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View Full Version : Heroes, Season 3

9/19/2008, 07:25 PM
I watched Heroes religiously during the first season, but, I must admit that I haven't seen a single episode of season 2 (I think I saw most of the first episode).

What do I need to know? I can't find a sum-up video on the NBC website.

9/19/2008, 08:46 PM
You've got 2 days before they expire, so you can watch the last 5 episodes still on Hulu, or NBC's Web site. There's enough "Previously on Heroes" backstory in those episodes to get you pretty well caught up.



9/19/2008, 09:14 PM
There is going, or there is SUPPOSED to be a review show at 7pm eastern monday before the 2hr premier.

Dr Shuresh gains powers thru a shot he gives himself, there is a speedy chick joining the cast, Elle turns good, the goody two shoes chick turns bad...I think according to the previews, there is a bald man who claims to be Peter who.....has ties to the shooter of his brother, Nikki and her other half is alive,less of Maya I hope...she is a waste of time, oh yeah....Sylar cracks open a certain cast members skull and wants a taste of whats in there....heh.

"I don't eat brains, that's gross"

This season, Ando gains powers which should be pretty good since I think he was under used last season other than to say "Hiro, where the **** did you go now d00d??"

Oh yeah, I just pissed myself watching this....


Hot Rod
9/30/2008, 07:58 AM
Someone sure is being nice all of a sudden, especially in the previews next week.

9/30/2008, 08:37 AM
Heh, Sylar looks goofy as hell in the ads for next week.
I'm sick of Claire, and what happened to Elle? She didn't get her skull opened up due to her electrical storm she created...is she dead?
I've said it before, PETER IS A MORON.

King Crimson
9/30/2008, 08:44 AM
Maya, while annoying, i'm disappointed the "her being topless" angle is hitherto unexplored in the way it could be.

Hot Rod
9/30/2008, 08:49 AM
Yeah, Peter's high caliber character isn't what it was the past two seasons. I figured Elle was the one carted off in front of Noah and Mrs. Petrelli...could be wrong? Interesting spin on Zimmerman's "creation".

9/30/2008, 08:58 AM
no, the chick carted off was the one Mrs. Petrelli brought in to 'feed' Sylar.

I think she was the one who could see anything or anyones history by touching it.

9/30/2008, 09:00 AM
And I love Claire, but her power is really, really sad and lame. She can't be killed. woofreakinghoo...that'll come in handy in a big battle. She has no offense.

And here's a question no one has asked, how in the heck did future peter get that scar on his face since he has Claire's rejuvenating power?

Hot Rod
9/30/2008, 09:20 AM
Oh yeah, forgot about that chick. Good question about Peter's scar. Kinda comical with Hiro and "Robin".

Scott D
9/30/2008, 09:46 AM
I think it's out there that Mama Petrelli has two sons that have two different methods of gaining powers from other people. For crissakes, just give that ability to Nathan already.

9/30/2008, 10:32 AM
maybe the haitian was in the room when peter was sliced with a sword (i suspect hiro's sword).

9/30/2008, 10:55 AM
Heh. Did anybody notice the speedster chick when the Haitian was there? The way she ran reminded me of Phoebe on Friends. Her arm and legs were flailing all about like a little kid running on the playground. :D

Scott D
9/30/2008, 11:25 AM
Heh. Did anybody notice the speedster chick when the Haitian was there? The way she ran reminded me of Phoebe on Friends. Her arm and legs were flailing all about like a little kid running on the playground. :D

I just noticed her boobs when she was flailing.

9/30/2008, 03:49 PM
As I posed in the other thread, WTF is Mohinder becoming?

9/30/2008, 04:20 PM
maybe you should ask the writers.

i think he is just suffering a side-effect from proactively activating his dormant abilities. like, dont f*ck with nature mohinder.

i used to think that mohinder had an ability that just wasnt shared with the viewers.. that he didnt need sleep. he was just awake 24x7 which allowed him to be able to constantly read, and study, and learn, and become the genius that he is. guess it wasnt a cool enough power and had to turn into the Hindulk (hindu hulk)

9/30/2008, 04:37 PM
As I posed in the other thread, WTF is Mohinder becoming?


9/30/2008, 05:26 PM
As I posed in the other thread, WTF is Mohinder becoming?

10/6/2008, 09:09 AM
The show is full of inconsistencies. How did Claire's real mom breath when Claire was suffocating? I'll keep watching but it is full of disappointment so far this season.

