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View Full Version : Sally, The Poke Fan

10/28/2008, 07:53 AM
Has anyone been listening to WWLS this morning? I know Bedlam is a month away but man the smack has already started thanks to a poke bimbo saying Stoops just earns a paycheck and Gundy cares about winning; Stoops couldn't coach himself out of a brown paperbag; OSU has the facilities; when OSU wins Bedlam, OSU will be the new dominant team in the state. You have got to hear it and they have been taking calls all morning...some of the most hilarious bickering and bantering I have ever heard. I now have no more sheer respect for the Pokes. I hope we lay 70+ on them. If you get the chance, listen later or chime in now, lol.

One OU fan wanted to make a wager to see if Sally's confidence is what it is. OU fan made a bet that if OU wins, Sally would have to get a permanent OU tattoo on herself. If Pokey wins, he would have to get an permanent OSU tattoo on himself. Now, that is a bet.

Hot Rod
10/28/2008, 08:02 AM
Yeah, I heard it. I've been saying this year is probably OSU's greatest in how long? OSU is a one-year wonder. You'll never see these accomplishments (well there really haven't been any) again. It just shows that they care more about being the best team in the state, than rather going for conference and national titles.

10/28/2008, 08:04 AM
Has anyone been listening to WWLS this morning? I know OU-OSU is a month away but man the smack has already started thanks to a poke bimbo saying Stoops just earns a paycheck and Gundy cares about winning; Stoops couldn't coach himself out of a brown paperbag; OSU has the facilities; when OSU wins OU-OSU, OSU will be the new dominant team in the state. You have got to hear it and they have been taking calls all morning...some of the most hilarious bickering and bantering I have ever heard. I now have no more sheer respect for the Pokes. I hope we lay 70+ on them. If you get the chance, listen later or chime in now, lol.

One OU fan wanted to make a wager to see if Sally's confidence is what it is. OU fan made a bet that if OU wins, Sally would have to get a permanent OU tattoo on herself. If Pokey wins, he would have to get an permanent OSU tattoo on himself. Now, that is a bet.

Heard it, but it just shows why I hate osupukes so much they have one good season so far (never mind they have never won anything) (also I am just amazed at the media after puke loss to fexus) You would think they WON that game instead of lost. My goodness I know in basketball you can have a GOOD loss but didn't know you could have a good loss in football.

But let them crow for now otherwise they are still pukes.

10/28/2008, 08:05 AM
It's okay to respect State as a football team this year. Their fans however, are the human form Mr. Pibb.

10/28/2008, 08:06 AM
Sally has an Adam's apple.

10/28/2008, 08:10 AM
7 National Titles, 41 Conference Championships 24 Bowl Apperances 144 All-Americans 64 National Award Winners BACK-TO-BACK Big 12 Championships.

Nothing more said.

10/28/2008, 08:10 AM
What drew the line for me regarding the Pokey fans was in 2006 when they had those damn duck callers. Clearly they didn't care if OU was screwed or not. But damn, such fools.

Some are already crowing they played better against Texas than we did but I must say... OU led; did OSU??

I should have bet Sally.... when she loses, he must be in 100 percent support of MAWW and wear a shirt.

10/28/2008, 08:14 AM
Exactly why I hate OSUcks so much. No class when they lose, no class when they win, no class ever! I wouldn't p*ss on Stillwater if it were on fire.

10/28/2008, 08:18 AM
It's okay to respect State as a football team this year. Their fans however, are the human form Mr. Pibb.

Mr. Pibb rocks

they are more like Dr. Thunder

they haven't done anything yet. at this rate, they aren't even going to win the South.

they are basically playing for #2-#4 in the division (just like us :O)

i'm not sure what the fuss is about.

even if they beat us it won't mean anything. what happened after they beat us two years in a row?


they play the spoiler at best.

Hot Rod
10/28/2008, 08:22 AM
Some are already crowing they played better against Texas than we did but I must say... OU led; did OSU??

I think we scored 35 against that D, how much did they score? Plus, we didn't allow 500 yards of offense against them. :cool:

10/28/2008, 08:25 AM
We'll never hear from her again. She just had to get that stab (poke) in and get out. When it comes to defending their team, they can never back it up beyond one statement.

