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9/1/2008, 11:18 AM
not then. She is planning the wedding and the candidate asks that their privacy be respected as has been the case for former children of candidates.


9/1/2008, 11:24 AM
OK, I admit it, I'm the father.

Frozen Sooner
9/1/2008, 11:25 AM
Just goes to show that "Abstinence Only" education works for your 17-year old high-schooler daughter.

9/1/2008, 11:28 AM

9/1/2008, 11:29 AM
I wonder if Rush is going to call her ugly names like he did Chelsea? ;)

9/1/2008, 11:30 AM
I wonder if Rush is going to call her ugly names like he did Chelsea? ;)

But Chelsea is kinda ugly.

Hot Rod
9/1/2008, 11:31 AM

9/1/2008, 11:31 AM
Talk about a life changer, I feel sorry for these unprepared pregnant teens.

9/1/2008, 11:32 AM
But Chelsea is kinda ugly.

She has worked on her body though, from the neck down she is pretty tone now.

9/1/2008, 11:52 AM
not then. She is planning the wedding and the candidate asks that their privacy be respected as has been the case for former children of candidates.


So she's pregnant and marrying the father? That is so un-Donk, but perhaps the campaign will muddle through somehow.

And they knew about it when she was selected. It'll be tough on the kid, but IMHO she's doing the right thing by marrying babydaddy and trying to make a go if it.

9/1/2008, 11:53 AM
Is her daughter Jamie Lynn Spears?

9/1/2008, 11:59 AM
not then. She is planning the wedding and the candidate asks that their privacy be respected as has been the case for former children of candidates.


Dang, pregnant for the second time at age 17. What is the world coming to? ;)

9/1/2008, 12:03 PM
Sarah Palin/daughter/grandkid = Bill McCartney/daughter/grandkid by Sal Aunese.

Frozen Sooner
9/1/2008, 12:15 PM
So she's pregnant and marrying the father? That is so un-Donk, but perhaps the campaign will muddle through somehow.

And they knew about it when she was selected. It'll be tough on the kid, but IMHO she's doing the right thing by marrying babydaddy and trying to make a go if it.

Of course, perhaps if her parents had believed in realistic sex education her and her boyfriend wouldn't be forced into these decisions.

9/1/2008, 12:23 PM
Of course, perhaps if her parents had believed in realistic sex education her and her boyfriend wouldn't be forced into these decisions.

WTF does what anyone told the girl about sex have to do with her getting pregnant? I'm quite certain the girl understood the biology.

Anyhoo, like I said, the Donks will be skatin' on razor thin ice if they try to beat Gov. Palin up about this given so much of their base is composed of single parent families, very many of which involving moms who had their first child as a teen.

Frankly, I hope it allows us as a nation to engage in some constructive dialogue about the illegitimacy epidemic. srsly.

9/1/2008, 12:34 PM
If the daughter didn't listen to her mother if and when she taught her to practice abstinence, what makes anyone think she (the daughter) would have listened when taught about birth control methods?

9/1/2008, 12:42 PM
call me a nazi, but would favor some form of mandatory birth control for girls from age 12 until 23 if unmarried. srsly. And if we had something that worked on the boys, I'd make them take it too.

We have got to get a handle on this somehow. Kids having kids is destroying the fabric of our country.

9/1/2008, 12:48 PM
Of course, perhaps if her parents had believed in realistic sex education her and her boyfriend wouldn't be forced into these decisions.

What a lamebrain statement. Since abstainence education has been introduced into our county, teen pregnancies are down 50%...that's FIFTY PER CENT!!! The more crucial point of abstainence is the crippling danger of std's. 1 in four people now have herpes...and THERE IS NO CURE because it is a virus. And a condom is of ZERO effect in preventing it. Ever pull barbed wire through your pee-hole? That's the he!! a lot of herpes victims go through for a couple of weeks at a time.

As far as preventing unwanted pregnancies....would you go on an amusement park ride that guaranteed 85% of the riders would come back alive? That's your odds with a condom of preventing pregnancy.

I'm tired of the ignorance of the "safe sex" crowd......

