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View Full Version : Post "things of interest" from the DNC...ON THIS THREAD, pls.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/25/2008, 03:27 PM
OK, we will learn more, not be so bored with all the BS stuff, and even possibly entertain some thoughts, regarding this colossal event.

8/25/2008, 03:48 PM
I miss your fishing threads.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/25/2008, 03:57 PM
Thanks for the editing.

Viking Kitten
8/25/2008, 03:59 PM
When RLIMC types part of his sentences in all caps, I hear it in my head like he's yelling that part. Kind of like "Pay to the order of Iron Balls McGinty, one dollar and NINE CENTS!!!"

8/25/2008, 04:00 PM
Obama's suit makes John McCain look like a gas station attendant.

8/25/2008, 04:00 PM
How am I meddling when I say I miss your fishing threads? I honestly enjoyed seeing another side of you, that's all. For someone that loves tearing into other people so much, you sure are sensitive.

8/25/2008, 04:01 PM
Obama's suit makes John McCain look like a gas station attendant.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/25/2008, 04:05 PM
How am I meddling when I say I miss your fishing threads? I honestly enjoyed seeing another side of you, that's all. For someone that loves tearing into other people so much, you sure are sensitive.Your comment above sort of left out the action that I referred to as meddling. I have changed the comment to "editing", so you will understand.

8/25/2008, 04:10 PM
Are you talking about me saying "dumb long titles?" I said that because when I hit reply to your original title and it added "RE:" the quick reply rejected the post due to the thread title being too long. It's a common problem when people start threads with really long titles. My only option for replying to your thread was to hit the "go advanced" button and shorten the title.

My "dumb long titles" comment wasn't directed at content in any way, only at long titles borking the board.

You need a fishing trip, so's you can unwind a bit.

8/25/2008, 04:11 PM

8/25/2008, 04:11 PM

8/25/2008, 04:16 PM

8/25/2008, 04:16 PM
Obama's suit makes John McCain look like a gas station attendant.

Maybe, bud Nancy Pelosi is so dumb that she makes W. look like Albert Einstein.

8/25/2008, 04:17 PM
This is sortof like an official game thread, but without the football.

8/25/2008, 04:19 PM
This is sortof like an official game thread, but without the football.


8/25/2008, 04:20 PM
The convention just started less than an hour ago and I'm already reminded of why I'm a Republican (despite my many many many differences with them).

They lost me at, "This convention was built with union labor."

8/25/2008, 04:20 PM
You're tailgating aren't you?

8/25/2008, 04:21 PM
Deja vu.

8/25/2008, 04:29 PM
You're tailgating aren't you?

No, but that would be so freaking cool. I do tailgate on election day at the polling place though. :D

8/25/2008, 04:35 PM
Some pics from lib-fest...


8/25/2008, 04:35 PM
No, but that would be so freaking cool. I do tailgate on election day at the polling place though. :D
You're out front administering fake literacy tests, aren't you?

8/25/2008, 04:36 PM

8/25/2008, 04:38 PM
My Fav so far..

8/25/2008, 04:39 PM
You're out front administering fake literacy tests, aren't you?

I wish. I kid you not -- I wish.

Well citizenship tests though being literate would be an obvious requirement for the citizenship test.

8/25/2008, 04:41 PM
Well citizenship tests though being literate would be an obvious requirement for the citizenship test.



RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/25/2008, 04:41 PM
Are you talking about me saying "dumb long titles?" I said that because when I hit reply to your original title and it added "RE:" the quick reply rejected the post due to the thread title being too long. It's a common problem when people start threads with really long titles. My only option for replying to your thread was to hit the "go advanced" button and shorten the title.

My "dumb long titles" comment wasn't directed at content in any way, only at long titles borking the board.

You need a fishing trip, so's you can unwind a bit.Has SF lowered the letter count max for thread titles? I prolly will go down to Rocky Pt fishing in a couple of weeks. I might miss seeing the Cincinatti game, but life gives us tough choices, sometimes.

