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View Full Version : Nostalgic snacks

proud gonzo
10/7/2008, 11:42 PM
The name-brand thread got me to thinking, i love those generic chocolate/vanilla sandwich cookies because they're awesome and that's the kind of cookie my grandpa always kept in his big glass cookie jar.

And I realize there are a lot of odd foods that i really like because they were favorites when i was a kid or something. A few examples:

Whenever I make burgers in a cast-iron skillet (rather than on the grill) I absolutely crave Mountain Dew...even though I really don't like Mountain Dew. But that's the kind of soda my Grandpa always bought when we were coming to visit. And he usually made us burgers in a skillet instead of on the grill like my dad. So that combination is kinda stuck.

Also, Oscar Meyer bologna sandwiches. I'm pretty sure i lived on them for several years of my childhood. I really don't like bologna...but I also sorta really like it. I don't have any idea how to explain that.

Anyway, there are a lot more I could list. Anybody else have food quirks like that?