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View Full Version : Granger Play/Injury v. UW

9/17/2008, 01:12 AM
I know this has been re-hashed elsewhere, but I just looked at this play again and noticed some completely unbelievable stuff. Maybe you noticed it too, but I couldn't let it go unmentioned.

Play A - UW tight end flinches for a false start and right as the whistle is blown the UW line goes into pass protect and OU line starts rushing the QB. Granger, in full-on rush the QB mode, pushes the RG, who was off-balance and the RG falls backwards. Looking at the play several times, it certainly didn't look malicious, just a silly mistake.

Immediately the UW players (including Jake Locker) get offended and charge Granger who had his back turned and was walking the other way, apparently oblivious to his error. Granger turns around and gives a "what did I do?" look as the UW players start running at him. A small ruckus ensues, with the OU players getting in the way of the UW line and Granger. Refs break it up quickly.

Granger is assessed a personal foul penalty, which I think is somewhat fair.

Here's where it gets interesting - Juan Garcia (senior center, who took offense to Granger's move) goes to his line-mates and says something to them right before they line back up into formation. It looks like he's speaking to #79 and #71, the LT and RT, perhaps to let them know what the "plan" is on Granger.

THEN, almost as if "on cue", the commentators start talking about Juan Garcia's "tough" upbringing, how he was involved in gangs and such!!!

Next Play - OU rushes 4, with Granger and McCoy in the middle. The TE takes Auston English on. The LT takes on McCoy by himself. The RT takes on Beal. But the RG, C, and LG ALL take on Granger. Granger leans in and gets a push while the RG #72 and C #58 (Juan Garcia) try to hold him up.

Then LG #76 comes around the back of Granger and lays on his back leg, likely causing his injury. Granger is clearly injured at this point as he rolls over onto his back. As he's going down, two of them sit on Granger and pound him a few times while he's laying on his back. #72 shoves his head into the ground and throws a punch into the upper body while #76 lays on his legs and throws a punch to the side of his gut.

That may just be the dirtiest play I've seen in all of college football this year. That's almost worthy of Miami Hurricane lore, and is akin to the Merriweather incident against Florida International 2 years ago. Garcia, apparently still affiliated with gangs...only on the field now instead of off, clearly instigates the event. To me, that makes it worse, because it was pre-meditated, and those thugs could have caused severe damage to a promising NFL career...just because #72 is a clumsy turd who got his fat *** embarrassed on national TV.

But wait...there's more! In order to "settle the score", those 3 buffoons leave a TE and 2 tackles behind to take on McCoy, English, and Beal one-on-one. As a result, OU gets a devastating pass rush that causes Locker to step up and try to run, where Ryan Reynolds is waiting and he plants Locker into the turf. Locker is injured, perhaps having the **** knocked out of him. Fouch replaces him and he floats a ball to a wide open receiver in the end zone, allowing the OU secondary to catch up and knock down the pass. UW then is forced to try for a FG because Locker is on the bench, and guess what....the kicker misses.

Boiling it all down, those thugs risked getting Locker seriously injured, thus destroying not only that game, but their season, and possibly Tyrone Willingham's career at UW....all so they could get back at a player for making a silly mistake.

I know this probably won't happen, but I wish Stoops and Co. would send those clips to Willingham to let him know what happened. I doubt that Willingham is the type of person to put up with that kind of thuggery.

9/17/2008, 01:23 AM
That is a great assessment!

I was not happy when I saw them trying bust up Grange with those punches!

That does not see to far fetches to me bro!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/17/2008, 01:25 AM
I don't think Granger should have gotten the penalty. The UW lineman false-started, and Granger had a right to go into him at that point. I agree with the other info you posted.

Harry Beanbag
9/17/2008, 01:35 AM
I would send the tape to Willingham, UW's President, Pac-10 Commissioner, Pac-10 Head of Officiating, and the NCAA right after I told Boren and Joe C. I would never take my team to play a series with a Pac-10 school ever again.

9/17/2008, 01:55 AM
Gotta love college football. It's a competition and things get heated. I have no problem with it.

