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View Full Version : Anybody see a silver lining in the cloud?

10/11/2008, 03:30 PM
I don't.

But it's still great to be a Sooner. I'm wearing my OU shirt when I go out this evening.

10/11/2008, 03:52 PM
Hey theres still half a season to go, ya never know.

10/11/2008, 03:55 PM
...basketball seasons is almost here?

10/11/2008, 03:56 PM
Sam Bradford is still a badass.

10/11/2008, 03:56 PM
I wasn't looking forward to playing Missouri......

Curly Bill
10/11/2008, 03:57 PM
Bob will fire Venables? :D

There! I said it! :D

10/11/2008, 04:00 PM
no silver lining, but I am still a Sooner fan and once the sting is gone I will be fine. and yes. Bradford is still a bad MOFO

10/11/2008, 04:00 PM
I won't get heckled near as much as y'all out in Oklahoma and Texas, thats all I can think off.

10/11/2008, 04:06 PM
No, there's no silver lining.

We just lost to Texas for the 3rd time in 4 years.
Our (lack of) running game exposed our defense.
Reynolds is out for the year and we apparently have no quality backup.
The Nat'l title is pretty much a lost cause

And even if we again back into the Big XII championship game, I won't be all that ecstatic because this was looking like the year we would play for it all. Backing into championship games just aren't appealing to me. Texas still has scoreboard. I hope it's just my emotions talking but, for now, the season has pretty much lost all its luster for me with this loss.

Curly Bill
10/11/2008, 04:09 PM
for now, the season has pretty much lost all its luster for me with this loss.

Today was definitely a punch in the gut. :(

10/11/2008, 04:09 PM
Yep, it probably is emotions talking, but it just seems like another year now. Nothing special. Maybe it's because we always seem to lose the same way and it happens too often.

10/11/2008, 04:20 PM
Some of you need to change your sigs from "I'd rather be an Oklahoma Sooner!" to, "I'd rather be an Oklahoma Sooner!, Only if the win."

10/11/2008, 04:23 PM
Some of you need to change your sigs from "I'd rather be an Oklahoma Sooner!" to, "I'd rather be an Oklahoma Sooner!, Only if the win."

Don't be a heauxmeaux.

"I'd rather be a Sooner! And I'd appreciate it if we'd kick the living dogsh*t out of Texass, especially when we're better on both sides of the ball."

10/11/2008, 04:24 PM
At least we don't have Boo running his twister-mat special teams anymore.

and at least we didn't lose to Toledo (Michigan.....).

Im not happy with losing, but I will get over this loss here in an hour or two.

10/11/2008, 04:28 PM
No silver lining for me. To make a title run, everything has to come together in a special year and you have to get the breaks too. This year felt special and it looks like next year will require some rebuilding. But I'm not bitchin' - the team played hard and made alot of plays. The horns made a few more.

10/11/2008, 04:28 PM
No, there's no silver lining.

We just lost to Texas for the 3rd time in 4 years.
Our (lack of) running game exposed our defense.
Reynolds is out for the year and we apparently have no quality backup.
The Nat'l title is pretty much a lost cause

And even if we again back into the Big XII championship game, I won't be all that ecstatic because this was looking like the year we would play for it all. Backing into championship games just aren't appealing to me. Texas still has scoreboard. I hope it's just my emotions talking but, for now, the season has pretty much lost all its luster for me with this loss.

he's out for the year? are you sure? and ANYTHING can happen... stop being so negative...

10/11/2008, 04:29 PM
Sam Bradford is still a badass.

Yes. With the exception of no running game, our offense generally performed really well against a very good defense. We're a lot like Texas Tech right now....Big O, Little D.

10/11/2008, 04:30 PM
No silver lining for me. To make a title run, everything has to come together in a special year and you have to get the breaks too. This year felt special and it looks like next year will require some rebuilding. But I'm not bitchin' - the team played hard and made alot of plays. The horns made a few more.

omg its only mid season actually theres more than half of the season left... there are still 7 games left if we make it to the big XII title game... and then a bowl afterwards so 8 games... you mean to tell me you dont think we could make it to a national title game? lsu lost 2 games last year better to lose early rather than late... and to be honest if we dont make it to a title and win a bcs game ill be happy...

and how dare ppl compare us to tech... they are one dimensional ... we barely ran the ball this game... yea we were stopped but we stopped running after a while...

10/11/2008, 04:30 PM
I'm always considered the sunshine pumping optimist. We just need Missouri, Tech, and/or Okie State to beat Texas!