8/25/2008, 04:42 PM

8/25/2008, 04:42 PM
My Fav so far..

I saw an interview with a guy from Veterans for Against the War who was giving the reporter their "3 points of common interest." The first two points were reasonable enough (end the war, bring the troops home, and whatnot), but the third point was "pay reparations to the Iraqis for all the damage we've done both emotional and physical."

That was pretty much the most bat-*** crazy thing I've heard in awhile. I think the blood we've spent to liberate those people, the billions of dollars we've already spent on reconstruction, and the financial commitments we will be fulfilling for years to come is not only more than the Iraqis deserve but all the "reparations" we ought to be paying.

8/25/2008, 04:43 PM
I miss your fisting threads.


8/25/2008, 04:44 PM


A citizenship/civics test similar to the one naturalized citizens have to take. I think you should have to demonstrate a passable proficiency in the structure and history of the United States government before earning the privilege to vote.

8/25/2008, 04:45 PM
You don't remember RLIMC's fisting threads? They were the stuff of legend.

8/25/2008, 04:48 PM
A citizenship/civics test similar to the one naturalized citizens have to take. I think you should have to demonstrate a passable proficiency in the structure and history of the United States government before earning the privilege to vote.

Yeah - I got that part.

I was taking a shot of your confusing-like writing there, Jefferson. It almost don't make no sense.

You know, posting in a political thread ain't that bad...whooda thought?

8/25/2008, 04:49 PM
Who are you?

8/25/2008, 04:49 PM
Should we merge this one with the other one? The other one is a poll but do we want to keep all the DNC stuff together? People lose track of their arguments sometimes...

I'm asking. If you guys want to leave it, that's cool.

8/25/2008, 04:50 PM
:les: NO NEW TAXES!!!

8/25/2008, 04:50 PM
Should we merge this one with the other one? The other one is a poll but do we want to keep all the DNC stuff together? People lose track of their arguments sometimes...

I'm asking. If you guys want to leave it, that's cool.

I wish you would stop merging threads.

8/25/2008, 04:51 PM
Do you mean merge it with the Batman threads? 'Cause if that's what you want, I guess I'll do it.

8/25/2008, 04:53 PM
I wish you would stop merging threads.
Thank you for your suggestion. We value your opinion. Your suggestion is being forwarded to the secretary of the SF.com Tailgate Drawing Board for consideration of its inclusion on the agenda at their next quarterly meeting. Ordinarily, once placed on the agenda, and after discussion in open session by the Board, proposed rules changes are referred to the Rules subcommittee for study. After the subcommittee publishes its report on the merits of the particular suggestion, the Drawing Board will make a decision. We will of course inform you in writing of that decision and your right to appeal. Thanks again for your interest in the The SF.com Tailgate Drawing Project.

8/25/2008, 04:53 PM
I wish you would stop merging threads.

Aww, don't be mad because yours got merged. There was already one going on - why have 3 threads on the front page about the same thing?

Is it insulting or something? People always get mad when their thread gets merged - it's just a way to keep all the conversations about the same thing together. Why is that bad?

YES!!! I'm fighting in a political thread! Whoo-hoo!

8/25/2008, 04:54 PM
http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/images/buttons/infraction.gif (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/infraction.php?do=report&p=2372395)

8/25/2008, 04:54 PM
Ah look, another thread that will likely end up locked before the end of the day :D

Democratic Conventions throughout history:

1992 Democratic National Convention
The quote:

Exactly four years ago my daughter died of AIDS. She did not survive the Reagan Administration. I am here because my son and I may not survive four more years of leaders who say they care, but do nothing.
The result: Bill Clinton over George HW Bush

1996 DNC: Hillary Clinton
The quote:

For Bill and me, there has been no experience more challenging, more rewarding, and more humbling than raising our daughter... And we have learned that to raise a happy, healthy and hopeful child, it takes a family, it takes teachers, it takes clergy, it takes business people, it takes community leaders, it takes those who protect our health and safety, it takes all of us.

