepare for Armageddon!

11/26/2008, 09:39 AM
If both win and Texas gets the nod, then we have nothing to be upset about considering the loss to Texas. If we get the nod then consider it a very nice Christmas present and a great chance to win the national title despite the loss to Texas who would have the same record.

And the shirts that will be made.... "Hey Texas, Keep the Golden Hat. We Like The Crystal Better."

A Sooner in Texas
11/26/2008, 09:41 AM
Whorns sure do seem to have an insecurity complex over this, don't they?



A Sooner in Texas
11/26/2008, 09:43 AM
And by the way, there's no "e" in "argument.";)

11/26/2008, 09:44 AM
Apples and turnips aggy.

IN the OU vs Texas debate, not really ... although this situation is a bit more dicey because TExas has it's own head to head loss it desperately wants to cover up. Heck, Horn's are using such a weird kinda logic that makes 'em soound more Aggie than us Aggies. Texas is arguing, basically, that Okloahoma was so dominate and played so well that OU should be penalized and Texas rewarded by eliminating Tech from the South discussion. Of course, all three are 6-1 and have each beaten on of the other ... but let's make up an arguement that isnt in the rule book that penalizes OU for playing so well and eliminate Tech ... that way we don;t have to answer 39-33. And they tell Aggie jokes. ;)

Prepare for Armageddon!

I am ... I know it'll be ugly.

11/26/2008, 09:46 AM
And by the way, there's no "e" in "argument.";)

whats that Underlined then :P

11/26/2008, 09:46 AM
A Sooner in Texas -

“It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word.”

President Andrew Jackson

Words to live by. ;)

11/26/2008, 09:46 AM
IN the OU vs Texas debate, not really ... although this situation is a bit more dicey because TExas has it's own head to head loss it desperately wants to cover up. Heck, Horn's are using such a weird kinda logic that makes 'em soound more Aggie than us Aggies. Texas is arguing, basically, that Okloahoma was so dominate and played so well that OU should be penalized and Texas rewarded by eliminating Tech from the South discussion. Of course, all three are 6-1 and have each beaten on of the other ... but let's make up an arguement that isnt in the rule book that penalizes OU for playing so well and eliminate Tech ... that way we don;t have to answer 39-33. And they tell Aggie jokes. ;)

I am ... I know it'll be ugly.

Or.. we could just enact a rule like the SEC has which makes a hell of a lot more sense. Either or.

11/26/2008, 09:48 AM
And by the way, there's no "e" in "argument.";)

Sure there is, but we try to keep it to one. ;)

11/26/2008, 09:50 AM
Or.. we could just enact a rule like the SEC has which makes a hell of a lot more sense. Either or.

I've heard mention of this but don;t know the SEC rule.

Or, Florida State could just beat Florida and the Gators then beat Alabama and Texas and Oklahoma could just stage a rematch in the Orange Bowl ... kinda like the 1978 Sooner Husker rematch! ;)

11/26/2008, 10:03 AM
Or.. we could just enact a rule like the SEC has which makes a hell of a lot more sense. Either or.

OK counselor. Hurry up and get on the phone to the Big 12 commish and make that happen this week. Get back with us when you get your answer. Good luck.

11/26/2008, 10:05 AM
I've heard mention of this but don;t know the SEC rule.

Or, Florida State could just beat Florida and the Gators then beat Alabama and Texas and Oklahoma could just stage a rematch in the Orange Bowl ... kinda like the 1978 Sooner Husker rematch! ;)

Why Not -- Also let Auburn Beat Bama -- Then Florida and Bama Both would end up with two Loss's at the end of the Season --- :)

This solves Everything --- I Think --- :confused: ---- :)

11/26/2008, 10:05 AM
OK counselor. Hurry up and get on the phone to the Big 12 commish and make that happen this week. Get back with us when you get your answer. Good luck.

Your school president has far more experience whining about football games to oversight bodies. Perhaps he can fire off another letter. :D

11/26/2008, 10:43 AM
Your school president has far more experience whining about football games to oversight bodies. Perhaps he can fire off another letter. :D

There's no sense wasting our prez's time when the greatest whiner in the history of college football is already on it, Mack Brown. Unfortunately, it seems he didn't count on how much Pac-10 voters truly despise the Mack Brown lobby. Could the lobbying have backfired?!!

11/26/2008, 01:08 PM
Tell you what, Lid: we'll chip in and get you a shirt that says, "We put the only blemish on the record of the 2008 National Champs." Maybe that will make you feel better.

11/26/2008, 01:17 PM
None of this will matter after the ags upset the horns.

11/26/2008, 03:32 PM
MAF94 Said:
Heck, Horn's are using such a weird kinda logic that makes 'em soound more Aggie than us Aggies.
:mad: Talk about weird logic, check out a comment by a San Antonio radio commentator (and Horn fan). "Oklahoma got screwed when they did not jump to #2 in the BCS after the huge whupping they laid on Texas Tech. However, if Oklahoma beats OSU, they should not jump Texas to the #2 spot just because they beat the #12 team in the nation".:confused:

I'm just having trouble on how this statement makes any sense!!:confused:

11/26/2008, 04:30 PM
What is this "SEC rule" of which some speak?

11/26/2008, 04:33 PM
Or.. we could just enact a rule like the SEC has which makes a hell of a lot more sense. Either or.if i understand the 'SEC rule'

that if the tied teams are within 5 BCS rankings then head to head breaks the tie

so since Texas is ranked #2, in order for this 'tie breaker' criteria to come in play, OU needed to be ranked no lower than 7th. but the catch is, look at who is ranked 7th in the BCS standing?

you got it , TTECH.

so now you have ALL three teams within five spots in the BCS, so shouldn't all three teams fit this criteria? (and of course, it is circular from that point in if looking at head to head)

not that this is a bad way to break the tie, but something is still a miss here. if I have the SEC tie breaker wrong...well...never mind then :D

11/26/2008, 04:37 PM
Best reporting (http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/birminghamnews/index.ssf?/base/sports/1227086158165180.xml&coll=2)i've seen of the SEC's three-way tiebreaker, but note, this was written before the Tech game. Regardless, using the SEC rule would probably have tossed us out, anyway. Tech would fall out, and we'd be out due to the head to head loss to UT. Anyway:

In the case of a three-way divisional tie, the SEC tries six different tiebreaking methods before also turning to the BCS standings as the Big 12 does. The difference, though, is that when the SEC uses the BCS standings, it will incorporate head-to-head results in certain circumstances. The Big 12 won't.

For a three-way tie in the SEC, the highest-ranked SEC team in the BCS standings gets the nod "unless the second of the tied teams is ranked within five-or-fewer places of the highest-ranked team (in the BCS standings). In this case, the head-to-head results of the top two ranked teams shall determine the representative in the SEC Championship Game."

In other words, the third SEC team in the BCS standings gets eliminated, and the next two teams are evaluated based on who won their game on the field.

Right now, Texas Tech is second in the BCS, Texas is third and Oklahoma is fifth. But that order would get rearranged considerably if the Sooners win at home on Saturday against Texas Tech and win at Oklahoma State on Nov. 29.

Using the SEC model, if Oklahoma wins out, the Sooners and Texas Tech would probably be eliminated in a three-way tie. Texas would probably get the nod to play for the Big 12 championship by virtue of its 45-35 victory over Oklahoma on Oct. 11. Using the Big 12 model, Oklahoma's chances would be much better.

"We felt when you use the BCS standings to evaluate a three-way tie, it could be really close and come down to two or three voters," SEC associate commissioner Charles Bloom said. "I think philosophically when you break a tie and the teams do play each other, you want to use head-to-head whenever possible."

The SEC adopted the BCS as a tiebreaker in November 2003 when it became apparent that Georgia, Tennessee and Florida would finish tied in the East Division. Until that point, the tiebreaker would have reached a vote by SEC athletics directors.

Using the BCS standings, Georgia advanced to the SEC Championship Game that year because it had defeated Tennessee, although the Bulldogs would have gone anyway since they were ranked higher than Tennessee in the BCS.

The SEC, Big 12 and ACC are the only major conferences with league championship games. The ACC uses the same three-way tiebreaker as the Big 12.

Reaching the Big 12 Championship Game gives the South representative a leg up in playing for the national title. Then again, if North champion Missouri upsets the South champion, one of the two Big 12 South teams watching at home could benefit by default.

Richard Billingsley, whose rankings are part of the BCS computer average, said it is impossible to tell exactly how the computers would rank a three-way tie in the Big 12 South.

"In my system, beating a No. 1 team in November is worth more than beating a No. 1 team in October because the point values are greater," Billingsley said. In that case, he said, Oklahoma, boosted by a November win over Texas Tech, would likely win out in a three-way tie. Also, he said, "the computers in general take strength of schedule into account strongly. Oklahoma played a better non-conference schedule than Texas and Texas Tech, so that could be a tell-tale sign."

11/26/2008, 08:38 PM
And by the way, there's no "e" in "argument.";)

spelling smack is a negable offense

11/26/2008, 08:40 PM
Your school president has far more experience whining about football games to oversight bodies. Perhaps he can fire off another letter. :D

He was going to call, but it seems like the UT admin tied up everyones phone lines with their text messages.

Even Kelvin couldn't get through to ESPN to discuss his baneing.

11/26/2008, 08:47 PM
Or.. we could just enact a rule like the SEC has which makes a hell of a lot more sense. Either or.

The old "The rule which we knew was in place when we chit our britches in Lubbock doesn't work for us so lets change the rule" logic. Well done Counselor. Let me know how many judges you wow with that one.

11/27/2008, 10:49 AM
Your school president has far more experience whining about football games to oversight bodies. Perhaps he can fire off another letter. :D

Lid, OUr president won't be calling anyone.

However it shakes out, the University of Oklahoma and all of us Sooner fans will accept the judgment of the voters and yes, the cursed BCS computers and that's that.

In case you haven't noticed, it is the Texas fans that are doing the screaming, stamping of feet, pouting and holding up signs with the score of the October game on them.

Texas fans = crybabies