9/17/2008, 02:45 AM
Yeah i dont even think granger should have really gotten the penalty and thats unbiased

9/17/2008, 07:32 AM
When I played D line (briefly and not very well, on a crappy team to boot) in the 1970's we were taught that if the Oline goes offside it was open season on 'your man'. They messed up, they pay.
I saw Granger do NOTHING that was even worthy of comment.

9/17/2008, 07:51 AM
I dont think it is the dirtiest play, because I remember some guy from wisconsin or penn state, choking someone while they were on the ground causing serious injury.

Hot Rod
9/17/2008, 07:53 AM
Nice detail of that play. My problem after the accidental Granger hit was that Locker was one of those trying to get into a scuffle about the play, making the whole situation worse. So when he got his hiney planted by double-R, I grinned. :)

It'd be nice to have a video of it to check it out again.

Hot Rod
9/17/2008, 07:55 AM
Here it is:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/S4NYAf4hU2g&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/S4NYAf4hU2g&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

9/17/2008, 08:05 AM
Boiling it all down, those thugs risked getting Locker seriously injured, thus destroying not only that game, but their season, and possibly Tyrone Willingham's career at UW....all so they could get back at a player for making a silly mistake.

I suspect the UW players know that both of those things have already been decided.

9/17/2008, 08:25 AM
Play A - UW tight end flinches for a false start and right as the whistle is blown the UW line goes into pass protect and OU line starts rushing the QB. Granger, in full-on rush the QB mode, pushes the RG, who was off-balance and the RG falls backwards. Looking at the play several times, it certainly didn't look malicious, just a silly mistake.

The tight end flinched.. the whistle blows... every player except for one eases up... including 2 of the 3 OU defensive lineman.. Granger fully extended his arms and pushed the UW lineman down. If the other 2 OU defensive lineman stopped (and look specifically at the left DE who also had extended his arms)... Granger could have as well.

Immediately the UW players (including Jake Locker) get offended and charge Granger who had his back turned and was walking the other way, apparently oblivious to his error. Granger turns around and gives a "what did I do?" look as the UW players start running at him. A small ruckus ensues, with the OU players getting in the way of the UW line and Granger. Refs break it up quickly.

Locker doesnt come within 2 yards of Granger.

Granger is assessed a personal foul penalty, which I think is somewhat fair.

Then LG #76 comes around the back of Granger and lays on his back leg, likely causing his injury. Granger is clearly injured at this point as he rolls over onto his back.

That simply is not true. If you look at the youtube clip posted above, no one touches Granger below the waist and certainly, no one "layed on his back leg." Injury was caused by his catching his cleats in the ground or was a non-contact injury.

As he's going down, two of them sit on Granger and pound him a few times while he's laying on his back. #72 shoves his head into the ground and throws a punch into the upper body while #76 lays on his legs and throws a punch to the side of his gut.

Again, review the video clip.

Garcia, apparently still affiliated with gangs...only on the field now instead of off, clearly instigates the event. To me, that makes it worse, because it was pre-meditated, and those thugs could have caused severe damage to a promising NFL career...just because #72 is a clumsy turd who got his fat *** embarrassed on national TV.

No.. it was retaliation for a cheap shot that everyone else on the defense chose not to take. by way of further example, chop blocks unfortunately happen frequently in football. The retaliation against those offenders is more often than not, dealt with at the bottom of a pile.

Here's a clip of the initial penalty.


Not to excuse what the UDub players did, but it is hardly the pristine "He did nothing wrong" scenario you painted.

the aggy cheap shots on Colt McCoy two years ago... and of course... this little gem..


9/17/2008, 08:40 AM
I would send the tape to Willingham, UW's President, Pac-10 Commissioner, Pac-10 Head of Officiating, and the NCAA right after I told Boren and Joe C. I would never take my team to play a series with a Pac-10 school ever again.

agreed. especially with all the officiating crap thrown in there as well. they're not botching calls against big12 teams, they're screwing it up for everyone that comes to play them. i could care less if they did it within pac10 games, but when you have teams visiting........

9/17/2008, 08:45 AM
the way i saw it, even watching the replay, is that granger timed his move perfectly with the snap count. meaning, he was already on his was to the QB when they blew the whistle. in a backhanded comment... why weren't the rest of our guys in the same position???? nevertheless, as biased to OU as anyone here (except LID), those 3 assclowns should be suspended for a game or two.

