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View Full Version : Shhhh!!!!! (here comes Baylor)

11/6/2008, 04:29 PM
Anyone else think Baylor can hit UT in the mouth this weekend? UT has everything to lose. Griffin aint that bad of a QB for BU. I know its a lot to call for the upset, but this might be a good trap game for UT.

...at least play them close, Baylor.:gary:

11/6/2008, 04:30 PM
I'm wif ya

11/6/2008, 04:32 PM
well it is certainly possible for baylor to hit UT in the mouth... but i am afraid that if that happens then UT will turn around and run them over with a mack truck

11/6/2008, 04:33 PM
well it is certainly possible for baylor to hit UT in the mouth... but i am afraid that if that happens then UT will turn around and run them over with a mack truck

Pretty much. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

11/6/2008, 04:33 PM
I was thinkin the same thing. But realistically the way Texas played against TT was more the reason TT won. Imagine what the score would have been had they actually caught the balls that hit them in the chest. Unfortunatly they seemed to do no wrong when they played us.

11/6/2008, 04:39 PM
I was thinkin the same thing. But realistically the way Texas played against TT was more the reason TT won. Imagine what the score would have been had they actually caught the balls that hit them in the chest. Unfortunatly they seemed to do no wrong when they played us.

No doubt.

If Texas had played like they did against Tech (esp in the 1st half) against either us or OSU, we both would have beat the 'horns by 2+ TD's.

I had not seen a Texas receiver drop a single pass this season until they went to Lubbock.....



11/6/2008, 04:49 PM

11/6/2008, 04:51 PM
You know, Baylor had a chance of being temporarily ahead of UT a few years ago with Guy Moriss in charge. They kicked a field goal on fourth down to go up 3-0...

BUT WAIT! Penalty on Texas means Baylor's a little bit closer to the goal line and should try a touchdown! Seven points is greater than three points, after all! Fourth down, let's go!

:mad: While 7 points > 3 points, it is also true that 3 points > 0 points and thus, no TD, no FG... UT crushes Baylor.

:( Poor Baylor. really thought they had a chance this year.

Ah well... here ya go, Sic 'Em:

The Maestro
11/6/2008, 05:07 PM
In ther words of Steven Tyler, "Dream on!"

Guys...Baylor is going the wrong way and Texas is an inch away from being a runaway number one choice. It's in Austin, too.

Now next week at Kansas? Different story!

11/6/2008, 05:34 PM
Don't anybody be confuse OU with UT now. We have enough of my avatar for that :mad:

Saying that it's not going to happen, sure. Saying that it's NEVER happened would be inakrut! [hairGel]

It's only NEVER happened to OU, but it has DEFINITELY happened to UT.

:) ...and it can happen again.

11/6/2008, 06:35 PM
The horns could come out flat after losing last week - going from #1 on top of the world to needing help is a tough blow (as we know). We were a bit flat against KU after the UT loss, and didn't put them away by half as we normally do. UT also has some key injuries to deal with just as we did the week after losing. But the home cooking will be a huge remedy for what ails them.

11/6/2008, 07:11 PM
Ya know all those penalties against Baylor that go uncalled when they play everyone else? Well, the refs actually throw the flag when they play Texas. Horns win big.

11/6/2008, 07:19 PM
If Baylor beat Texas, our loss to Texas loses all validity. At least we can say "we lost to a DAMN good Texas team", while USC lost to Oregon State and Florida to Ole Miss.

11/6/2008, 07:37 PM
There is a major problem down here in Austin from what I hear. There are restaurants down by the stadium that the players often eat at. I can't say who relayed this info but evidently earlier this week 4 of the players were sitting at a table eating and Colt came in and sat down to eat with them. Evidently the original 4 got and left without a word.

Word is there is alot of blaming going on inside the program.

11/6/2008, 07:45 PM
There is a major problem down here in Austin from what I hear. There are restaurants down by the stadium that the players often eat at. I can't say who relayed this info but evidently earlier this week 4 of the players were sitting at a table eating and Colt came in and sat down to eat with them. Evidently the original 4 got and left without a word.

Word is there is alot of blaming going on inside the program.

I wonder if that is they are blaming Colt (which would be stupid), or Colt is not taking any of the blame and placing it all on everyone else.


11/6/2008, 08:36 PM
There is a major problem down here in Austin from what I hear. There are restaurants down by the stadium that the players often eat at. I can't say who relayed this info but evidently earlier this week 4 of the players were sitting at a table eating and Colt came in and sat down to eat with them. Evidently the original 4 got and left without a word.

Word is there is alot of blaming going on inside the program.

no way that happened.

11/6/2008, 08:55 PM
Anyone else think Baylor can hit UT in the mouth this weekend? UT has everything to lose. Griffin aint that bad of a QB for BU. I know its a lot to call for the upset, but this might be a good trap game for UT.

...at least play them close, Baylor.:gary:


11/6/2008, 09:00 PM
There is a major problem down here in Austin from what I hear. There are restaurants down by the stadium that the players often eat at. I can't say who relayed this info but evidently earlier this week 4 of the players were sitting at a table eating and Colt came in and sat down to eat with them. Evidently the original 4 got and left without a word.

Word is there is alot of blaming going on inside the program.

Maybe he had really bad gas.

Curly Bill
11/6/2008, 10:08 PM
There is a major problem down here in Austin from what I hear. There are restaurants down by the stadium that the players often eat at. I can't say who relayed this info but evidently earlier this week 4 of the players were sitting at a table eating and Colt came in and sat down to eat with them. Evidently the original 4 got and left without a word.

Word is there is alot of blaming going on inside the program.

Maybe they're tired of being hit on. :D

11/6/2008, 10:48 PM
If Baylor beat Texas, our loss to Texas loses all validity. At least we can say "we lost to a DAMN good Texas team", while USC lost to Oregon State and Florida to Ole Miss.

Except for that obvious "we will have fewer losses than them" argument. Oh, and they're ahead of us in the BCS standings, so it would be nice if they lost anyway. I'm pretty sure Texas will still be ranked after an unlikely loss to Baylor, which is something Ole Miss and Oregon State can't boast.

11/6/2008, 10:49 PM
There is a major problem down here in Austin from what I hear. There are restaurants down by the stadium that the players often eat at. I can't say who relayed this info but evidently earlier this week 4 of the players were sitting at a table eating and Colt came in and sat down to eat with them. Evidently the original 4 got and left without a word.

Word is there is alot of blaming going on inside the program.

He still hasn't showered since the game.

11/7/2008, 12:55 AM
There is a major problem down here in Austin from what I hear. There are restaurants down by the stadium that the players often eat at. I can't say who relayed this info but evidently earlier this week 4 of the players were sitting at a table eating and Colt came in and sat down to eat with them. Evidently the original 4 got and left without a word.

Word is there is alot of blaming going on inside the program.

Colt is probably one of those guys that wants to divide the tab evenly while he orders appetizers, an expensive entree and desert. I hate those guys.