10/11/2008, 04:42 PM
omg its only mid season actually theres more than half of the season left... there are still 7 games left if we make it to the big XII title game... and then a bowl afterwards so 8 games... you mean to tell me you dont think we could make it to a national title game? lsu lost 2 games last year better to lose early rather than late... and to be honest if we dont make it to a title and win a bcs game ill be happy...

and how dare ppl compare us to tech... they are one dimensional ... we barely ran the ball this game... yea we were stopped but we stopped running after a while...

Sure we could still make the title game - I'm just acknowledging that the odds just took a big hit. I still love watching this team and will pull for them all the way. I switched to some other games this afternoon (tOSU, UGA, Colorado, TT,...) and they all look like high school compared to what went on in the cotton bowl today and I appreciate that.

10/11/2008, 04:44 PM
Sure we could still make the title game - I'm just acknowledging that the odds just took a big hit. I still love watching this team and will pull for them all the way. I switched to some other games this afternoon (tOSU, UGA, Colorado, TT,...) and they all look like high school compared to what went on in the cotton bowl today and I appreciate that.

true all i can hope for is a blow out against ku next week to make up for this loss..

10/11/2008, 05:00 PM
***and how dare ppl compare us to tech... they are one dimensional ... we barely ran the ball this game... yea we were stopped but we stopped running after a while...

That's called "being one dimensional." :rolleyes:

10/11/2008, 05:04 PM
I guess my silver lining is that I can forget the poll politics, at least for awhile. I'll quit watching the scoreboard of other games to see if we can slip back in the MNC hunt. As far as I'm concerned, we are out of it, and if we win any game, I'll be happy no matter what anybody else does.

10/11/2008, 05:30 PM
last year a team with two losses won the BCS.

is that silver enough?

10/11/2008, 05:36 PM
Don't be a heauxmeaux.

"I'd rather be a Sooner! And I'd appreciate it if we'd kick the living dogsh*t out of Texass, especially when we're better on both sides of the ball."

You got that right! But apparently some people think that you aren't a true fan if you want to win...whatever kind of sense that makes.

10/11/2008, 05:44 PM
Watching OU getting butt raped in another BCS NC shouldn't be anyone's idea of a silver lining. I'm with Curly Bill, maybe BV will be found another position. Whether it's with OU or another team makes no difference to me.

10/11/2008, 05:52 PM
Yes...I think I saw flashes of the old Demarco Murray at the end of the game.

Maybe he is getting out of his funk. If so, that could really help our run game, clock management, vanilla play calling, and crappy defense!

Our new motto...

35 is not enough

Big D Sooner
10/11/2008, 06:03 PM
OK, first of all, the season is not lost. Texas is very good, but they have weaknesses. I do not think that it is that unlikely that they lose a couple of games this year and OU could get right back into the National Title hunt.
Also, I was at the Cotton Bowl today. If any more Texas fans give me their "Hook-em" hand signal right in my face again, I'm gonna break their f'ing arms.

10/11/2008, 06:46 PM
silver lining: soonerfans.com isnt down like hornfans would be had they lost.

10/11/2008, 06:54 PM
I can now stop worrying that the economy crashing will affect the BCS title game.

Go ahead and tank, America.

10/12/2008, 11:35 AM
Hopefully the D can be realined,it was to tuff a situation loosing Reynolds when we did. We can win out.The heat will be on Texas not to lose two games.I think we come in the back door.BOOMER SOONER!

10/12/2008, 11:42 AM
Sam Bradford is still a badass.

387 yards and 5 TD's, and we STILL LOSE! I dont think this is the last OU-texas matchup we'll see this year, and i dont mean in a game.

Sammy for Heisman!!!

10/12/2008, 11:47 AM
Bob will fire Venables? :D

There! I said it! :D

you said it without saying it, Shhhh. :D

10/12/2008, 11:55 AM
Anybody see a silver lining in the cloud? Yeah. We're not Michigan.
Holy Toledo! Rockets beat Michigan at Big House Toledo got hammered by 'Zona, Florida International, and skunked by Ball State, and goes to the Big House and beats Meatchicken. :D

10/12/2008, 11:56 AM
Seeing how easily Mizzou and LSU went down last night, gives me some more hope that UT, and TT, will lose two and we will be back in the hunt. I may be dreaming......
:( :)

10/12/2008, 12:05 PM
Don't be a heauxmeaux.

"I'd rather be a Sooner! And I'd appreciate it if we'd kick the living dogsh*t out of Texass, especially when we're better on both sides of the ball."

He kinda has a point.