9/17/2008, 08:45 AM
I dont think it is the dirtiest play, because I remember some guy from wisconsin or penn state, choking someone while they were on the ground causing serious injury.

The victim was from wisconsin, Jim Sorgi, and the attacker was a sweatervester, robert reynolds.... i remember that too, i was so pissed because the refs didnt really catch it if i remember right or something to that effect....

Pieces Hit
9/17/2008, 08:55 AM

9/17/2008, 09:03 AM

9/17/2008, 09:19 AM
I think everyone is agreeing that Granger did nothing malicious. I have a serious problem with careers being put at stake because a second rate team is getting obliterated at home and they take their frusterations out. This is coming from an ex d end who had 3 surgeries on my left knee due to stupid stuff like this. Locker deserved to get planted the way he did, he ran his mouth and acted like a cocky punk for most of the game. Kinda reminded me of Booger Boy Daniels the way he carried himself as a player. I wish Joe C. and Boren would just say enough is enough. All of our Pac-10 trips result in something negative for our program and we should forget all future endeavors with the Pac-10. IMO

9/17/2008, 09:48 AM
Here's a clip of the initial penalty.


Not to excuse what the UDub players did, but it is hardly the pristine "He did nothing wrong" scenario you painted.

the aggy cheap shots on Colt McCoy two years ago... and of course... this little gem..


Wow are you ever wrong, Lid.

#1 - I didn't paint it as Granger NOT doing anything wrong. I said the penalty was somewhat fair and it was a silly mistake. I only pointed out that HE (Granger) didn't think he did anything wrong. (Seriously? You're a lawyer and missed something that obvious?)

#2 - I rewound and re-watched the play over a dozen times in hi-def. Locker didn't charge Granger like the other players, but he does follow his teammates and clearly is jawing at him, even pointing his finger at him. And yes, he was closer than 2 yards from Granger...in fact, with the OU players between the charging linemen and Granger, Locker is the CLOSEST to him. Besides that, I never said that Locker did anything bad...just pointed out that he was involved in the small ruckus.

#3 - The OU defensive line eased up, and #72 was the ONLY offensive lineman who DIDN'T move when the center SNAPPED THE BALL. Whether Granger didn't hear the whistle or whatever, it was clear that he was focused on rushing up the field. I don't think his mistake was intentional, but either way, I totally agree it was silly and stupid. Regardless, it didn't warrant the pre-meditated payback generated by those 3 UW linemen.

Again, I'm not saying Granger was not at fault. It just appears after examining the WHOLE play from the false start to the ruckus, HE didn't think he did anything wrong. After he did it, he started walking away, apparently oblivious as to UW taking offense at his shoving of the RG.

Also, my main point of this thread was to show the entire series and to point out that the UW thugs COULD have been responsible for multiple long-term injuries to both Granger and Locker, their actions caused UW to settle for a missed FG at before the half was over, and that if Locker were injured long-term they could cost Ty Will his job....all so they could "settle the score". And all for the sake of a slow clumsy RG who fell on his fat *** on national TV. Oh, and I also thought it was worth pointing out the "gang" mentality of one Juan Garcia, and that the act was CLEARLY pre-meditated.

Animal Mother
9/17/2008, 09:51 AM
Here's a clip of the initial penalty.


Not to excuse what the UDub players did, but it is hardly the pristine "He did nothing wrong" scenario you painted.

the aggy cheap shots on Colt McCoy two years ago... and of course... this little gem..


Go bang your girlfriend BEVO. You can't possibly be an attorney worth a sh!t if you have time to post on an OU board. :P ;) :) :rolleyes: :texan: :D :cool:

9/17/2008, 10:07 AM
I would send the tape to Willingham, UW's President, Pac-10 Commissioner, Pac-10 Head of Officiating, and the NCAA right after I told Boren and Joe C. I would never take my team to play a series with a Pac-10 school ever again.

Yep. We should NEVER play a PAC 10 team again (unless, of course, it's in a bowl game).

9/17/2008, 10:18 AM
Go bang your girlfriend BEVO. You can't possibly be an attorney worth a sh!t if you have time to post on an OU board. :P ;) :) :rolleyes: :texan: :D :cool:

Aw give the guy a break, there's no intelligent life on the whorn boards, he's just looking for bonding with people who's IQ is higher than an ash tray.

9/17/2008, 10:22 AM
Aw give the guy a break, there's no intelligent life on the whorn boards, he's just looking for bonding with people who's IQ is higher than an ash tray.

Stay away from academic smack and stick with football... you have much more credibility.

Cheez... was merely pointing out the factual inaccuracies in your post. I can see why you'd be chapped about the incident...

Retaliation occurs in every game. If the roles were reversed and you were a Udub fan, I imagine you'd have more of the "righteous indignation" he got what he deserved mantra. A place where I wont' go.

Animal Mother
9/17/2008, 10:25 AM
Aw give the guy a break, there's no intelligent life on the whorn boards, he's just looking for bonding with people who's IQ is higher than an ash tray.

Watch it!!! Some of Lid's best friends are ash trays!!

You are right. When you start with the fact that he's a whorn, he's pretty much uphill past that reality.

9/17/2008, 10:35 AM
There's some ambiguity in this, but a couple of things seem clear:

1. Granger hit lard butt, but didn't hit him very hard. It probably didn't feel good to be on the receiving end of Granger's charge, as lard butt had pulled up and was relatively unprotected, but in football terms it was little more than a love tap.

2. The TE actually flinched TWICE. Does anybody else see it that way? The TE flinches, about a half second or more before the ball is to be snapped, and then flinches a second time which causes the defense to jump. That looks like pretty disciplined defensive football to me, and also pretty **** poor PAC-10 style officiating, as well.

I guess a lot of this type of thuggery has ALWAYS gone on in football, but when it is openly premeditated and executed -- following an unsportsmanlike penalty -- it seems on a different order to me.

There is no doubt that the Udub staff has seen all this on film, and there is no doubt that those coaches havel discussed it with the three players involved. Though I will probably never know, I am very curious as to what those coaches say to those players.

9/17/2008, 10:44 AM
before espn and all the cameras, back in the leather helmet days, these types of plays were a dime a dozen. granger knocked him on his *** and they got payback. the best way to handle it is to beat them by 41 -- oh wait we did. time to LET IT GO....

9/17/2008, 10:46 AM
Stay away from academic smack and stick with football... you have much more credibility.

hey bill-nye-the science-guy, shouldn't you be on the science boards?

9/17/2008, 11:11 AM
hey bill-nye-the science-guy, shouldn't you be on the science boards?

Well, there is a lack of soonerfans on there. :D

SesameStreetdotcom is awash with them though!

CU Sooner
9/17/2008, 11:17 AM
I mentioned this in the other thread, too, but if you watch #72, the one who granger hit, he runs in and shoves the ref down to the ground. Sould be instant ejection.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/17/2008, 11:29 AM
before espn and all the cameras, back in the leather helmet days, these types of plays were a dime a dozen. granger knocked him on his *** and they got payback. the best way to handle it is to beat them by 41 -- oh wait we did. time to LET IT GO....Pretty Much! However, this incident and the entire game are previews of the reffing in the upcoming RRS, and should give us pause for contemplation.

9/17/2008, 11:39 AM
before espn and all the cameras, back in the leather helmet days, these types of plays were a dime a dozen. granger knocked him on his *** and they got payback. the best way to handle it is to beat them by 41 -- oh wait we did. time to LET IT GO....


9/17/2008, 12:03 PM
Pretty Much! However, this incident and the entire game are previews of the reffing in the upcoming RRS, and should give us pause for contemplation.


Rush.. get your tail back to the South Oval...

jeez laweez...

You know what it secretly is.. the national association of collegiate referees are conspiring with ESPN and the other networks to deprive OU of wins.

9/17/2008, 12:14 PM
You know what it secretly is.. the national association of collegiate referees are conspiring with ESPN and the other networks to deprive OU of wins.

Well, yeah.

