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8/31/2008, 07:22 PM
Alternate title: The Chronicles of Vin Diesel.

From what I can tell, it had the potential to be a very good movie. However, the studio took it away from the director and chopped it up, resulting in what the director himself has called "pure violence and stupidity" and that "parts of the movie are like a bad episode of 24."

I didn't think it was quite THAT bad.

A lot of shooting. A lot of questions in the plot go completely unanswered. TWO hot chicks: Michelle Yeoh (yow) and Melanie Thierry (RAWR!).

The verdict: not horrible, but XXX was better. This movie was better when they called it Children of Men.

8/31/2008, 07:31 PM
The verdict: not horrible, but XXX was better. This movie was better when they called it Children of Men.


i really expected more out of that flick

8/31/2008, 07:32 PM
Heh. Of course, I LIKED Children of Men. Clive Owen = awesome.

8/31/2008, 07:33 PM
yeah, i like Clive Owen, i just felt that movie could have been better somehow

8/31/2008, 08:12 PM
I can see that.

8/31/2008, 08:13 PM
It bears repeating, though. Melanie Thierry = RAWR. She needs to do some more US movies. She's got a Milla Jovovich thing going.