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View Full Version : US Illuminati Agent #0931 Collared For Seeking Soviet Warhead in Knoxville Museum

9/17/2008, 08:29 PM
Local Cops Are The Buffoons, Obviously (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,424102,00.html)

Smith told police he was a "special agent from the United States Illuminati, badge number 0931" and had rappelled onto the museum from a helicopter, a police report said.

He said he was following orders to "defuse and confiscate" a Soviet-made nuclear warhead, specifically a "MERV6SS-22AN" warhead, according to the report. The bomb supposedly was hidden in a blue, plastic cow sculpture in the museum basement, he said.

However, Smith told officers his "agency" called while he was in air-vent limbo to say it made a mistake and the bomb might be in a Memphis museum instead.

9/18/2008, 06:53 AM
And the race to the bottom of the stupidity chain continues!

9/18/2008, 08:13 AM
It's all fun and games until the Illuminati Agents turn their eyes on YOU. And break in to try to defuse the armed Crapistani warhead that's buried in the leftover meatloaf in the fridge.

National security, man! NATIONAL SECURITY!

9/18/2008, 08:21 AM
If we didn’t have these Illuminati Agents, the king of England could just walk in here anytime he wants and start shoving you around.
Do you want that?
Huh? Do you?

9/18/2008, 08:23 AM
DO YOU!?!?!?

*pounds fist into open palm*