9/17/2008, 12:48 PM
Didn't Stoops sum it up best when he said “But there’s always a lot of rough and tough play inside. Nobody here is whining about it.” All the HD angles just show it off better these days.

9/17/2008, 01:04 PM
Didn't Stoops sum it up best when he said “But there’s always a lot of rough and tough play inside. Nobody here is whining about it.” All the HD angles just show it off better these days.

yes, that's what's great about stoops. it's OU fans that i'm worried about. too many whiners. stoops never complained about the officiating in the oregon debacle, he let it go, but our fans couldn't.

9/17/2008, 01:34 PM
yes, that's what's great about stoops. it's OU fans that i'm worried about. too many whiners. stoops never complained about the officiating in the oregon debacle, he let it go, but our fans couldn't.

he's not the one paying for season tickets.

9/17/2008, 01:36 PM
yes, that's what's great about stoops. it's OU fans that i'm worried about. too many whiners. stoops never complained about the officiating in the oregon debacle, he let it go, but our fans couldn't.

That was interesting. He commented on it the week after the UO game but every time he mentioned it later it was in response to specific questions from the media. And somehow he was painted as whining as if he kept bringing it up. :confused:

9/17/2008, 01:43 PM

Rush.. get your tail back to the South Oval...

jeez laweez...

You know what it secretly is.. the national association of collegiate referees are conspiring with ESPN and the other networks to deprive OU of wins.

Slowly turnin Lid Back red , One post at a time :P

9/17/2008, 04:23 PM
Stay away from academic smack and stick with football... you have much more credibility.

Cheez... was merely pointing out the factual inaccuracies in your post. I can see why you'd be chapped about the incident...

Retaliation occurs in every game. If the roles were reversed and you were a Udub fan, I imagine you'd have more of the "righteous indignation" he got what he deserved mantra. A place where I wont' go.

The sad part Lid is that there WERE no factual inaccuracies. Everything I said was 100% accurate. I added an opinion based on what I saw, but I clearly stated it was my opinion and didn't tout it as fact.

And for the 3rd time, I'm not excusing Granger's actions. Hell yeah I'd be pissed if I were a UW fan. I'm irritated that he did it in the first place and cost us 10 yards on the penalty and an automatic first down. That allowed UW to get into scoring range and if it were a closer game, it would have cost us big time.

And also for the 3rd time, the point of the thread was to explain some of the side effects and finer details of the retaliation by the UW players, not to put a spin on Granger's foul.

Geez, you've got a head thicker than Bevo's. What's your defense in a big case? "Um, he didn't do it your honor, honest. And that's a fact because I say so." ;)

9/17/2008, 05:16 PM
I agree with Lid. Nuff said

9/17/2008, 06:16 PM
I really dont see how Granger did anything wrong.

When I first read these posts, not having seen the game, I was expecting something much worse.

I figured it was the typical situation where a guy flinches and the lineman plows him over despite the ball never having been snapped.

But this was much, much different.

One, the ball was snapped. To me, if the ball is snapped prior to the whistle, it's fair game.

Two, the entire line moved. It's not like this was one guy, and the DL just hit him for being an idiot. The whole line moved.

Three, the UW player was moving backward, that helped it look like a much harder hit than it was imho. He was already falling back, Granger just pushed him down.

I really dont see anything wrong with that play.

9/17/2008, 06:55 PM
I think the flag shouldn't have been thrown!!! When I played football, we were coach to do that from grade school up!!! If your gonna move before the snap or on the snap you go 100%!!!! Then what happen after was poor sportsmanship!!!! JMO

9/17/2008, 07:02 PM
Even though we aren't hearing anything from OUr coach publically, what makes you think he hasn't reviewed the tape and placed a call to Tyrone? I would bet coaches try to work things out amongst themselves as opposed to through the media. The coaching fraternity out of neccessity has to be close knit since they never know when they will need to contact another for a favor. We won't hear about it but Coach Stoops, whose job security is a product of his players' performance on the field, knows what happened, who was responsible and what, if any, options he has as to consequences that might befall the UW thugs. After 10 years we should be used to the way he handles things as concerns what he will say in a press conference.

Harry Beanbag
9/17/2008, 07:20 PM
I really dont see how Granger did anything wrong.

When I first read these posts, not having seen the game, I was expecting something much worse.

I figured it was the typical situation where a guy flinches and the lineman plows him over despite the ball never having been snapped.

But this was much, much different.

One, the ball was snapped. To me, if the ball is snapped prior to the whistle, it's fair game.

Two, the entire line moved. It's not like this was one guy, and the DL just hit him for being an idiot. The whole line moved.

Three, the UW player was moving backward, that helped it look like a much harder hit than it was imho. He was already falling back, Granger just pushed him down.

I really dont see anything wrong with that play.

I didn't see anything wrong with it either, but I saw a personal foul called the next day in an NFL game for the exact same thing so whatever. Maybe that's just the way their calling it now days, the 15 yards more than made up for Granger's mistake.

I sure hope those three low life POS's feel better about themselves today for ending a guys season because one of them got pushed into a seated position.

VA Sooner
9/17/2008, 10:34 PM
Hard for a 300+ lineman to stop after getting up from a 3-point stance once the offensive lineman moves/false starts. No penalty in my book. Triple-teaming and the punches???? WTF!

Leroy Lizard
9/17/2008, 10:41 PM
The penalty was deserved, but I don't think Granger intended to commit a personal foul. I am no fan of Granger's, but he didn't deserve to be assaulted. After all, he was penalized for his act, so it isn't like he got away with it. And he didn't hurt anyone.

I tend to agree that Willingham has some serious leadership problems when his OL can decide for themselves to triple team a player. But then again, that is why he is a crappy coach.

9/17/2008, 11:00 PM
This is the top story right now on Yahoo! when you click on the sports tab.

Jason White's Third Knee
9/18/2008, 10:00 AM
Here's a clip of the initial penalty.


Not to excuse what the UDub players did, but it is hardly the pristine "He did nothing wrong" scenario you painted.

the aggy cheap shots on Colt McCoy two years ago... and of course... this little gem..


I've watched that play about 15 times now, and I don't think it's a retaliation worthy cheap shot. I can see how someone would make that assessment, but Granger exploded off the line and the others didn't. The O lineman was standing straight up and a feather would have knocked the guy over. If this were a running play (not pass blocking) his posture would have completely absorbed Granger's momentum. It was less than a second from the whistle to the contact. I've seen that a hundred times in boxing (bell, not whistle) and no one says a thing. If you look at the clip at :44 that call would have never been made. It's momentum. Granger should have made an effort to stop, I will concede.

The McCoy shot put a guy in danger. This shot, cheap or not, only hurt the lineman's feelings. I don't think that the penalty was a error, just a judgment call. If Washington had any respect for themselves it's unlikely that they would have reacted that way.

9/18/2008, 10:41 AM
I don't think Granger should have gotten the penalty. The UW lineman false-started, and Granger had a right to go into him at that point. I agree with the other info you posted.
Ditto, you can't penalize a football player for being intense, he fired off quick (his job) and hit a guy that wasn't ready. That's what happens on false starts.

9/18/2008, 11:00 AM
Ditto, you can't penalize a football player for being intense, he fired off quick (his job) and hit a guy that wasn't ready. That's what happens on false starts.

Part of it was.. the whistle blew loud and repeatedly... Granger took not one. .not two.. but three strides before he made contact.

He was intense, he fired off quick and it appeared the refs interpretation was that everyone else on both the offense and defense heard the whistle and stopped play... Granger was the only one who proceeded through the play and made significant contact after the whistle blew.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/18/2008, 11:22 AM
UW musta had a right to assault him, then.

9/18/2008, 12:17 PM
UW musta had a right to assault him, then.

Don't you have something much more fun to do.. like.. oh... pickin on Johnny Mack or bri on their political views?

No no no... am not saying they had a right to assault him at all... but double and triple teams happen as you know. It sucks he was injured and hope he has a speedy recovery.

But.. burning them at the stake, complaining about how Pac 10 officials are biased against OU (even though Udub had been screwed the week before).. is simply


9/18/2008, 12:53 PM

You know what it secretly is.. the national association of collegiate referees are conspiring with ESPN and the other networks to deprive OU of wins.

Yeah, well they're about as successful as Texas.

CK Sooner
9/18/2008, 12:57 PM
Yeah, well they're about as successful as Texas.



Salt City Sooner
9/18/2008, 03:37 PM
DG's going to try the rehab w/o surgery route:


CK Sooner
9/18/2008, 03:40 PM
DG's going to try the rehab w/o surgery route:


Thanks, spek.

Leroy Lizard
9/18/2008, 04:12 PM
Part of it was.. the whistle blew loud and repeatedly... Granger took not one. .not two.. but three strides before he made contact.

The ref blew his whistle seven times in rapid succession, all seven occurring within one second. Granger teed off during the third whistle blow, less than a half second after the initial whistle blow. Look at the video.

While it was a late hit, it was not a blatant attempt to commit a personal foul. It seems as if Marcus was simply guilty of having slow reflexes.

Penalty was deserved.

Granger was the only one who proceeded through the play and made significant contact after the whistle blew.

Look at the video again. Only Granger was lined up close to the offensive lineman in front of him. It was a three-man line, with the outside linemen lined up well away from their opponents. It was much easier for them not to slam into the opposing players.

Even the announcer said, "It wasn't awful but it was an obvious penalty." Absolutely.

Late hits are common in football. So you throw the flag, step off the yardage, and resume play. No one was hurt by Granger. His team paid the price for his mistake. Therefore, there is no need for "payback" cheap shots in such situations.

9/18/2008, 04:20 PM
The ref blew his whistle seven times in rapid succession, all seven occurring within one second. Granger teed off during the third whistle blow, less than a half second after the initial whistle blow. Look at the video.

While it was a late hit, it was not a blatant attempt to commit a personal foul. It seems as if Marcus was simply guilty of having slow reflexes.

Penalty was deserved.

Look at the video again. Only Granger was lined up close to the offensive lineman in front of him. It was a three-man line, with the outside linemen lined up well away from their opponents. It was much easier for them not to slam into the opposing players.

Even the announcer said, "It wasn't awful but it was an obvious penalty." Absolutely.

Late hits are common in football. So you throw the flag, step off the yardage, and resume play. No one was hurt by Granger. His team paid the price for his mistake. Therefore, there is no need for "payback" cheap shots in such situations.

when you're getting your arses handed to you, 15 yards doesn't really help a badly damaged ego. it was pre-meditated and they should have atleast been flagged for the retaliation.

9/18/2008, 04:31 PM
I really dont see how Granger did anything wrong.

When I first read these posts, not having seen the game, I was expecting something much worse.

I figured it was the typical situation where a guy flinches and the lineman plows him over despite the ball never having been snapped.

But this was much, much different.

One, the ball was snapped. To me, if the ball is snapped prior to the whistle, it's fair game.

Two, the entire line moved. It's not like this was one guy, and the DL just hit him for being an idiot. The whole line moved.

Three, the UW player was moving backward, that helped it look like a much harder hit than it was imho. He was already falling back, Granger just pushed him down.

I really dont see anything wrong with that play.

I agree. In fact, I agree so much that I don't think I'd complain at all if the roles were reversed.

9/18/2008, 04:39 PM
not sure where to put this but it is funny...

"I gotta tell you that I hate uo with as much passion as anyone on here, or has ever attended OSU (or Texas for that matter) or anyone on the planet, BUT....

They are not only playing better than anyone in the country, other than perhaps USC, but their defense is faster than it has been since the Roy Williams defense, and they are more physically fierce and intimidating on defense. They are playing with more of a frenetic style on defense than they have since little Stoops left.

Losing McCoy will hurt them some, but their linebackers are ten times better than they were last year, and their secondary is much better at coverage.

That doesn't even mention the fact that so far, their offense looks to be every bit as potent as Missouri or OSU or USC or anyone else.

I do have them, and I will scream my lungs out at the game hoping we will kick their sorry ***, but I am a realist, and right now, they're on a plane alone with SC....everyone else is trying to even get close to that level.

Hopefully, they'll lay an egg against us, we'll improve on defense, and we'll kick their ***, like they deserve to be kicked (in the head, face, ***, whatever causes the most pain and suffering possible, as all uo players on a football field should experience on a daily basis!!!). After all, they have that feeling of entitlement....and they are entitled to as much physical pain and suffering as can be inflicted upon them on a football field!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then some............."

Leroy Lizard
9/18/2008, 06:28 PM
when you're getting your arses handed to you, 15 yards doesn't really help a badly damaged ego.

I can understand a little fisticuffs in situations where a player commits an act that should have him ejected from the game, but is not even flagged. Granger's penalty certainly did not warrant an ejection, and he was flagged on the play.

The same cannot be said for the Husky players, who committed an act that would have warranted ejection on part of at least one of the players and were not even flagged.

9/19/2008, 02:00 AM
I am not complaining about the officiating during the game. The three Udub players should have received an unsportsmanlike penalty, for starters, and should have been ejected. But I can certainly understand that the refs did not see it at the time, or did not comprehend what happened. They are humans, and I am not much on blaming officials (except in egregious circumstances like Oregon and Lubbock.)

I am complaining about the post-game result of this. I realize that this type of thing has been common throughout the history of football, but honestly, I have NEVER seen such an egregious case documented so well during a televised, live football game.

In a case this blatant, and one where Granger`s season, or even career, might be ended, I would like to see some sort of acknowledgement from UW, the PAC 10, the Big XII, the NCAA or somebody, somewhere, that this is the type of behavior we cand do without.

In the pro-leagues, player behavior is subject to after-the-fact review, and suspensions and fine often result.

Is there nothing in the NCAA rulebook that allows a similar review? Are the game officials, watching in real time, REALLY the only arbiters?

9/19/2008, 04:00 AM
I don't think Granger should have gotten the penalty. The UW lineman false-started, and Granger had a right to go into him at that point. I agree with the other info you posted.

Actually he does not have the right to lay into a player once the whistle blows.

Had the false start occured and he plowed over the guard before the whistle, then the penalty cannot be called.

What boogles my mind is the refs were really quick in calling a foul on Granger. However they were not very quick in calling a penalty against Washington. Not on just this play. I seen plenty holds, late hits, and other BS from the UW players it was not funny. My Sister-in-Law in fact kept bitching at me since i kept rewinding it on the DVR.

The game was reffed poorly. And it seemed like we saw these refs somewhere before. Cannot put my finger on it, but it had to be the UCLA game.

9/19/2008, 04:04 AM
I am complaining about the post-game result of this. I realize that this type of thing has been common throughout the history of football, but honestly, I have NEVER seen such an egregious case documented so well during a televised, live football game.

In a case this blatant, and one where Granger`s season, or even career, might be ended, I would like to see some sort of acknowledgement from UW, the PAC 10, the Big XII, the NCAA or somebody, somewhere, that this is the type of behavior we cand do without.

In the pro-leagues, player behavior is subject to after-the-fact review, and suspensions and fine often result.

Is there nothing in the NCAA rulebook that allows a similar review? Are the game officials, watching in real time, REALLY the only arbiters?

First, the NCAA cannot do anything about it since they were not penalized. However, the coaches and the conference could, if they see fit. I doubt, with the lack of depth UW has, anything will come about from this.

Now then...

Stop whining. The injury is not career or season ending (at this point for the latter). Granger is playing a very violent sport. However, it happens his injury occured during a undisciplined reaction by the Washington players.

I am not condoning the actions by the UW players. But I cannot understand the reason behind people whining about this injury. We could have granger back as early as saxeT, but most likely against Kansas.

9/19/2008, 04:55 AM
yeah well im just hoping to have him back for tech..stoops said 3 to 4 weeks then see where they are at but stoops is always not very good on giving injury updates so i just hope we have for tech osu big 12 etc.

Harry Beanbag
9/19/2008, 08:21 AM
But I cannot understand the reason behind people whining about this injury.

Really? You can't understand it at all? Seriously?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/19/2008, 10:14 AM
I don't think Granger should have gotten the penalty. The UW lineman false-started, and Granger had a right to go into him at that point. I agree with the other info you posted.After reading subsequent comments about the whistle blowing, I have changed my mind. I was in a loud sports bar, and did not hear the whistle blow on that play, so I didn't know when they did it.