Frozen Sooner
9/1/2008, 12:51 PM
WTF does what anyone told the girl about sex have to do with her getting pregnant? I'm quite certain the girl understood the biology.

But obviously didn't understand how you can still have sex without actually conceiving. Something that's taught in sex ed classes.

Frozen Sooner
9/1/2008, 12:55 PM
What a lamebrain statement. Since abstainence education has been introduced into our county, teen pregnancies are down 50%...that's FIFTY PER CENT!!! The more crucial point of abstainence is the crippling danger of std's. 1 in four people now have herpes...and THERE IS NO CURE because it is a virus. And a condom is of ZERO effect in preventing it. Ever pull barbed wire through your pee-hole? That's the he!! a lot of herpes victims go through for a couple of weeks at a time.

As far as preventing unwanted pregnancies....would you go on an amusement park ride that guaranteed 85% of the riders would come back alive? That's your odds with a condom of preventing pregnancy.

I'm tired of the ignorance of the "safe sex" crowd......


And the 85% figure you're using isn't for a condom that's properly used. The figure for a condom that's been used properly is 3%. Proper use is something taught in a sex ed class.

Curly Bill
9/1/2008, 12:56 PM
But obviously didn't understand how you can still have sex without actually conceiving. Something that's taught in sex ed classes.

You don't seriously think she'd never heard of birth control? I'm not opposed to sex ed classes, but if she's that clueless she shouldn't be allowed to ever have sex under any circumstances.

9/1/2008, 12:57 PM
But obviously didn't understand how you can still have sex without actually conceiving. Something that's taught in sex ed classes.

Mike, do you really think any 17 y/o in the United States who is able to fog a mirror doesn't know about birth control? C'mon, you can do better than that. And proper condom use is not rocket science, nor does it require a special class to master.

Kids just get carried away. Like they always have. The problem nowadays is the porn-ification of our culture. Our kids are subjected to a non-stop barrage of sexual messages. Ever watch MTV, BET or Univision for 10 minutes?

9/1/2008, 01:02 PM
Of course, perhaps if her parents had believed in realistic sex education her and her boyfriend wouldn't be forced into these decisions.

Sure, then they could cop out and just abort it. Must be nice not to have to believe in making tough decisions.

9/1/2008, 01:02 PM
Bubba goes to Wal-Mart to buy a condom...hot date with Sally Sue friday night...now this condom has been manufactured, freighted, and stored in Wallie World's warehouses for some time. Latex is a fragile material. It's gone through various climate changes since Bubba sheepishly snatched it off the shelf.

Bubba's big date night gets cancelled 'cause Sally Sue gets sick...Bubba sticks the condom in his billfold (why always there?) for future use. He sits, opens and shuts the billfold, goes through a couple of weeks of classes...you get the picture...Mr. Condom is going through hell...15% failure rate is with a properly used condom that hasn't been thru this torture....poor Sally Sue. A skin of latex that's half the thickness of surgeon's gloves is all she had to start with. The failure rate has skyrocketed and no one tells her....

9/1/2008, 01:05 PM
Five months pregnant. Five months ago was April Fools Day. Initially, I was guessing she got pregnant on Prom Night, but apparently not.

9/1/2008, 01:08 PM
Anyone who's actually had sex knows condoms can not be "properly" used....:D

9/1/2008, 01:08 PM
Five months pregnant. Five months ago was April Fools Day. Initially, I was guessing she got pregnant on Prom Night, but apparently not.

Spring break?

9/1/2008, 01:33 PM
John Edwards strikes again??

9/1/2008, 01:49 PM
Kids just get carried away. Like they always have. The problem nowadays is the porn-ification of our culture. Our kids are subjected to a non-stop barrage of sexual messages. Ever watch MTV, BET or Univision for 10 minutes?
It's not just nowadays, it has ALWAYS been the case, it was just hidden much more in the past. Women got sent off "to live with aunts" in another town like my grandmother did with my mother in 1941 to "save the family the shame" of having a pregnant child. My mother didn't know about her situation until much, much later.

