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10/18/2008, 06:32 PM
Please stopping bitching about the length of the game. You got a date?

10/18/2008, 06:43 PM
that was the worst pair I've heard in a very long time.

10/18/2008, 06:45 PM
Pathetic. That must've been their 8th string crew. At least it was in HD.

Unfortunately, I turned on the radio and it was at least as bad.

10/18/2008, 06:46 PM
Anybody hear them say "Kansas recovers the basketball?" on the fumble that wasn't?

10/18/2008, 06:47 PM
that was the worst pair I've heard in a very long time.

Agreed; it was almost like Cunningham was rooting for KU

10/18/2008, 06:47 PM
Anybody hear them say "Kansas recovers the basketball?" on the fumble that wasn't?
lmao....no. I guess I missed it. Thats just terrible.

10/18/2008, 06:51 PM
I heard it. They were awful.

10/18/2008, 06:51 PM
They were horrible.

Edmond Sooner
10/18/2008, 06:51 PM
Anybody hear them say "Kansas recovers the basketball?" on the fumble that wasn't?

LOL, yes, I heard it.

10/18/2008, 06:58 PM
Please stopping bitching about the length of the game. You got a date?They wanted to to get down to the SF tailgate before the OVJ was all gone.

10/18/2008, 07:00 PM
How about "the Big 12 has 9 quarterbacks in the top FIVE in pass efficiency."?


10/18/2008, 07:02 PM
theyre argument made no sense, its still 60 minutes of football, it doesnt affect players getting hurt

10/18/2008, 07:04 PM
two top 15 teams deserve at the very least Brad Nessler and Bob Griese.

10/18/2008, 08:23 PM
they were whinny all game!

10/18/2008, 08:54 PM
Anybody hear them say "Kansas recovers the basketball?" on the fumble that wasn't?I heard it,I THOUGHT they were trying to be funny.

10/18/2008, 09:39 PM
they were whinny all game! they were just being punk bitches!!

10/18/2008, 09:41 PM
they were bad, but in all fairness, that game DID seem to take forever.

10/18/2008, 09:48 PM
You have to look at the product the way the networks do. Compared to the Pro game (which have much higher ratings) the college game drags. The commerical breaks are far too long and numerous, the refs don't keep the game running in a timely manner and the average lenght of the game is 3:45 minutes (on average) versus 3:10 minutes for the pro game. While the lenght of the game won't deter die hard fans, it tends to turn off the casual observer.
The NCCA should limit commerical breaks to the same amount of time as the pro game and should limit replays (except for the last two minuets of the half)to coaches challenges.

I love love to watch OU both in person and on TV, but how often have we been at a game wondering how long the TV timeout will last? OU high power offense would do even better if the game were shortened.

10/18/2008, 10:20 PM
Anybody hear them say "Kansas recovers the basketball?" on the fumble that wasn't?

Yup. And they also talked about how much better basketball is than football.

I usually don't notice the announcers that much. I hear people complain about them and I just don't even notice other than they say a lot of the same things about the game I tell my wife, only a play or two later and I say, hey, I can do their job! Anyway these were by far the worst announcers I've ever seen. There were several times where they would say something and I'd wonder if we were watching the same play/game.

10/18/2008, 11:30 PM
How about "the Big 12 has 9 quarterbacks in the top FIVE in pass efficiency."?


If this really was said, that is hilarious! Epic Fail!

10/18/2008, 11:31 PM
those announcers today sucked!

10/20/2008, 09:38 AM

I got tired of them calling us cheaters when we committed a procedure penalty and called Reesing a star when he threw his sit-pass. Kansas Basketball indeed.

10/20/2008, 09:47 AM
Guys and Gals, its Ron Franklin, texas fan and Austin resident calling an OU game the week after texas beat us. I've been complaining about him for years.

I have a standing bet with my wife. What is the over/under on how much time it takes for him to mention texas during an OU broadcast? On Saturday it was 4 minutes into the game.

He does Big Monday basketball as well and all of you need to listen to the broadcasts this year and make the same bet. I usually set the over/under on the first tv timeout. In most cases, it doesnt take that long.

But they were really awful this weekend.

- tru

10/20/2008, 10:06 AM
Sounded more like he was a Kansas fan, really. What an *******.

It would also help if they watched the game and described what was going on, rather than what they wish would happen.

Lott's Bandana
10/20/2008, 10:16 AM
The analyst took every opportunity to dilute everything great Sam has done or was doing. It was premeditated. Seemed to be building a case for the "system" instead of his talent, much like the way TT QB's never get credit for throwing 64 billion yards per game.

Our O-line is the fittest in NCAA FB. Losing 10% of their body weight over the offseason running this offense keeps them playing in the 4th quarter. Announcers need to know this stuff and not say, "We'll see what they have in the 4th..." With the exception of the RRS, we have owned the 4th qtrs we choose to not coast through.

10/20/2008, 10:22 AM
If this really was said, that is hilarious! Epic Fail!

They absolutely said it. We cracked up.
The graphic was showing the top 15, but they did say the top 5.

Also heard the basketball comment. I immediately thought of Ron Franklin setting behind a table in Lloyd Noble.

10/20/2008, 11:43 AM
I agree with limiting the number of commercials to be run during the game. Additionally, there should be a limit on repeat commercials. You only have to see the Aflac goose twice. Same for whatever Taco Bell sends up (the stupid ghey 3-steak dudes). After that, instead of commercials, you get the cheerleaders reading the "sponsored by" messages. lol

10/20/2008, 12:24 PM
That game was a long game and I wasn't really sure what made it that way. Hell the first quarter took over an hour. Maybe they should look at the TV timeouts. We seemed to be waiting to come back for a long time.

10/20/2008, 12:32 PM
The game did take a long time i agree, but if you don't know who Ron Franklin is you know exactly now what he is about. I am shocked he doesn't give the camera the longhorn sign when ever it pans to him. He is horrible on big monday basketball games. I don't know why we got the C-squad for a game piting two top 20 teams together but we did. I was at the game and DVR to watch later, what was there problem with our no huddle??? They dogged it all game, so funny.

10/20/2008, 12:44 PM
It has to there were a couple of guys smokin a doobie in the truck laughing and muting their mics that go into the booth ear pieces...

"OK dude...checkout what I'm gonna make him say this time..."

10/20/2008, 02:03 PM
You have to look at the product the way the networks do. Compared to the Pro game (which have much higher ratings) the college game drags. The commerical breaks are far too long and numerous, the refs don't keep the game running in a timely manner and the average lenght of the game is 3:45 minutes (on average) versus 3:10 minutes for the pro game. While the lenght of the game won't deter die hard fans, it tends to turn off the casual observer.
The NCCA should limit commerical breaks to the same amount of time as the pro game and should limit replays (except for the last two minuets of the half)to coaches challenges.

I love love to watch OU both in person and on TV, but how often have we been at a game wondering how long the TV timeout will last? OU high power offense would do even better if the game were shortened.

Aren't the networks are responsible for the length of TV timeouts. Even if formally the NCAA sets some of the limits, how long do you think the NCAA would hold out in fighting the networks to cut down on commercials and thus ad revenue? Why would TV EVER fight to reduce their own ad revenues?

10/20/2008, 02:12 PM
I agree with limiting the number of commercials to be run during the game. Additionally, there should be a limit on repeat commercials. You only have to see the Aflac goose twice. Same for whatever Taco Bell sends up (the stupid ghey 3-steak dudes). After that, instead of commercials, you get the cheerleaders reading the "sponsored by" messages. lol

I don't know if anybody gets this commercial, but here in Northern Virginia I have seen it till I can't stand it anymore.

Alyssa Milano is doing a commercial for some zit creme. I guess they have trouble selling ads on the OU broadcasts on FSN -- which is a premium channel here -- and Alyssa is the default. During our FSN games, they show her commercial endlessly. When they take a three minute break, allowing them to show three one-minute commercials, literally two of the three will be Alyssa. At least she's cute.

Even last week, on Gamecast, she was on about two out of three commercial breaks.

And it is the most stupid, low budget late-night infomercial ad.

10/20/2008, 02:17 PM
We get Dr. Pepper ads with Dr. J.

10/20/2008, 02:23 PM
Official game time was 240 minutes: exactly four hours. That is a long game. Whew.