10/28/2008, 08:32 AM
the pokes get a taste of success (for them it is beating a ranked team) and all of a sudden they just lose their minds. they can't take it.

they have the money, they are the dominant team in the state (mind you they haven't beaten us), they are on their way up , ou fans are rednecks, etc.

it really is quite comical.

what she doesn't understand yet, because she's never experienced it, is it's tough to be on top. winning 10-11 games a year is not easy. only a couple of programs do it. it's one thing to be a flash in the pan, but to be considered a title contender every year, osu will never experience that.

10/28/2008, 10:08 AM
ou fans are rednecks, etc.

WTF is this? How can the inbred hillbillies up north even pretend that they believe that OU fans are the rednecks? They have animal husbandry, they have agriculture, they have the veterinary school, they have horticulture, and they have "Farm House."

Who do they think are populating all these rural-based programs if not the hickest subset of an already agricultural state?

My gosh, you can't even speak reason to these "people." And for some reason, the Big XII has made it worse. Maybe having a conference affiliation with their agricultural cousins in College Station has raised their self-esteem? I don't get it.

And how 'bout this. A&M calls TX "tu" because they do not think of the rival school as "the university" in the state of TX. Being both unoriginal AND retarded, the Stillwater aggies started calling us "uo" because, what?

Typical slack-jawed aggie: Oh, huh? You mean uo actually is short for "The University of Oklahoma"? I guess our new name for you don't make no sense, then, do it?

10/28/2008, 10:33 AM
Pumpkin U. is like China with the Olympics. They build a new stadium, win some medals, next thing you know.....tainted milk.

Partial Qualifier
10/28/2008, 10:45 AM
C'mon...Like some female Poke fan is going to have an obviously prepared list of cutdowns and smack-talk at 7:00AM, and finish it off with "Later, Losers!" -- click.

And, curiously, the "caller's" signal quality was about 5x better than anyone else's.

It was funny, the reactions were funnier, but I'm pretty sure that call was staged, as is most of the Morning Animal stuff.

10/28/2008, 11:08 AM
The pokes here in upper rural Oklahoma are the worst ever.

We HAVE to beat them this year. Losing is NOT an option! :mad:

10/28/2008, 12:24 PM
Yeah, I heard it. I've been saying this year is probably OSU's greatest in how long? OSU is a one-year wonder. You'll never see these accomplishments (well there really haven't been any) again. It just shows that they care more about being the best team in the state, than rather going for conference and national titles.

exactly! you can be a flash in the pan for a year or even a decade (k-state) but OU is here to stay.


10/28/2008, 12:39 PM
I would laugh my **** off of the pukes lost to ISU this weekend! I don't think it will happen but I would laugh and laugh and laugh!

Nov 29 can not come soon enough!

Let's take care of business and deblam will take care of itself.

10/28/2008, 12:48 PM
What would really be nice is for T-Tech to beat both OSU and Texas. If they do that and OU wins out, we might get another shot at the title. :)

10/28/2008, 12:56 PM
What would really be nice is for T-Tech to beat both OSU and Texas. If they do that and OU wins out, we might get another shot at the title. :)

If they beat both of those teams and we beat them we will be playing for the ship I would bet my life on it!

10/28/2008, 01:15 PM

10/28/2008, 01:17 PM
7 National Titles, 41 Conference Championships 24 Bowl Apperances 144 All-Americans 64 National Award Winners BACK-TO-BACK Big 12 Championships.

Nothing more said.

Actually one more thing: 79-16-7, the most lopsided instate rivalry in all of college football.

10/28/2008, 01:38 PM
The people [s]he has known all her life call her Sal. just saying. :hot:

10/28/2008, 05:19 PM
Sally has an Adam's apple.

Yeah,sounded kind of staged to me.I don't think anyone can be that stupid, I don't think......

10/28/2008, 05:20 PM
wow, lose a game to a good Texas team and you get cocky.

10/28/2008, 09:38 PM
Has anyone been listening to WWLS this morning?

You lost me right there.

10/29/2008, 05:07 AM
Well, I think delusional Poke fans are just a further example of a larger trend: The specialization of belief. While we all dig on the Interweb, it has made it so folks who are willing (and often eager) to sequester themselves from subjective truth can find plenty of niches where like-minded, closed-minded folks can swap half-truths, exaggerations, and outright lies with little fear of ever being exposed to objective facts.