Hot Rod
10/6/2008, 09:58 AM
How can you be disappointed about the Greatest American Hero making a cameo?

10/6/2008, 11:14 AM
I thought that was Paul Drake Jr. ?

Sorry for the obscure Perry Mason reference! ;)

Hot Rod
3/10/2009, 09:55 AM
Despite its average ratings lately, Heroes has been given the green light to plan for a 4th season.


3/10/2009, 12:31 PM
This show went off of my watch list whenever the revealed that, oh no, a major city is about to be destroyed. I'm pretty sure they've done that one before. Sorry Heroes writers, you just lost me.

3/10/2009, 12:43 PM
The dialogue, ESPECIALLY Syler/Gabriel's, just seems to be sooo cheeeeeeeesey now. Claire's existence at the moment is boring and pointless. The Petrelli borthers love, hate, love hate. It's just all kind of going in circles it feels like. The introduction of the head of the government squad, the ruthless hunter guy, was good, but it looks like maybe Syler kills him next week. That was the only compelling plotline lately: Petrelli v. the Hunter.

3/11/2009, 11:06 AM
I think it's interesting to watch if Peter will be able to use any and all of his absorbed powers rather than just the last one absorbed. Also, I do like how Sylar is the loveable killer. Other than that, this season is a yawner (so far).

3/11/2009, 04:02 PM
, this season is a yawner (so far).
and it's sucked arse too! Really, name the show Heroes but forget to have people do things with their powers for most of the episode. I am tired of all the freaking talking. I guess having super powers also gives you all kinds of psychological issues? Hiro is one of the fun parts of the show and hasn't been on for 3.9999995 episodes(last few seconds of the last episode shouldn't realy count) and when he has been there it's without powers. The whole Sylar angle could have been summed up in about 10 minutes of one episode, they drug it out for 4 and it's still stupid! :D

3/13/2009, 09:36 AM
I'm about to drop Heroes. I have 2 to watch, and am thinking that spring training baseball will win out. Or Top Gear.

4/7/2009, 03:14 PM
I guess having super powers also gives you all kinds of psychological issues?

Hey, welcome to the Marvel Universe! ;)

Hopefully the returned prodigal son (writer) can right this ship by the end of the season. At least Mohinder doesn't make me want to throw up when I see him now.

All they have to do is fix Peter and Hero and we might start getting some better story lines coming up. One power at a time Peter is pretty lame.

4/7/2009, 03:40 PM
Hey, welcome to the Marvel Universe! ;)

Hopefully the returned prodigal son (writer) can right this ship by the end of the season. At least Mohinder doesn't make me want to throw up when I see him now.

All they have to do is fix Peter and Hero and we might start getting some better story lines coming up. One power at a time Peter is pretty lame.
Gotta admit last night was good, when Noah's wife handed him the divorce papers and walked out I thought hmmm, that is odd but then explained it a second later.
Now that his world is coming down around him, I suspect Danko is short lived(I hope, his character other than last night sucked)and it's time to go.
Hiro and Ando were pretty funny but are wasted the past weeks sitting with baby, the meeting place where everyone is at the end gave me one of those oh**** moments.

I agree if Fuller stays the course then Heroes my turn it around but it will be tough to do, many fans have given up on the show.

There is an article on Aint' it Cool News where Fuller is talking about bringing Ali Larter back.....no, i'm not ****ting you either.

Let her go, no more bringing back the dead!:mad:

4/7/2009, 05:36 PM
There is an article on Aint' it Cool News where Fuller is talking about bringing Ali Larter back.....no, i'm not ****ting you either.

Let her go, no more bringing back the dead!:mad:

Well, they did already say there were a number of clones of her.

The show is really just silly. I don't know why I watch anymore. It is just good enough to hook me week-by-week.

4/7/2009, 10:08 PM
Well, they did already say there were a number of clones of her.

The show is really just silly. I don't know why I watch anymore. It is just good enough to hook me week-by-week.

In the interview mentioned before, the returned writer mentioned that they shouldn't do anymore of that cloned stuff. He thought that it was just got too much into the realm of science fiction and it just makes people confused.

He also said that in the episode that she froze herself, the final eye blink was supposed to be a tear but the special effects guys got it messed up.

I think that this season has been fairly entertaining and I have hope for the show. It has already been renewed for next season.

Did anyone else catch that Sylar turned in his dad. I heard Denko mention that a cancerous old man and someone else weren't exactly high quality catches or something that resembled that.