So this is nothing new, just the same thing that has happened throughout time, it just so happens that her mother is a VP candidate and it becomes "news" because of it instead of it being just another statistic of another of the thousands of teen pregnancies.

9/1/2008, 01:52 PM
Man! This is amazing! She's 5 months pregnant after having a baby 4 months ago!

9/1/2008, 01:59 PM
A lot of people have to deal with this situation. A lot of very very good parents have had kids who get pregnant...it happens...it's life. I find it absolutely disgusting and beyond pale to criticize Sarah Palin or her husband for this.

Are you people telling me that you don't know otherwise good parents who have raised their children well who get pregnant? Or are you just trying to score political points in whatever disgusting and ridiculous way you know how?

Here's a thought, instead of criticizing them for something that is fairly common let's evaluate how they deal with the issue. It seems to me that you can tell a lot more about the strength of the family and the character of the people involved based on how they deal with this pregnancy. Are they going with the cheap, dirty, and easy solution of aborting the child? No, Bristol is taking responsibility for her actions by keeping the baby and marrying the father with the full support of her family.

THAT is character and THAT is a family that loves and supports one another, but more importantly it's the clearest sign that Bristol's parents have raised her right. Those of you who say otherwise need to be get real, get a life, and get the hell lost.

9/1/2008, 02:08 PM
What a lamebrain statement. Since abstainence education has been introduced into our county, teen pregnancies are down 50%...that's FIFTY PER CENT!!!

Heh, your statement is even more lame-brained. It's pretty trivial to see that there is no causality implied in your statement.

On the contrary, studies (http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/publications/PDFs/impactabstinence.pdf) show that abstinence-only education has not yielded increased abstinence. Without increased abstinence, it's pretty reasonable to infer that there are other factors in play.

As far as preventing unwanted pregnancies....would you go on an amusement park ride that guaranteed 85% of the riders would come back alive?

The bogosity of your figure aside, let's run with it.

A smart person doesn't get on a ride that yields 15% fatality. But hey, teenagers aren't very smart, and they're constantly hearing about HOW AWESOME the ride is from other folks who've been on it. And they're teenagers, so they're curious and think they're invincible.

Some of them decide to go on the ride. They're teenagers, after all.

Would you rather that they know about the seat-belt that gives them the 85% figure, or would you rather they go without and have that figure drop to 45%?

9/1/2008, 02:16 PM
There's too many unknowns in this story to cast judgement either way here. And for the record, I hate it when religious fundies do the same thing in these situations. I do consider myself a social moderate to even liberal in certain situations.

Especially for me as I have yet to go through my daughter's teenage years. I do feel that any sex education she receives has the be realistic and complete. And even then, I'll be HOPING that she absorbs as much information as she can and can make smart decisions when the urge to get busy strikes.

Point is, you can't be with your kids 100% of the time to protect them from these pitfalls. Some of it they have to learn on their own.

And the pregnancy of Bristol and other teenage girls like her in and of itself does not indicate any kind of a failure on the part of the parents to properly educate her on the pitfalls and sexual activity.

9/1/2008, 02:22 PM
Of course, perhaps if her parents had believed in realistic sex education her and her boyfriend wouldn't be forced into these decisions.

That's right!

Anyone who has ever had sex education never got PG or got an STD. Sex education works 100% of the time.

9/1/2008, 02:25 PM
Heh, your statement is even more lame-brained. It's pretty trivial to see that there is no causality implied in your statement.

On the contrary, studies (http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/publications/PDFs/impactabstinence.pdf) show that abstinence-only education has not yielded increased abstinence. Without increased abstinence, it's pretty reasonable to infer that there are other factors in play.

The bogosity of your figure aside, let's run with it.

A smart person doesn't get on a ride that yields 15% fatality. But hey, teenagers aren't very smart, and they're constantly hearing about HOW AWESOME the ride is from other folks who've been on it. And they're teenagers, so they're curious and think they're invincible.

Some of them decide to go on the ride. They're teenagers, after all.

Would you rather that they know about the seat-belt that gives them the 85% figure, or would you rather they go without and have that figure drop to 45%?

Most of them know to buckle up but they don't do that either. ;)

9/1/2008, 02:27 PM
I think it goes like this:

* In general, people are stupid about sex no matter what their age.
* In general, teenagers are just stupid.

Put them together, and you have teenagers are incredibly stupid about sex.

I don't know about you guys, but I find this conclusion utterly reasonable.


9/1/2008, 03:25 PM
Heh, your statement is even more lame-brained. It's pretty trivial to see that there is no causality implied in your statement.

On the contrary, studies (http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/publications/PDFs/impactabstinence.pdf) show that abstinence-only education has not yielded increased abstinence. Without increased abstinence, it's pretty reasonable to infer that there are other factors in play.

The bogosity of your figure aside, let's run with it.

A smart person doesn't get on a ride that yields 15% fatality. But hey, teenagers aren't very smart, and they're constantly hearing about HOW AWESOME the ride is from other folks who've been on it. And they're teenagers, so they're curious and think they're invincible.

Some of them decide to go on the ride. They're teenagers, after all.

Would you rather that they know about the seat-belt that gives them the 85% figure, or would you rather they go without and have that figure drop to 45%?

They know about the seat-belt....they choose not to use the ####ing seat-belt. "Safe sex" education will NOT stop that....Abstinence education will, because you fill them in on the horrors of std's, which will do much more to check them on their behavior than just having a pregnancy that they can abort.

9/1/2008, 03:30 PM
Jane, you stupid slut...the 85% success rate is "with the seat-belt" (ie: condom).

No kidding?

9/1/2008, 03:33 PM
Abstinence education will, because you fill them in on the horrors of std's, which will do much more to check them on their behavior than just having a pregnancy that they can abort.

Except it doesn't. Read the study.

9/1/2008, 03:38 PM
So is the daughter being "punished" with this pregnancy?

9/1/2008, 03:47 PM
To summarize:

Bristol Palin is knocked up and, apparently, engaged.
Bristol and Sarah are going to have infants together, maybe this year.
It's MTV's and BET's fault and the parents must be good and honorable people because they believe in abstinence and not abortions. Don't know how young Trak got into the service and headed to Iraq watching all that MTeeVee. Must be cause he has such good folks.

John McCain knew about it the whole time. (Yeah, OK.)

Peeps who believe in abstinence-only education think those who favor other kinds of sex-ed are crazy. And vice versa. Statistics and analogies are readily available to support every possible position.

So, other than bein' pro-guns (yeah Sarah), anti-choice, and anti-having babies in Texas, what are her pros and cons? I still think it's a sheer genius move on JM's part because of the psychology of it.

Meanwhile, a big ol' storm is brewin' in the gulf.

9/1/2008, 03:50 PM
Peeps who believe in abstinence-only education think those who favor other kinds of sex-ed are crazy. And vice versa. Statistics and analogies are readily available to support every possible position.

Heh, the study I'm citing is a little more complex than that.

It actually finds that the results for abstinence-only and non-abstinence sex education are basically the same.

Chew on that.

(My conclusion: There are clearly other more important factors that make the difference -- like say, parents.)

9/1/2008, 03:53 PM
I happen to like what Obama had to say about it. How about we follow his lead?

“I have heard some of the news on this and so let me be a clear as possible: I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people’s families are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits. This shouldn’t be part of our politics,” the Democrat said forcefully. “It has no relevance to Governor Palin’s performance as governor, or her potential performance as a VP. And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories,” he continued.

9/1/2008, 03:54 PM
I just think kids just need good role models.

Then when they get pregnant they can just get married.

Gov. Palins Daughter is an excellent way to send out the message.

I can understand why they think their privacy should be respected...but isn't this the perfect way to give hope to all young Women everywhere who want to get pregnant and then get married.

To heck with abstinence....let's sterilize them all until they want to get PG! ;)

9/1/2008, 04:32 PM
But Chelsea is kinda ugly.So is McPudgy's daughter.

9/1/2008, 05:31 PM
So is McPudgy's daughter.

When 72 years old you reach, look so good you will not.

