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View Full Version : Okay, I will refrain from anymore politics here...

10/24/2008, 03:10 PM
Not like I don't like to discuss or argue or whatever. People have made up their minds and there is only so much "I said, you say" that is helpful. That and I will be gone the next 2.5 weeks or so on business will keep me busy.

I like the conversations. But I don't drink any kool-aid and I am no ideolog except that I want to keep my money for myself and choose what I do with it rather than a governmental agency or for the good of spreading the wealth. No one deserves my hard earned salary more than me.

So, hopefully the election will go fine, no meltdown and no riots. I assume the sun will rise on Wednesday, Nov. 5. I'll be in the U.K. so that'll be fun.

Peace and out.

10/24/2008, 03:17 PM
Getting out of the country before the final meltdown hmmm. Might be a smart idea.