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View Full Version : Socks with Crocs

Chuck Bao
11/13/2008, 08:03 PM
I have to wear Crocs to the office today and I'm thinking socks and blue jeans. The Crocs are white, so the socks should be white.

Yay or nay?

11/13/2008, 08:06 PM
Yay or nay?

Sounds like....

One syllable..


11/13/2008, 08:06 PM
Nay On the Crocs

11/13/2008, 08:09 PM
white crocs and blue jeans? You'll look like a demented Smurf.


NYC Poke
11/13/2008, 08:10 PM
I can't wait for the tribute thread.

11/13/2008, 08:13 PM
Any one else see the Humor in a Ghey dude asking US ****ing hillbillys fer fashon advice ?:D

11/13/2008, 08:17 PM
I have to wear Crocs to the office today and I'm thinking socks and blue jeans. The Crocs are white, so the socks should be white.

Yay or nay? Why would anyone "have" to wear crocs? :confused:

Chuck Bao
11/13/2008, 08:19 PM
Guys, I got some medical problem and my feet are the size of footballs.

I have to go to the office today.

I've missed four days already and the work at home thing works only so much.

One of my colleagues wife found me wandering on the street wearing my old sandals that fit just as well as a little kid's I was shuffling trying to keep them on. She took pity and lent me her husband's sandals like size 14 and I could go to BIGC and the only thing they have were Crocs.

So, that is the only thing I have.

I have been to doctors three times already and we have done countless blood, urine, x-rays. I think that it is the bedbugs.

Work with me here. I need to go to the office.

Jimminy Crimson
11/13/2008, 08:30 PM
Not just crocs, but white crocs?

I'd say wear pink socks with them and cutoff camo shorts. Maybe a wifebeater on top.


11/13/2008, 08:34 PM
Guys, I got some medical problem and my feet are the size of footballs.

I have to go to the office today.

I've missed four days already and the work at home thing works only so much.

One of my colleagues wife found me wandering on the street wearing my old sandals that fit just as well as a little kid's I was shuffling trying to keep them on. She took pity and lent me her husband's sandals like size 14 and I could go to BIGC and the only thing they have were Crocs.

So, that is the only thing I have.

I have been to doctors three times already and we have done countless blood, urine, x-rays. I think that it is the bedbugs.

Work with me here. I need to go to the office.

Bro then In that case wear what makes Ya comfortable .

11/14/2008, 02:58 PM
NO ON THE SOCKS. I have never understood why folks wear socks with sandals or now even Crocs. Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

Chuck Bao
11/14/2008, 04:34 PM
You can't even see my white socks under my white crocs because my blue jeans are like long, cowboy boot long.

But, yes I look like Papa Smurf.

People were joking in my office today that I was wearing loy krathong (float your sins away holiday celebrated on Wednesday) boat boots. They were even saying that I could walk on water with those things.

They aren't even real crocs. I went to a Croc shop yesterday and they were like US$40 and they didn't even carry size 10-12 that I needed to put my suddenly big feet into.

11/14/2008, 04:56 PM
:( Sorry about your feet, Chuck... How long has it been going on?

11/14/2008, 05:48 PM
I thought this was going to be a Dr. Seuss thread.

Chuck Bao
11/14/2008, 05:59 PM
:( Sorry about your feet, Chuck... How long has it been going on?

It's been one week that I can't fit into my shoes. Now, one foot is normal and the other one still looks like a football.

11/14/2008, 06:06 PM
Is Nope drugging your tea in the morning because of the clock?

It was a clock you bought, right?

Chuck Bao
11/14/2008, 06:47 PM
Is Nope drugging your tea in the morning because of the clock?

It was a clock you bought, right?

mdklatt is probably right, there is a Dr. Seuss story here.

Anyone, please have a go. I will submit mine after I spend 9 numbing hours in a training program on advanced stock valuations to keep my Thai brokerage license.

11/14/2008, 07:09 PM
I thought this was going to be a Dr. Seuss thread.

LOL. Very nice.

11/14/2008, 07:26 PM
Guys wearing crocs = gay

oh wait.

Chuck Bao
11/14/2008, 08:02 PM
Guys wearing crocs = gay

oh wait.

Why are you waiting?

You can have equally said that crocs + socks = butt secks

It could also be expressed as croc/butt + socks/butt = secks

But, if you, oumartin = -croc

Then -oumartin/butt + socks/butt = secks, or

1/butt + socks/butt/-oumartin = seck/-oumartin, or

one divided butt the socks divided butt divided by a negative oumartin equals secks divided by a negative oumartin.

I'm not sure my math is right but the butt divided and secks divided thing by a negative oumartin probably is.


11/14/2008, 08:04 PM
Chuck...I was having the same kind of trouble for awhile.

The Doctor told me to watch my sodium intake...stay away from anything pickled and sauces for food...especially ketchup. He also told me to take some sort of water pill and to check the swelling daily. If the feet weren't swollen...no pill.

Hope you get that under control soon...you don't want it to lead to something serious. We have lots of National Championships coming OUr way and you don't want to miss them. :D

Good Luck man.

11/14/2008, 08:59 PM
The Doctor told me to...stay away from anything pickled

Did OleVet miss you while you were gone?

11/14/2008, 10:24 PM
Is Nope drugging your tea in the morning because of the clock?

It was a clock you bought, right?

i gotta go that it's the clock

pm me your address chuck and i'll send you a new OU one

11/14/2008, 11:05 PM
I would quit the job.

11/14/2008, 11:37 PM
Did OleVet miss you while you were gone?

Naw I had you to Love and admire.:D

11/14/2008, 11:54 PM

Chuck Bao
11/15/2008, 06:40 AM
i gotta go that it's the clock

pm me your address chuck and i'll send you a new OU one

Thanks for the offer. That is very kind of you to offer, soonerboomer.

I still have my OU clock somewhere in some box. If not, I'll probably get one for Christmas next month when I'm home.

11/15/2008, 10:43 AM
i think you mean yay or gay. and in thailand, it's perfectly normal to wear white crocs.

just ask bruce leroy.