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View Full Version : **On January 9th, 2009 - we could have this:**

Lott's Bandana
10/25/2008, 04:03 PM
Undefeated Penn State lost to one-loss SEC champion LSU.

One-loss Alabama won Sugar Bowl

One-loss Texas won Fiesta

One-loss Oklahoma won Cotton

One-loss SUC won Rose

One-loss osu won Holiday

The likely BCS standings going into the bowls:

1. PSU
2. LSU
3. texas
4. OU
5. SUC
6. osu

Who should REALLY be the champ?

The AP would love this.

(I realize osu and LSU are losing, but both are in the first half.)

This would frankly be awesome if it happened....I know it won't but it actually could.

10/25/2008, 04:05 PM
Very unlikely.

10/25/2008, 04:42 PM
LSU will not make it to the BCS championship game, even if they come back today.

10/25/2008, 05:06 PM
Yeah, LSU isn't going to be there at the end

10/25/2008, 05:07 PM
OU in the cotton bowl is not likely as of today. We are playing at a holiday-alamo level right now as a team.

10/25/2008, 05:18 PM
My head hurts a little more after reading that. :(

10/25/2008, 05:42 PM
With this defensive gem today against a team that is little more than a glorified high school team...I fully expect OU will not play in a BCS bowl. There is no way in hell that we can outscore TTU at the rate they'll be scoring. Winning at OSU is out of the question. If Austin Box is the answer to the loss of Ryan Reynolds....we are f*cked!!

10/25/2008, 06:02 PM
With this defensive gem today against a team that is little more than a glorified high school team...I fully expect OU will not play in a BCS bowl. There is no way in hell that we can outscore TTU at the rate they'll be scoring. Winning at OSU is out of the question. If Austin Box is the answer to the loss of Ryan Reynolds....we are f*cked!!


I agree.

10/25/2008, 06:06 PM
get ready for a 2 or 3 loss season.............

10/25/2008, 07:14 PM

10/29/2008, 07:41 PM
I am looking for Tech (tech then loses to osu and ou) to beat texas and then Texas and OU run the table.... Texas plays for the B12 championship and wins. We are 1-2 in BCS rankings and play Texas for :pop: NC,,,,,,,........

That would be friggin awesome.

Lott's Bandana
10/29/2008, 07:43 PM
Hey, it was fun to think about...

Didn't imply it was going to happen.