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View Full Version : I Have a Really F***ed Up Story to Share...

Viking Kitten
9/22/2008, 10:24 AM
My mom and I were on our way home from a road trip to New Orleans yesterday, driving on I-49 north of Alexandria, La. I saw some kind of accident happen maybe a mile or so ahead of us, although I couldn't see exactly what happened.

By the time I drove up on the accident, I could see a woman kneeling over what looked like a child in the grass outside their car. A couple other people had pulled over, but they were just kind of standing there. So I pulled over, called 911 and gave them as good a description as I could of where we were. We were about 10 miles from the closest town.

So the mom is in hysterics, (like I would have been had I been in her shoes) screaming, "my baby's dead, my baby's dead." I walked over to her, dreading what I was going to see. There was a little girl, 11 years old I came to find out, lying there, the left side of her head was a mess, her ear was basically obliterated. I though she was dead too. I was just going to put my arms around the mom when I saw the little girl open her eyes.

Now I don't know crap really about CPR beyond what I learned in Girl Scouts 20 years ago, but I remembered you must make sure not to move the person, and put a blanket on them so they won't get into shock. So I grabbed a blanket out my mom's van, covered her up, instructed her (unhurt) brother to stay with my mom in the van, and just took the little girl's hand. I talked to her calmly about nothing in particular and kept the mosquitos away from her wounds. A guy who seemed a bit more knowlegable about first aid drove up, he put on latex gloves, examined her and talked to her too. Meanwhile I talked to the mom trying to get her calmed down too.

This went on for a half an hour until the ambulance finally showed up. While the paramedics were rolling her on the stretcher, I looked inside the car and figured out what happened. Some idiot in a big pickup truck (who was there the whole time, I think he was just in shock) came up behind their little car, apparently reached over to answer his cell phone and just rammed them from behind. He swerved enough so that the driver side got all the impact. (That's why the brother was unhurt.) The rear driver side was smashed up into the driver's seat, I think the top of the driver's seat belt is what scraped her ear away.

Anyway, the little girl, whose name is Amber, begged me to not to leave her, I told her the doctors and her mom would take good care of her. Her mom had regained some composure by then.

The highway patrol had still not shown up, and since I didn't really witness the accident, just the aftermath. There were some guys there who had seen the whole thing, so when the ambulance took Amber away, I just decided I wanted to get home, back to my kids, really, really bad. So I left. I just sat in the car shaking for two hours while my mom drove.

Anyway, when I was talking to the mom, she was crying about how her babies would be dead if they hadn't been seatbelted. I told her what a good mommy she was to make sure they were wearing them.

I'm thinking I'll call the Louisiana Highway Patrol today to make sure Amber made it and she's okay.

9/22/2008, 10:28 AM
The worst feeling in the world is seeing something like that and then leaving after the victims are taken away.

You need some closure...call the LHP.

You did what most people don't do...helped with what you could.

Hot Rod
9/22/2008, 10:28 AM
Incredible story. Glad you were there to assist VK. Keep us informed.

9/22/2008, 10:29 AM
Thats terrible...

9/22/2008, 10:32 AM
Good girl. It always amazes me how many people will drive/walk/flee from these kinds of things instead of stopping to help.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/22/2008, 10:37 AM
good on you VK...

9/22/2008, 10:39 AM
Wow...you did what most wouldn't. Hope you hugged your kids tight...

9/22/2008, 11:10 AM
What a horrible experience. Well done, VK.

9/22/2008, 11:14 AM
Very impressive VK. Helping a child....you my hero for today.

9/22/2008, 11:16 AM
Hear, hear. Good on yer, VK! I'm sure everything is just fine, and the kids will have learned an important lesson about seatbelts and defensive driving. I can't imagine what state I would be in if those were my kids!

9/22/2008, 11:17 AM
That's a tremendous act of love. Based on this incident, and seeing every kid walking around like a zombie with a phone attached to his/her ear....sometimes I wish they'd never been invented.

BTW, did you all see the story about Tony Romo stopping to help an elderly couple with a flat tire after the Eagles' game? They thanked him and the man said, "don't tell me who won! I'm going home to watch the game now."

9/22/2008, 11:32 AM
Good Jorb, You apparently had some impact on the little girl.

9/22/2008, 11:37 AM
It's sad that this is considered a "tremendous act".

Why don't people just help when they see something like this?

I'm constantly disappointed in the human species.

9/22/2008, 11:44 AM
Major Kudos for you to step up and help, most people don't want to get
involved. SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/22/2008, 12:01 PM
I'm glad you were there VK.

Viking Kitten
9/22/2008, 01:22 PM
I called, she's alive. Don't know about her condition though.

I almost didn't call because I was afraid they might tell me otherwise. I hope I never have to see anything like that ever again.

Wear your seatbelts.

9/22/2008, 01:33 PM
That's my girl, VK! Glad to hear the girl is doing ok.

9/22/2008, 01:49 PM
1. Glad you called.

2. I hope you never have to see anything like that again.

3. Wear your seatbelts.

4. There's a dead horse somewhere in horsie heaven who is pissed cause he didn't get his hand held.

9/22/2008, 03:38 PM
VK For President.
Have you calmed down yet ?
Im proud to Know you.

9/22/2008, 03:54 PM

Ears come off pretty easy from what I know. Dad and Uncle were ENT Surgeons. I also believe if her ear wasn't useable...they have many prosthetic stuff available now.

I'm betting the worst of it is over and she'll recover and eventually be AOK.

I had an awful accident as a kid and I turned out...I turned out...

I'm alright. :D

You did a great thing...good on you.


Viking Kitten
9/22/2008, 04:19 PM
Yeah, her ear was just pretty well gone.