When we used to get most of our facts & opinions from more centralized media, it tended to be more objective. It's gotten hip to hate on newspapers, but they've been, throughout the years, a lot less subjective than the sorts of information sources most people rely on these days.

At risk of starting an angry argument, I'll briefly use politics as an example. If you're predisposed to believe so, you can easily find tons of folks who'll shout at the top of their electronic lungs that Obama is a secret Muslim marxist who hates America (and probably likes to drown puppies and kittens in his free time). Or that McCain is a senile technophobe who will drop dead the moment he's sworn in, who can't wait to give every big corporation in America every tax break imaginable (and some we probably can't imagine), and betrayed his country when he was a POW. (I'm actually not as familiar with the smears against McCain, so I'm sorta winging it here. I'm sure there's plenty of nasty stuff about him, too, though.)

Point is, in the old days, there was very little means by which people could circulate the truly nutty nonsense about candidates. You'd have to be a real wackjob to subscribe to some through-the-mail flyer filled with that sort of stuff. Today, it's almost mainstream to suckle at the teat of distortion, and an alarming number of folks seem not just willing, but eager, to believe the most sensational drivel they can find.

I guess crazy stuff is probably fun to believe in, if it supports your hatred for something. Wish I knew some way to convince folks that the truth is better than being nutty as a fruitcake, but I don't. I don't think anyone does.

So, yeah, we can expect Pokes to believe and say that our coach sucks, their coach is better than ours, their loss "proves" they're better than we are, and the way they lost to Tejas not only means they'll beat us, but means that we've entered a new era of football where OU will forever be inferior to the Pokies, while every aspect of their football program exceeds ours: Coaching, recruiting, winning, and infrastructure.

The only argument that'll truly work against them is when their belief doesn't come true, and by the time that happens, they'll believe some fresh drivel. So you never really win, no matter what happens.

stoops the eternal pimp
10/29/2008, 08:18 AM
I would say there are as many delusional Sooner fans as poke fans...just delusional about different things...

If don't believe me, then you are not reading this forum.

10/29/2008, 08:21 AM
I would say there are as many delusional Sooner fans as poke fans...just delusional about different things...

If don't believe me, then you are not reading this forum.

You sound like one of them.

Burn him!!


stoops the eternal pimp
10/29/2008, 08:25 AM
You sound like one of them.

Burn him!!



10/29/2008, 10:40 AM
The part where she says that OSU will be the new dominate team in Oklahoma is what makes me laugh! YOUR TEAM HAS A ALLTIME LOSING RECORD! How can you be the dominate team in Oklahoma if you have a losing record?

I can't wait till we knock them down a few pegs! TO THE BASEMENT WITH YOU!

10/29/2008, 11:56 AM
The part where she says that OSU will be the new dominate team in Oklahoma is what makes me laugh! YOUR TEAM HAS A ALLTIME LOSING RECORD! How can you be the dominate team in Oklahoma if you have a losing record?

I can't wait till we knock them down a few pegs! TO THE BASEMENT WITH YOU!

The basement might hit this weekend for that matter.

Maybe a cyclone will hit stoolwater.

10/29/2008, 12:49 PM
I would say there are as many delusional Sooner fans as poke fans...just delusional about different things...

If don't believe me, then you are not reading this forum.

you could argue that our delusion is based in reality. we are after all 2 time defending conference champs and year in and out have a realistic chance of winning it all.

Big Red Ron
10/29/2008, 01:03 PM
Their inferiority complex is epic.

10/29/2008, 01:06 PM
So Sally thinks because zero state only lost to saxet by 4 points and we lost by 10 that they are a lot better than OU. Well, if that is the case OU scored 35 on saxet and zero state only scored 24. That means we are 11 points better than zero state. Sally is a typical aggie!

----------------------------BOOMER SOONER------------------------------

10/29/2008, 01:16 PM
So Sally thinks because zero state only lost to saxet by 4 points and we lost by 10 that they are a lot better than OU. Well, if that is the case OU scored 35 on saxet and zero state only scored 24. That means we are 11 points better than zero state. Sally is a typical aggie!

----------------------------BOOMER SOONER------------------------------

So we're actually one better.

This one goes to 11.


stoops the eternal pimp
10/29/2008, 01:40 PM
you could argue that our delusion is based in reality. we are after all 2 time defending conference champs and year in and out have a realistic chance of winning it all.

there is some truth to that..

