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View Full Version : Teams sliding into oblivion . . .

10/16/2008, 07:02 AM
Wisconsin - reached #8 in the polls after a 3-0 start before losing three straight conference games, a slide that began after blowing a 19-point lead to Meatchicken. No Rose Bowl for Bucky.

Auburn - was ranked as high as #9 after a 3-0 start. Have since gone 1-3, the 1 being an anemic 2-point win over hapless Tennessee.

Arizona State - won first two games and was ranked #13 before losing four in a row.

UCLA - I know, hard to believe were they ever in the Top 25 but they started the season at #23 after what at the time looked like a huge upset of the aforementioned Tennessee. Have gone 1-4 since.

Illinois - ranked as high #21 but not looking very good at 3-3 except for a 45-20 win over Richie Rich.

All is not lost, however, as we enter the third half of the season. Any of these teams, well neither of the Pac 10 teams, could go on a something-0 run and climb back into the rankings and earn that coveted bid to the Backwater Bowl but conference championships are definitely out.

10/16/2008, 07:24 AM
third half of the season.

Math is hard but those fractions are dang near impossible! :D

VA Sooner
10/16/2008, 07:45 AM
This is why Pre-Season polls are such a crock.

A Horn
10/16/2008, 07:54 AM
UCLA will be good again soon.

10/16/2008, 07:57 AM
Clemson was a top ten team. Now they dont have a head coach.

10/16/2008, 09:33 AM
I think most ASU fans are looking forward to the Toilet bowl that will be UA VS ASU. Who sucks more? Right now my money is on ASU.

10/16/2008, 09:55 AM
Math is hard but those fractions are dang near impossible! :D


Man, that WAS impossible! :P

10/16/2008, 10:07 AM
Hmm... let's just do BCS teams, because we all know mid-majors have lowered expectations for the sole fact of being mid-major.

Pac 10: Washington, Wazzu, UCLA, Oregon, Arizona State
Why: "Sliding into oblivion," from a personal standpoint, means an impossible-to-escape downward spiral, and nothing fits that better than a completely defeated UW (nearly went to the championship with us in 2000), a nearly defeated one-win Wazzu (went with us to the Rose Bowl in 2003), a team that seriously is without a quarterback (Oregon, we hate you) and a should-have-been-good-but-now-sucks Arizona State (your academics suck too!).

Big 10: Indiana, Michigan
Why: Being 3-3 isn't awful, so Wisconsin isn't in an insurmountable hole right now... but for a team that wanted to "Play 13" last season (Indy) and a team that wanted a new coach so badly it paid his legal fees to get him (Michigan) you'd expect a more winning record this season. Welcome to oblivion. Population: You.

Big 12: Texas A&M, Colorado
Why: I know I said 3-3 isn't awful, but when your students are so angry (or drunk) that they start throwing team yellow shirts onto the field in the first half of play at Homecoming (yes, referring to Colorado), you are in for an awful season. Also, when your message board becomes a laugh for the saddest badger in the world after losing her avatar/sig to a whorn for two months, you are pathetic (yes, TexAgs.com, referring to you. everyone check out the latest misery thread! (http://texags.com/main/forum.reply.asp?topic_id=1272335&forum_id=5)).

Those are my nominees from the three conferences I know the most about.

10/16/2008, 10:17 AM

Man, that WAS impossible! :P

Line borrowed from CarTalk but if you don't listen then you don't get it.

10/16/2008, 10:35 AM
You will be able to KU on that list pretty soon. I think they were top 15 before losing to South Florida. Maybe as high as 12 or 13? They got past ISU by 2 points and were unimpressive beating CU. They still have to play Oklahoma, Texas Tech, Texas and Missouri. They could easily lose all 4 and end up unranked at the end of the year. They just don't seem to have it going like they did last year.

10/16/2008, 11:37 AM
Clemson was a top ten team. Now they dont have a head coach.

agreed. clemson is in huge trouble.

i can't even remember what conference they're in.:D

Bourbon St Sooner
10/16/2008, 12:08 PM
I think lsu is going on that list after this weekend. Bad quarterback play and big problems in the secondary.