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View Full Version : X's and O's question regarding d-line against tech

11/24/2008, 12:27 PM
So it seemed as if the d-line was moving a whole lot more than normal just before the snap. Back and forth between gaps and different offensive linemen. Do you think this threw the offense for a bit of a loop, confused them on who to block, who to double team, which hole to close toward? Is this a big reason we were able to get so much pressure on Harrell when all we've heard all season was how great the o-line was and Harrell only getting sacked 6 times all season, etc, etc

11/24/2008, 12:36 PM
I think they had the F. You attitude for once.

Frozen Sooner
11/24/2008, 12:47 PM
So it seemed as if the d-line was moving a whole lot more than normal just before the snap. Back and forth between gaps and different offensive linemen. Do you think this threw the offense for a bit of a loop, confused them on who to block, who to double team, which hole to close toward? Is this a big reason we were able to get so much pressure on Harrell when all we've heard all season was how great the o-line was and Harrell only getting sacked 6 times all season, etc, etc

Yes, the stunts and twists on the DL were a key factor in getting pressure on Harrell.

One thing that really stuck in my head was how everyone kept talking about how huge the Tech OL is. They're certainly bigguns, but they all looked unathletic as all hell. Contrast the way that that one dude with the mohawk and mascara looks to, say Duke.

11/24/2008, 01:10 PM
We only rushed 4 for the major part of the game, but they very rarely knew WHICH four were coming. why dont we do that every game?

And I LOVED the misdirection running plays we threw at them. why didnt we try ANY of those against Texas???

11/24/2008, 01:31 PM
From the endzone it looked like a dance of the Madhatter's. The D-line brought it. . period.

11/24/2008, 03:40 PM
I went back and watched the game, and just as Frozen pointed out, the D-line was far more active (twisting and stunting) than any game we've played this season.

A few times, BV brought the OLBs up twisted with the ends. The Tech O-line was clueless. There were so many missed assignments, it reminded me of me in high school Spanish class.

11/24/2008, 03:47 PM
I will say this: Harrell has nerves of steel. There were a number of plays where OU linemen were right THERE ready to clobber him and he didn't flinch. Didn't make the throw, either, but...man. I'd have tried to move.

11/24/2008, 03:57 PM
I will say this: Harrell has nerves of steel. There were a number of plays where OU linemen were right THERE ready to clobber him and he didn't flinch. Didn't make the throw, either, but...man. I'd have tried to move.

I would hate to have been him Sunday morning. I'll bet he looked like a 95 year old man getting out of bed. Then...he remembered the score, and went back to bed crying.

11/24/2008, 04:08 PM
I hope not. He's got to beat Baylor this week.

11/24/2008, 04:28 PM
I think alot of the D-line's success can be attributed at least partly to the secondary. A good number of the plays where Harrell was pressured were not instant pressure. The Tech line wasn't getting beat so much as not able to handle the D-line as far as weight/strength/determination/whatever.

Just saying, alot of the pressure our line was able to get was a direct result of the pass having not been thrown yet. Blockers can only block for so long.

11/24/2008, 05:07 PM
That's exactly right. Great job all the way round by the defense. And the first two touchdowns were still almost not...Box nearly makes a great play on the first one, and the second one...Holmes?...tips the ball. If he doesn't tip it, I'm not sure it goes to the receiver. And...what...four fourth down stops? 12 of 13 third down stops? Great job by the D.

11/24/2008, 05:37 PM
All I saw was Nic Harris kickin everybody's @ss. He stole Morriss's lucky charms and then pantsed him.