Big Red Ron
10/29/2008, 01:42 PM
Sally sounds like she needs a good ol' stickin.

stoops the eternal pimp
10/29/2008, 05:47 PM

We support OU!

Partial Qualifier
11/24/2008, 10:06 AM
'Sally' called in again this morning (same old scripted schtick), promptly followed by a couple callers accusing the Animal of staging this whole 'Sally' deal. All the hosts clammed up except Steely, who's response was " I can't confirm that.... uhh, not to my knowledge.... "


11/24/2008, 10:18 AM
I wanna ride Stillwater Sally.

11/24/2008, 11:22 AM
I wanna ride Stillwater Sally.You gotta saddle?Trust me you don't wanna ride that nag bareback. :D:D:D

11/24/2008, 01:32 PM
'Sally' called in again this morning (same old scripted schtick), promptly followed by a couple callers accusing the Animal of staging this whole 'Sally' deal. All the hosts clammed up except Steely, who's response was " I can't confirm that.... uhh, not to my knowledge.... "



Jason White's Third Knee
11/24/2008, 02:22 PM
I now have no more sheer respect for the Pokes. I hope we lay 70+ on them. If you get the chance, listen later or chime in now, lol.

One OU fan wanted to make a wager to see if Sally's confidence is what it is. OU fan made a bet that if OU wins, Sally would have to get a permanent OU tattoo on herself. If Pokey wins, he would have to get an permanent OSU tattoo on himself. Now, that is a bet.

You had respect for osu fans? They are ok until OU is brought up.

Sally probably has so many tattoos that that an OU tat would just blend in like the bricks on their stadium.

Hot Rod
12/1/2008, 09:16 AM
Where you at Sally with your smack talk this morning?!

12/1/2008, 09:22 AM
I wanna ride Stillwater Sally.

You have any shears...

12/1/2008, 09:25 AM
Where you at Sally with your smack talk this morning?!

Actually she was on a few minutes ago. Still obsessed with OU. We were "lucky." She hates our team name, when she's not calling us "Gooners." It makes her (New Years) day to see us lose a bowl game.

I think she is what you call "shennanigans."

12/1/2008, 09:29 AM
She's a fan of the University of I Hate OU, which is typical. She isn't worried about their loss to us, just that "you Gooners will embarrass yourselves in yet another BCS championship game".

She's a joke.

She doesn't seem like a Sports Animal set-up. They seemed to be at a loss for her stupid comments this morning as well.

Hot Rod
12/1/2008, 09:34 AM
Ah, didn't get to listen I guess until after she on.

So, she's not really an OSU fan, she's more of an anti-OU fan. Anger management issues, ya think?

12/1/2008, 09:40 AM
I heard her for the first time this morning. Sounded more like a radio bit than anything. That couldn't have been for reals.

Partial Qualifier
12/1/2008, 09:42 AM
It's not.

12/1/2008, 09:47 AM
Sally marches to the same aggie drum beat they have marched to for as long as I can remember, and that's a long time. It goes like this......
1) talk *&%$ up until November when we kick their sorry @^#%*
2) then talk about how much they will enjoy seeing us lose in a bowl game they only wish they could sniff.

12/1/2008, 10:02 AM
It's not.

It's ridiculous to do crap like that. It's an embarrassment to OU, osu and that radio station if they are so boring that they need to make up callers. I have a hard time believing that they are that pathetic (I know. I have higher expectations of the Sports Animal than most around here do). Maybe I should know better.

Hot Rod
12/1/2008, 10:03 AM
Heard the replay a minute ago and she was happy that they lost, because OU has a chance to go to the BCS title game and, of course, would then have a 50/50 chance of winning. You have to love the logic.

12/1/2008, 10:11 AM
It's ridiculous to do crap like that. It's an embarrassment to OU, osu and that radio station if they are so boring that they need to make up callers. I have a hard time believing that they are that pathetic (I know. I have higher expectations of the Sports Animal than most around here do). Maybe I should know better.

Rick from Duncan ring a bell?

stoops the eternal pimp
12/1/2008, 10:14 AM
I didn't listen to her first call but I heard the one this morning...Charleton Heston calls sound more legit than that one

12/1/2008, 11:04 AM
I didn't listen to her first call but I heard the one this morning...Charleton Heston calls sound more legit than that one

You mean there not? :confused: