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8/28/2008, 09:05 PM
Someone called in to WWLS today and said that they had heard OU's first offensive play they would take a delay of game penalty without a QB on the field. As awesome as that sounds, I think it would be even better if we set up in the Wishbone without a QB and took the delay penalty. Anybody else think this would be a good idea?

Curly Bill
8/28/2008, 09:07 PM

I'm all for honoring Jack...but I don't know???

St. Louis Sooner
8/28/2008, 09:11 PM
i'd like it ... mildren got me hooked on OU football way back when. his "gee-i'm-getting-tackled-and-falling-down-now-so-i-better-pitch-it" move sent chills up my spine ... he was really something to watch

man we sure had some kicka-- QBs in the '70s

8/28/2008, 09:14 PM
Yes, we can afford that. It's a name your score game

8/28/2008, 10:19 PM
Love the idea. As much as I love to hate USC, doing something similar to honor Danelo (last year? two years ago? You know you're getting old when all your college football seasons start to run together) was a really classy move.

And having DeMarco, CB, and Clapp lining up in the Wishbone would just be awesome. Great tribute to Mildren.

8/28/2008, 10:22 PM
The delay thing has been done by SUC, I say we don't take a delay, but we run the option and run it for a TD. That would be best.

8/28/2008, 10:26 PM
The delay thing has been done by SUC, I say we don't take a delay, but we run the option and run it for a TD. That would be best.

Winner :D :D :D :D :D :D ;)

Curly Bill
8/28/2008, 10:27 PM

I'm all for honoring Jack...but I don't know???

OK, if we line up in the wishbone and run a play I'm for it. Not in favor of taking a delay, not because it's gonna cost us, just not in favor.

8/28/2008, 10:28 PM
Winner :D :D :D :D :D :D ;)

thank you sir. I knew someone would see it my way

8/28/2008, 11:23 PM
wishbone + run the play = win

penalties are for homos.

8/28/2008, 11:50 PM
Bradford should line up at QB with no rib protectors.

Bradford should receive the snap and take a short drop-step. While looking at the defensive end, he should put the ball into the belly of his fullback right before said fullback crashes through the line. Said fullback would preferably be wearing #17.

Bradford should remove the ball from the belly of the fullback and make tracks down the line. As he comes face-to-face with the DE, he should fake a pitch to his halfback, who would preferably be wearing #30, and cut upfield while freezing the DE.

When Bradford finds open prairie in front of him, he should make tracks upfield, post haste. His other halfback, preferably wearing #22, should provide a block toward the cornerback who's closed in to make the play.

With that man blocked, Bradford should now be in full gallop and eyeballing the only man who can cut off his corner: the safety. As the safety closes in at warp speed, Bradford should continue to run.......hard.

At that last moment, Bradford should realize that he can't get the corner, but his halfback, #30, damn sure can. At the last possible instant, Bradford should pitch the ball to #30, who's in a dead sprint up the boundary.

Hello......................Goodbye................ ....Touchdown OKLAHOMA!

That's how you honor Jack Mildren, because he's the guy who perfected it.

Leroy Lizard
8/29/2008, 12:03 AM
All in favor of the players wearing tear-away jerseys, say "aye."

WA. Sooner
8/29/2008, 12:48 AM

8/29/2008, 08:32 AM
Def run the bone. That would be freaking awesome, and a great and fitting tribute.

Not to mention it would seem to have a pretty good chance of working as I'm fairly positive the mocs havent gameplanned for it.

8/29/2008, 08:33 AM
Def run the bone. That would be freaking awesome, and a great and fitting tribute.

Not to mention it would seem to have a pretty good chance of working as I'm fairly positive the mocs havent gameplanned for it.

Even if they have gameplanned for it, surely if we ran it a few times we could bust it for a TD

St. Louis Sooner
8/29/2008, 09:28 AM
I really like the bone idea ... but I worry about having bradford run it. He doesn't strike me as a running/pitching kinda guy.

My vote is a delay of game .. no QB ... with a wishbone formation in the backfield.

8/29/2008, 09:54 AM
I really like the bone idea ... but I worry about having bradford run it. He doesn't strike me as a running/pitching kinda guy.

My vote is a delay of game .. no QB ... with a wishbone formation in the backfield.

I really like the no QB thing, it is very similar to the Missing Man formation that the military uses. USC got this one right. Very classy move on their part and I think it is a good idea to use here.

8/29/2008, 10:21 AM
I'm still in favor of the no QB. What are 5 yards in the scheme of things?

8/29/2008, 10:34 AM
The delay thing has been done by SUC, I say we don't take a delay, but we run the option and run it for a TD. That would be best.

That is stinkin Awesome!!!!

8/29/2008, 10:37 AM
wishbone + run the play = win

penalties are for homos.

Ya, i can see Sammy faking the pitch and going 80. :D

8/29/2008, 11:11 AM
Bradford should line up at QB with no rib protectors.

Bradford should receive the snap and take a short drop-step. While looking at the defensive end, he should put the ball into the belly of his fullback right before said fullback crashes through the line. Said fullback would preferably be wearing #17.

Bradford should remove the ball from the belly of the fullback and make tracks down the line. As he comes face-to-face with the DE, he should fake a pitch to his halfback, who would preferably be wearing #30, and cut upfield while freezing the DE.

When Bradford finds open prairie in front of him, he should make tracks upfield, post haste. His other halfback, preferably wearing #22, should provide a block toward the cornerback who's closed in to make the play.

With that man blocked, Bradford should now be in full gallop and eyeballing the only man who can cut off his corner: the safety. As the safety closes in at warp speed, Bradford should continue to run.......hard.

At that last moment, Bradford should realize that he can't get the corner, but his halfback, #30, damn sure can. At the last possible instant, Bradford should pitch the ball to #30, who's in a dead sprint up the boundary.

Hello......................Goodbye................ ....Touchdown OKLAHOMA!

That's how you honor Jack Mildren, because he's the guy who perfected it.

Me likey!!

But shouldn't #7 be in there somewhere? ;)

8/29/2008, 12:24 PM
Someone called in to WWLS today and said that they had heard OU's first offensive play they would take a delay of game penalty without a QB on the field. As awesome as that sounds, I think it would be even better if we set up in the Wishbone without a QB and took the delay penalty. Anybody else think this would be a good idea?

I love the idea of a tribute. But I wish it would happen in a game I could actually see. I can't get the PPV here unless I buy the entire season package :mad:

8/29/2008, 09:43 PM
that OU will come out for the first play of the game on offense and be in the wishbone, with no quarterback. They will take a delay of game and then play ball. This is of course, in memory of Jack Mildren.

8/29/2008, 09:47 PM


8/29/2008, 09:56 PM
Can't we just have a nice video tribute on the Enormotron followed by a moment of silence and not take five yards?

8/29/2008, 10:01 PM
Can't we just have a nice video tribute on the Enormotron followed by a moment of silence and not take five yards?

I dont see the problem in honoring one of OU's greats in a way like this :rolleyes: , it would be an awesome thing to see. Its not like we cant get 60 yds on the next play

8/29/2008, 10:01 PM
Can't we just have a nice video tribute on the Enormotron followed by a moment of silence and not take five yards?

I say we do both. Talk about a spine tingling visual, it would be like the riderless horse with the boot backward in the stirrup.

We should also have Switzer and Fairbanks as honorary captains for the coin toss. One wearing a Red No. 11 Jersey and the other wearing a White No. 11 Jersey.


God Bless Jack Mildren and his family.

8/29/2008, 10:04 PM
USC called. They want their touching moment back.

8/29/2008, 10:06 PM
I dont see the problem in honoring one of OU's greats in a way like this :rolleyes: , it would be an awesome thing to see. Its not like we cant get 60 yds on the next play

my only concern is that it's a little insulting the the Mocs

would we do it against Texas or Nebraska or something?

i think it would be a neat thing to see though

8/29/2008, 10:08 PM
North Texas called. They want their touching moment back.

Wait. What? They didn't mean to do that? Oh, nevermind, carry on.

8/29/2008, 10:08 PM
I think they would understand, this guy was a legend in college sports. I have seen similiar tributes in football and basketball...I personally like it

King Crimson
8/29/2008, 10:08 PM
USC called. They want their touching moment back.

yeah, i agree a little. if we do it....i'm good with it. personally i think we line up and run our plays like Jack would have.

8/29/2008, 11:13 PM
Oh man, can you imagine if the first play we line up, and the crowd gets silent and the screen lights up with a highlight of Jack running the wishbone and all you hear is the announcer's voice from back then.

Might land us a 15yd penalty for doing that during a live play, but it would smoke the usc tribute.

A Sooner in Texas
8/30/2008, 12:06 AM
Oh man, can you imagine if the first play we line up, and the crowd gets silent and the screen lights up with a highlight of Jack running the wishbone and all you hear is the announcer's voice from back then.

Might land us a 15yd penalty for doing that during a live play, but it would smoke the usc tribute.

THAT is cool...and would be very moving...and original!

Leroy Lizard
8/30/2008, 12:08 AM
North Texas called. They want their touching moment back.

Wait. What? They didn't mean to do that? Oh, nevermind, carry on.

Bwahahaha!!!! Best post of the day.