What was wierd was that I stayed as calm as did, because I don't handle stuff happening to kids very well. It kind of seemed and felt like I was watching a movie almost. Wierd. It was only after it was over and I left that that I was freaking out. I'm still a little shaky today.

Viking Kitten
9/22/2008, 04:25 PM
And I'm guessing that her family does not have a lot of money, so I hope that does not become an issue in her getting a prosthetic or whatever.

9/22/2008, 04:30 PM
Insurance may take care of much of that. If she was coherent after the accident and she's made it through the night, I would imagine her chances of living a healthy, happy life from here on out are much higher. Rest easy!

9/22/2008, 04:51 PM
And I'm guessing that her family does not have a lot of money, so I hope that does not become an issue in her getting a prosthetic or whatever.

The Pickup Driver better hope He has Great Ins.
Or Hes gonna be Payin out the wazzo.

9/22/2008, 04:59 PM
accidents involving children are so hard on people. You are super strong for keeping it together and being a calming presence for both the mother and the child.

9/22/2008, 07:41 PM
Good on ya VK.

9/22/2008, 07:50 PM
VK it's folks like you that helped my family out back in 98 when they wrecked in New Mexico. God Bless you and yours for your act of Charity.

9/22/2008, 07:54 PM
Good for you, VK.

Just... wow.

9/22/2008, 07:55 PM
Kudos to you for stopping and giving some protection and comfort to the mom and child. At least in their eyes that small act probably meant the world to them.

9/22/2008, 08:35 PM
We need more people in this world like VK...

9/22/2008, 08:45 PM
Wow, what a story VK. Props to you for helping as much as you could, not everyone would (or could) do that.
Seatbelts will help more than they will hurt. I don't know why so many people can't figure that out.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
9/22/2008, 09:33 PM
You've got some big kahunas to stop and help. I probably would have just called 911. I see wrecks or someone having car trouble, and I think of roger Dale and Verna Stafford killing that Lorenz family when Verna faked car trouble.

I'm glad the little girl is ok. You were definitely her angel.

And just so my post isn't totally sappy. . .I'm with Dean. Somewhere a horse called Wildfire is getting revenge on the woman who killed him. Such revenge comes in the form of Horsepigs sent from Horsie Hell.

9/22/2008, 09:35 PM
Proud of you, VK.

You were there for a reason, that's for sure.

9/22/2008, 09:48 PM
I'm glad spek is back so I could leave you some for doing the right thing.

That being said if where you work does not have company sponsored First Aid and CPR class please go to the Red Cross, Vo-Tech or somewhere that has classes, so you too can be prepared if you are ever called on to help in an emergency. It might not be a stranger but a family member and you would hate yourself for not knowing what to do.

9/22/2008, 10:06 PM

9/22/2008, 10:44 PM
Way to go.

Lott's Bandana
9/22/2008, 10:48 PM

Bet you could give a flip now that the house is a mess.

9/22/2008, 10:52 PM
Atta girl, VK.

In my experience, a large majority of patient care isn't bandages, oxygen, medicine, or skill. It's that hand you held, that calm, reassuring voice, and an anchor, a smile when the **** has officially hit the fan. Not many folks out here in my line of work understand that, sadly. But you do.

And in a lot of cases, it's the best medicine you can give. Damn fine, VK. Damn fine.

9/26/2008, 10:54 PM
Absolutely wonderful of you, VK. God bless ya. We're proud, but not at all surprised.


If you can, keep us updated on her recovery. It'll do you a world of good to find out, too.

Spekfest for VK.

A Sooner in Texas
9/26/2008, 11:00 PM
You did everything right and that little girl will NEVER forget you. Good job.
If we had a heart smiley every post on here would be full of them for you.

9/27/2008, 10:11 AM
I puffy heart VK she's a good momma to all the chilrens :)

9/27/2008, 10:26 AM
How did I miss this thread after a week?

You did good, VK.

9/27/2008, 10:47 AM
Gol dang, that **** got me all teary eyed. Good on you VK. You probably did as much good as medical attention just helping the victims keep it together.

Viking Kitten
9/27/2008, 10:53 AM
Thank you guys all so much for the kind posts in this thread and the wonderfully sweet spek comments a lot of you left. You guys are all just awesome. And Dean, your horse comment cracked my a** up on a day when I really needed the laugh.

You guys are all smart and funny and just really f'in cool people. I really like being a member of this community. Hope to meet everyone at a tailgate this year...BOOMER SOONER!

9/27/2008, 10:54 AM
True dat, Veritas. I read this right after VK put it up and just came back to it today. I got choked up the first time and I got choked up the second time.

I pray that if I'm ever in a similar situation I'd react in the same way.

I also pray that that poor little girl and her family are going to be ok.

Woe be on the jerk that caused that accident though.

9/27/2008, 12:06 PM
I don't know what else to add.

You didn't really know much about trauma care, or even first aid, but you offered simple human decency and seemed to have a real big impact.

Thanks for what you did.

9/27/2008, 12:10 PM
Good jorb, VK!

I really want to learn first aid and CPR for this very reason. I signed up with this place a mile down the street. So, I paid $35 that busted my weekly budget and they plopped us in front of a TV and we watched a video. That was it! I was so ticked! I learned more watching ER & Scrubs than watching that stupid thing! :mad:

Anyways, I sure hope that I would have your composure if I ever saw something like that.

9/27/2008, 03:20 PM
Way to go VK :) I have often told myself I need to learn CPR and I have yet to do it. Your experience has inspired me to seek out a CPR class near me. Like the other posters have said, I would hate myself if it was a family member who needed it and I didn't know how to perform CPR.

I'm impressed with how calm you were. I am not sure I could be that calm. On the other hand, as we moms do, you do whatever is needed at the time and think about it later.
