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9/1/2008, 06:09 PM
I reckon nobody half remembers me since I hardly ever posted during the summer, but in case 1 or 2 of you were wondering...
We (wife, 2 daughters, my mother-in-law, dog and me) left New Orleans Saturday night my bro-in-law’s in-laws house in Slidell. We hoped to beat some traffic, which we did by staying off I-10. As expected, Slidell was ordered at 0400 to evacuate by Sunday noon, so we left at 0-dark:30 for Jackson. MS, where we had rooms reserved since early last week.

We wanted to avoid the worst I-55 trafffic by taking I-59 toward Hattiesburg, but I-59 was slow going, so we got off and took some back roads. The drive was actually very pleasant with no traffic. (Those rookie refugees can’t get off the Interstates). It would have been a lot of fun if we were going to a football game or something.

We got the hotel at 10-ish AM, but we didnt get one of our rooms until 1300 and the second one at about 1430. We got the maintenance man to get us the small refridgerator, for which we tipped him handsomely, so we’re set up fairly well. This La Quinta is not even a very good LQ, but it’s clean enough, cheap, they like pets, and we’ve had internet (most of the time, anyway). Plus, the staff is very kind and helpful.

We went to an Indian restaurant last night. This morning was all but wasted watching the news (conveniently near the bathroom). Well, we learned that New Orleans survived pretty well, but we were not especially impressed to learn from the 3972 inane news reporters on the streets that hurrcanes are windy and rainy and blow your hat off. Gosh! I expect next week they’ll report that the Sun is a very hot flaming ball of gas! We really wanted to know how the Westbank had taken the storm surge and the rain, but nothng doing. From Entergy’s internet site we learned that the power is off in our area, but then there were so many outages that Entergy shut down the web page. We assume that no news if good news and that our neighborhood probably didn’t flood, altho’ we really don’t know for sure. I hope what little we left in our fridge at home won’t go too bad too soon.

Some good signs when we left were that practically everybody seemed to be getting out, and there were plenty of well armed troops on the ground BEFORE the mass evacuation. I credit lessons learned from Katrina, and the fact that we now have a smart and competent governor. Our chocolate-brained mayor did a little better job this time, too, but that's faint praise indeed.

We expect to be here in lovely north Jackson at least another night, maybe a little longer. It’s really not a bad part of town, and Jackson’s not a bad little city either. When we go back mostly depends on the electricity situation back home. We don’t want to rush back to a dark hot house unless we have to; avoiding that was half the point of leaving!

PLEASE - don't none of y'all give me another lecture abut how I need to get out of here. I KNOW already. With the blessing it will happen sooner rather than later.

Curly Bill
9/1/2008, 06:11 PM
Glad you're OK.

9/1/2008, 06:12 PM
Glad your family is safe.

9/1/2008, 06:12 PM

We was thinking about you...


9/1/2008, 06:36 PM

We was thinking about you...


I shoulda known my bruvver Homey wouldn't forget me. Thank you.

9/1/2008, 06:39 PM
Glad its going smooth for Yall My friend

9/1/2008, 07:15 PM
Do you live in Jefferson Parish?

9/1/2008, 07:22 PM
Glad you are safe and dry. Sounds like NO was spared this go around.hopefully it stays that way.

9/1/2008, 08:08 PM
Good to hear from you, TU.

Stay dry!

9/1/2008, 08:12 PM
Who are you?

:D I keed....Sharp planning my friend.

9/1/2008, 08:15 PM
Glad you and your family are safe.

9/1/2008, 08:27 PM
Good preparation, man. Glad you and yours are safe and well.
Hopefully you'll be home again soon.

A few of my employees deployed down there to run shelters again Sunday.

9/1/2008, 08:54 PM
Good luck, TU. Hope your place is ok when you get back.

9/1/2008, 09:05 PM
Ah. I guess he's not getting back on.

I watched the Jefferson Parish officials' press conference on WWL (Channel 11.2 in Houston is carrying it). They said that there were no tornadoes, no major house damage, and no flooding, except for Grand Isle and Lafitte (no surprise there).

Looks like my folks in Baton Rouge had a rougher time of it! ;)

9/1/2008, 09:42 PM
Of COURSE we remember you. Glad to hear you are safe. Take care.

9/1/2008, 10:05 PM
TU, the only poster that posts less than I do these days.

I actually thought about you when the forecasters first said it would hit N.O.

Glad to know you're safe.

My girlfriend grew up in N.O., and wants to go back. She tells me I just can't understand since I am not from there. I tell her I understand enough to know hurricanes don't hit Denver.

9/1/2008, 10:25 PM
TU, your place is ok...though I did forget to flush, sorry about that.

Glad you got out alright with the family safe and sound.

Ya might want to stop and get a plunger on the way in though...that last one just doesn't want to go down. ;)

9/1/2008, 11:13 PM
Plus dont worry about the food ya left in the fridge .
Oh and thanks for the TeeVee :D

9/1/2008, 11:24 PM
Keep yer head down and yer butt moving, TU. Good luck.

9/1/2008, 11:40 PM
I was wondering where you were.

I agree the coverage is frustrating. I want to see people out in the streets showing us where the damage is, not where it isn't. I hear Baton Rouge got hammered but there is really very little info. available.

9/2/2008, 10:59 AM
Say, wasn't I with you in Monte Carlo the night you blew your brains out? ;)

Thanks for the update!! Glad all is well.

9/2/2008, 11:42 AM
glad you and the family are safe