9/1/2008, 05:37 PM
When 72 years old you reach, look so good you will not.


Fixed. :D

9/1/2008, 05:47 PM
Sooo... bigger deal than when Cheney was made a granddaddy via lesbian daughter, or less of a deal?

Or... who gives an eff to both for $200, Alex :D

9/1/2008, 06:14 PM
When 72 years old you reach, look so good you will not.

I meant Palin's kid, not McCain's. ;)

9/1/2008, 08:35 PM
IMHO she's doing the right thing by marrying babydaddy and trying to make a go if it.

That marriage has a snowball's chance in...well, not Alaska...of working out. Given a choice between a (temporarily) married teenage couple, and an unmarried older couple, most of the "family values" crowd would rather the teenagers had a baby than the "sinners". Incredible.

Scott D
9/1/2008, 09:43 PM
anyone who actually seriously participated in this thread with any ounce of sincerity should just remember. Calvin is a ****ing rocket scientist compared to you. That is all.

9/1/2008, 09:46 PM
...and he almost kicked Fraggle's ***.

Scott D
9/1/2008, 09:49 PM
I happen to like what Obama had to say about it. How about we follow his lead?

quit with the logic, it has no place in political threads mr. political thread moderator.

Harry Beanbag
9/1/2008, 10:28 PM
That marriage has a snowball's chance in...well, not Alaska...of working out. Given a choice between a (temporarily) married teenage couple, and an unmarried older couple, most of the "family values" crowd would rather the teenagers had a baby than the "sinners". Incredible.

Do you ever have anything good or complimentary or just not ****ty to say about anything? Seriously? Ever?

9/1/2008, 10:31 PM
That marriage has a snowball's chance in...well, not Alaska...of working out. Given a choice between a (temporarily) married teenage couple, and an unmarried older couple, most of the "family values" crowd would rather the teenagers had a baby than the "sinners". Incredible.

I agree with you that it isn't likely to last, but I think it's at least worth trying. The end result is likely to be the same in any case, so you might as well try to let the baby have a chance of growing up with both parents.

9/2/2008, 12:02 AM
I agree with you that it isn't likely to last, but I think it's at least worth trying. The end result is likely to be the same in any case, so you might as well try to let the baby have a chance of growing up with both parents.
You volunteering to be best man?

I keeeeeeed, I KEEEEEEEEED!!!! :D

9/2/2008, 12:18 AM
Do you ever have anything good or complimentary or just not ****ty to say about anything? Seriously? Ever?

I tink he be "SoonerBoyadanorth " Of the SO

9/2/2008, 12:22 AM
I agree with you that it isn't likely to last, but I think it's at least worth trying. The end result is likely to be the same in any case, so you might as well try to let the baby have a chance of growing up with both parents.

This Marriage Has a 99% chance of making it over any other Kids in the same type situation.
They have the support Of BOTH families. If the Kids Love each Other they Can grow together.
Now Can Both these thread's be LOCKED ? PLEASE ?

9/2/2008, 12:28 AM
This Marriage Has a 99% chance of making it over any other Kids in the same type situation.
They have the support Of BOTH families. If the Kids Love each Other they Can grow together.
Now Can Both these thread's be LOCKED ? PLEASE ?

This thread does suck, but I hate it when threads get locked. Let it die of natural causes. Locked threads annoy the bejesus out of me.

proud gonzo
9/7/2008, 12:19 AM
That's right!

Anyone who has ever had sex education never got PG or got an STD. Sex education works 100% of the time.hey hey, leave me out of this :P

Harry Beanbag
9/7/2008, 09:49 AM
hey hey, leave me out of this :P

Well, he is right about me at least. I had sex ed in the 5th grade and I've never gotten you or an STD. :D

9/7/2008, 10:54 AM
This thread does suck, but I hate it when threads get locked. Let it die of natural causes. Locked threads annoy the bejesus out of me.

I agree with not locking certain stuff...

Let's say the wedding is suddenly called off for instance...

We wouldn't be able to bring the life back into this thread then. :D :pop: :pop: :pop: