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9/26/2008, 07:31 PM
I'm hearing chatter about tomorrow- that would be lame...it must wait until the orange heathens from the North are slain...


9/26/2008, 07:45 PM
You mean the orange heathens from the South? Cause Aggy wouldn't give us much orange throwing time...

9/26/2008, 07:51 PM
Why do people want OU playing in the Orange Bowl?

I thought we strived for MNC's around here...

9/26/2008, 07:54 PM
I'm going to explain this one more time. I don't think it'll help, though, 'cause I'm out of crayons.

The BCS National Championship Game is moved around on a rotation basis between these cities:

-Pasadena, CA
-Glendale, AZ
-New Orleans, LA
-Miami, FL

These four cities also host the "traditional" BCS bowl games: Rose, Fiesta, Sugar and Orange, respectively. Now, here's where it gets complicated, so put down your Action Dan doll and really try to focus, Slappy. The city that hosts the BCS National Championship Game also still hosts their "regular" bowl game earlier that week. Therefore, this year Dolphins Stadium in Miami Gardens, FL will host the traditional Orange Bowl Classic between the ACC champion and an at-large BCS qualifier. THEN, they turn around in a few days and host the BCS National Championship Game in the same stadium, with the BCS #1 playing the BCS #2 for the crystal football and the mythical national championship.

So, to sum up, we want to play in the BCS National Championship Game, not the Orange Bowl. We do not want to play in the Orange Bowl Game, because it is not for the national title, and we do not want to play in the Orange Bowl stadium 'cause it doesn't exist anymore. So if anyone throws oranges before, during, or after any Sooner games (and really try to lean in and get this part, 'cause it's important) YOU ARE A GODDAMMED MORON AND ARE EMBARRASSING THE REST OF US WHO CAN KEEP OUR HEADS FREE AND CLEAR OF OUR OWN *SSES AND UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THINGS THAT ARE DIFFERENT.

Hope that helps.

9/26/2008, 08:09 PM

9/26/2008, 08:19 PM

One down, thousands to go...

9/26/2008, 08:27 PM
Nebraska in Norman = oranges

it's tradition :D

9/26/2008, 08:33 PM
Nebraska in Norman = oranges

it's tradition :D

It will give you a snack to ease the disappointment of only beating Nebraska by 4 touchdowns instead 8 now that we have Pelini.

9/26/2008, 08:39 PM
i hope you are right :D

9/26/2008, 09:28 PM
I thought I already explained - we throw frogs tomorrow. The TCU fans will think it's a plague of biblical proportions and freak out more than some citrus action would.

9/26/2008, 09:44 PM

crystal footballs then?

this might get dangerous.

9/26/2008, 09:46 PM
Just think how much more dangerouser it'll be at Alabama, what with those eleventy brajillion titles they've got. That's a lot of crystal footballs to throw.

9/26/2008, 10:24 PM
I'm going to explain this one more time. I don't think it'll help, though, 'cause I'm out of crayons.

The BCS National Championship Game is moved around on a rotation basis between these cities:

-Pasadena, CA
-Glendale, AZ
-New Orleans, LA
-Miami, FL

These four cities also host the "traditional" BCS bowl games: Rose, Fiesta, Sugar and Orange, respectively. Now, here's where it gets complicated, so put down your Action Dan doll and really try to focus, Slappy. The city that hosts the BCS National Championship Game also still hosts their "regular" bowl game earlier that week. Therefore, this year Dolphins Stadium in Miami Gardens, FL will host the traditional Orange Bowl Classic between the ACC champion and an at-large BCS qualifier. THEN, they turn around in a few days and host the BCS National Championship Game in the same stadium, with the BCS #1 playing the BCS #2 for the crystal football and the mythical national championship.

So, to sum up, we want to play in the BCS National Championship Game, not the Orange Bowl. We do not want to play in the Orange Bowl Game, because it is not for the national title, and we do not want to play in the Orange Bowl stadium 'cause it doesn't exist anymore. So if anyone throws oranges before, during, or after any Sooner games (and really try to lean in and get this part, 'cause it's important) YOU ARE A GODDAMMED MORON AND ARE EMBARRASSING THE REST OF US WHO CAN KEEP OUR HEADS FREE AND CLEAR OF OUR OWN *SSES AND UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THINGS THAT ARE DIFFERENT.

Hope that helps.

dude, i think people are just trying to carry on the tradition. maybe, i give people too much credit, but i thought everyone already knew what you stated.

9/26/2008, 10:31 PM
I think you're giving them way too much credit. Dollars to donuts, the people talking about throwing oranges think the BCS title game is still the same as the Orange Bowl.

9/26/2008, 11:58 PM
Let's throw em after texass, then hold them til we beat the cowgirls.

9/27/2008, 01:12 AM
It's still the orange bowl.

9/27/2008, 01:17 AM
I don't know. I said Orange Bowl referring to the NC game today around quite a few football fans and nobody got all "nerdy technical" on me. Jus sayin.

9/27/2008, 01:36 AM

If your ask somebody what bowl do you want to be in this year?? Orange bowl is the number one response.

9/27/2008, 01:38 AM
Question what did we win in 2000-01? the orange bowl ,or National championship? Exactly its just as much both, orange and MNC.

9/27/2008, 07:34 AM
Okay, superguy, if the BCS title game is the Orange Bowl, then how come they also play the Orange Bowl a few days before? Do they have TWO Orange Bowls?

I'll help you, 'cause you're an idiot and will get it wrong otherwise: No, they don't.

9/27/2008, 07:41 AM
Question what did we win in 2000-01? the orange bowl ,or National championship? Exactly its just as much both, orange and MNC.

That was before they added a 5th game.

9/27/2008, 08:35 AM
So, let me get this straight. The big 12 championship game moves around from 4 different cities and this year it's at the orange bowl. But it's not called the orange bowl anymore? And there's gonna be more than 1 championship game? Where's the national championship game gonna be?

9/27/2008, 08:38 AM
The oranges spew from the stands in stoolwater like tennis balls from a machine...:D


9/27/2008, 08:44 AM
The system hs changed. The new BCS National Championship game will take place one week after the BCS Bowl games have been played.

Sooooooo, there will be an Orange Bowl game. Then, one week later, the BCS National Championship game will be played. It will NOT be the Orange Bowl, and it will be played at Dolphin Stadium.

No more orange throwing at any stadium. Unless, of course, we want to settle for playing in the Orange Bowl game (also played at Dolphin Stadium) instead of playing for the National Championship.

9/27/2008, 09:06 AM
Boy oh boy, this is really getting confusing now. So....the Orange bowl is changing its name to Dolphin Stadium for the championship game? Should we throw dolphins or will that **** off PITA too much? Someone help me out with this....

Landthief 1972
9/27/2008, 09:07 AM
Regardless of what it's called, throwing oranges 4 games into the season is completely Aggy-ish.

9/27/2008, 09:12 AM
They grow oranges in Miami.

9/27/2008, 09:15 AM
Boy oh boy, this is really getting confusing now. So....the Orange bowl is changing its name to Dolphin Stadium for the championship game? Should we throw dolphins or will that **** off PITA too much? Someone help me out with this....

the Orange Bowl game was at the same stadium the last two times we went there. it hasn't been at the Orange Bowl in some time. the Hurricanes don't play there anymore either, they also play at Dolphins Stadium. if i remember right, they tore the place down, and Miami lost their last game there.

9/27/2008, 09:17 AM
Regardless of what it's called, throwing oranges 4 games into the season is completely Aggy-ish.

way too early. that was part of the Nebraska thing. we used to play them around Thanksgiving

9/27/2008, 09:29 AM
the Orange Bowl game was at the same stadium the last two times we went there. it hasn't been at the Orange Bowl in some time. the Hurricanes don't play there anymore either, they also play at Dolphins Stadium. if i remember right, they tore the place down, and Miami lost their last game there.

Thanks Yermon. I'm just stirring the pot. By the way, I wonder if we'll have to pull Jarboe's redshirt today??

9/27/2008, 10:00 AM
I thought I already explained - we throw frogs tomorrow. The TCU fans will think it's a plague of biblical proportions and freak out more than some citrus action would.

I'd be happy with ONE frog thrown on the field...that would be hilarious.

9/27/2008, 10:04 AM
They really need a name for that game that ends in the word "Bowl," like "All the Marbles Bowl"

:D Of course, that would result in fans pelting marbles :D

9/27/2008, 10:05 AM
Boy oh boy, this is really getting confusing now. So....the Orange bowl is changing its name to Dolphin Stadium for the championship game? Should we throw dolphins or will that **** off PITA too much? Someone help me out with this....

No, the Orange Bowl game is still called the Orange Bowl, even though it's not at the ancient and decripit Orange Bowl stadium. It's just that the Orange Bowl game will be played at the same time as all the other BCS Bowl games.

Then, the National Championship game will be played in Dolphin Stadium one week later.

Lott's Bandana
9/27/2008, 10:15 AM
They really need a name for that game that ends in the word "Bowl," like "All the Marbles Bowl"

:D Of course, that would result in fans pelting marbles :D

Victoria's Secret Bowl

9/27/2008, 10:46 AM
heh. good luck convincing the OU fans to NOT throw oranges. Its tradition and people will know what is implied by throwing damn oranges.

Hey, if the MNC was in Passadina this year, you would expect to see some roses around too. Cmon guys. Dont be snobs.

9/27/2008, 11:31 AM

If your ask somebody what bowl do you want to be in this year?? Orange bowl is the number one response.

Wrong. The Orange Bowl is closed and is being demolished.

9/27/2008, 11:56 AM
Throwing oranges at the 4th game of the seasonis doesn't make much sense. There is nothing snobbish about waiting until it it appropriate. Let's prove who we are before we smack people with oranges. I have nothing against throwing oranges or roses or tacos or even sugar but don't do it before the season really gets started!

9/27/2008, 11:58 AM
I must admit that I would laugh if someone threw a frog on the field though. :) Just thinking about that makes me laugh out loud.

9/27/2008, 12:04 PM
Actually, you don't throw anything.

Unless you want to make some fake crystal footballs to throw onto the field.

9/27/2008, 12:14 PM
Why do people want OU playing in the Orange Bowl?

I thought we strived for MNC's around here...

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

9/27/2008, 12:17 PM
So, let me get this straight. The big 12 championship game moves around from 4 different cities and this year it's at the orange bowl. But it's not called the orange bowl anymore? And there's gonna be more than 1 championship game? Where's the national championship game gonna be?

OMG my head hurts now!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

9/27/2008, 12:48 PM
Is there nothing better to discuss, its a matter of symantics people, get over it..

9/27/2008, 12:58 PM
The over-reaction to this thread is aggy......

Let everyone have their fun and do whatever they want to cheer. I must say it's a lot better than jumping onto someone for bringing up tradition.....try having some fun instead of being a tard.:P

That is all......