View Full Version : I can ride my bike with no handlebars....not really!

8/26/2008, 10:07 PM
I started my classes at OU yesterday and I ride a bike around campus(I wish I was as cool as Biker Fox). Every semester I find a way to crash my bike. My first semester I bit the **** 3 times. First time a guy in a golf car ran me off the road. 2nd time I went over the handlebars going down the hill by the library heading into the SO. 3 time was the worst I flipped completely over. I was pulling into the bike racks by the library and the dirt in where one of the trees is planted was not solid and the bike stopped and I kept going. This was after the ice storm and all the buds from the trees were on the ground or whatever they are. I had red **** all over my pants...not a good time.

Yesterday...I started the semester off right. I was going to cross Jenkens to get to Sarkeys but a truck was coming. I chickened out and tried to go back on the sidewalk but hit the curb and didnt flip but took my cross bar in the plums.:cool:

I do have class with Jeremy Beal, Cade Davis, Jeremy Ebern and couple other baseball players. So that is fun. :pop:

Who is ready for some football?

8/26/2008, 10:52 PM
I think maybe you should walk, and definitely cut you drivers license in half right now.;)

8/26/2008, 10:58 PM
I ride pretty well some times **** happens=)

8/27/2008, 07:33 AM

8/27/2008, 07:48 AM