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View Full Version : Bob Barry or ABC commentary

10/18/2008, 04:41 PM
Im not sure which is worse, listening to BB or these announcers on ABC's broadcast....these guys are brutal. The one guy is ripping Sam for not "going through his progressions"....did he not see that both were covered like blankets?

10/18/2008, 04:42 PM
BBS is much better.

At least he knows this is football, not basketball.

"and KU basketball!"

... I'm half expecting them to say, "and ku will go to the line for free throws"


10/18/2008, 04:45 PM
damn thank u for making a thread about this.

this is seriously


whether it was saying kansas basketball...or callling jimmy stevens and broyles by wrong names...or....aaahhh ill be here all day listing all the mistakes by these commentators.

10/18/2008, 04:46 PM
surprised i didnt hear blake griffin and capel introduced on tv as kelvin sampson and hollis price

10/18/2008, 05:07 PM
the one dude( im not even going to try to know their names) even said, "it looks like he dropped the basketball". You would think a major network could get some better guys than this.

Edmond Sooner
10/18/2008, 05:45 PM
the one dude( im not even going to try to know their names) even said, "it looks like he dropped the basketball". You would think a major network could get some better guys than this.

Heh, I heard that, too. You're exactly right.

10/18/2008, 06:18 PM
It's worse listening to BBS.
Well, in fairness, I don't have the ABC broadcast. So I have no idea how bad they are today, but I'm listening to Bob online. Just awful. I'd have no idea what's going on without gamecast.

Harris County Sooner
10/18/2008, 06:29 PM
BBS is much worse than ABC.

10/18/2008, 07:32 PM
I am pretty sure i heard them call Reesing, Meier more than once late in the game.

However, I had to listen to about a quarters worth of BBS and dear God he is pathetic. On one play he stumbled so badly he finally said, "Well, you know what I mean". He couldn't even get the color of the penalty flag right. On the late hit out of bounds he called it red, and then orange.

And I will tell you what...Merv Johnson is not much better. He doesn't add a damn thing.

A Sooner in Texas
10/18/2008, 07:54 PM
I was driving from Bartlesville to Conroe today (500 fun, fun miles) and listened to BBS for nearly all the game. All I could picture from his playcalling was utter chaos. Thank God for Merv to make some sense out of WTH Bob says.

10/19/2008, 12:06 AM
Ron Franklin was doing a pisspoor job today? He's usually good.

They're rerunning our game on ESPN2 right now.

10/19/2008, 05:10 AM
I was lucky to be able to watch the game on Armed Forces Network, but I even turned the sound off so I would not have to hear the announcers complain on the length of the game and how it was basketball on grass. Also telling the world that the no huddle offense wore out the offensive lineman and that they would not be able to block anyone. It was very annoying.

10/19/2008, 07:13 AM
Ron Franklin was doing a pisspoor job today? He's usually good.

They're rerunning our game on ESPN2 right now.Yeah,that's true,Franklin is usally very good.Don't know what the deal was yesterday.When is BBS going to retire?

10/19/2008, 08:22 AM
I dunno--maybe Franklin was on medication or somethng. He seemed out of it. I listen to BB, but honestly I like Merv Johnson's insights. One has to be careful with BB....sometimes his first statement isn't the way it is....."....pass is complete"....pause ".....no, he dropped it." or, "...ball is on the 25 yard line".....Merv says "....it's on the 15"..."so it is", say Bob. I still had rather listen to radio & Bob, Merv. These TV announcers are too out of touch because they have to cover so many teams during the year. At least with Bob/Merv you get some consistency & good player, strategy insights.