Yes, it takes a village. And it takes a president... It takes Bill Clinton.
The Result: Clinton over Bob Dole

2000 DNC:
The quote:

We're entering a new time, we're electing a new president, and I stand here tonight as my own man. I want you to know me for who I truly am.
The result: George W. Bush (barely!) over Al Gore

2004 DNC:
The quote:

I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty!

The Result: Bush over John F. Kerry.

I find that the losing DNC's rely more on gimmickiness and photo ops (like the two I showed here) than the previous, winning ones. I hope they take the hint.

8/25/2008, 04:54 PM

8/25/2008, 04:55 PM

These people should check out China for awhile.

8/25/2008, 04:58 PM
Aww, don't be mad because yours got merged. There was already one going on - why have 3 threads on the front page about the same thing?

Is it insulting or something? People always get mad when their thread gets merged - it's just a way to keep all the conversations about the same thing together. Why is that bad?

YES!!! I'm fighting in a political thread! Whoo-hoo!

I'm indignant over having my thread merged with a RLIMC thread. I consider my threads to be the superior example of conservative thought around here. You should have merged his thread with mine -- not the other way around!


8/25/2008, 04:58 PM

8/25/2008, 04:59 PM
Did you dammit me, or Badger's Encyclopedia Brittanica post?

8/25/2008, 05:01 PM
Thank you for your suggestion. We value your opinion. Your suggestion is being forwarded to the secretary of the SF.com Tailgate Drawing Board for consideration of its inclusion on the agenda at their next quarterly meeting. Ordinarily, once placed on the agenda, and after discussion in open session by the Board, proposed rules changes are referred to the Rules subcommittee for study. After the subcommittee publishes its report on the merits of the particular suggestion, the Drawing Board will make a decision. We will of course inform you in writing of that decision and your right to appeal. Thanks again for your interest in the The SF.com Tailgate Drawing Project.
If that's not good for some 4LIFE lovin', I don't know what is.

8/25/2008, 05:03 PM
Did you dammit me, or Badger's Encyclopedia Brittanica post?


8/25/2008, 05:05 PM
Poor RLIMC. I suspect this is not what he envisioned for this thread.

8/25/2008, 05:06 PM

:les: HELL NO WE WON'T GO!!!

8/25/2008, 05:12 PM
Poor RLIMC. I suspect this is not what he envisioned for this thread.

It's not what I envisioned for my thread!

At any rate, there's not a lot going on at the convention right now. I suspect there will be more to talk about when Michelle Obama speaks this evening.

8/25/2008, 05:18 PM
Wait, is this your thread? I thought it was RLIMC's. I'm so confused now.

8/25/2008, 05:25 PM
Wait, is this your thread? I thought it was RLIMC's. I'm so confused now.

After the merge, it became a symbiotic relationship.

8/25/2008, 05:27 PM
well, either way:


Viking Kitten
8/25/2008, 05:27 PM
After the merge, it became a symbiotic relationship.

That's completely gross.


8/25/2008, 05:28 PM
Seriously though, this thread has exceeded all expectations I had for it.

Which of course isn't saying much.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/25/2008, 06:19 PM
I was wondering how long it would take the mods to consider or do a merge. Just because a merge screws up all the involved threads shouldn't effect your decision.

8/25/2008, 06:25 PM

8/25/2008, 06:27 PM
A citizenship/civics test similar to the one naturalized citizens have to take. I think you should have to demonstrate a passable proficiency in the structure and history of the United States government before earning the privilege to vote.

I think they should Be Gainfully employed also :eek:

8/25/2008, 07:24 PM
I think they should Be Gainfully employed also :eek:

wait a sec... are you gainfully employed right now? :D

yes, i am calling your attention to the fact that there are disabled, retired and people between jobs (or even self-employed or stay-at-home parents) right now that also deserve to vote.

Curly Bill
8/25/2008, 07:41 PM
yes, i am calling your attention to the fact that there are disabled, retired and people between jobs (or even self-employed or stay-at-home parents) right now that also deserve to vote.

Says who? :P

8/25/2008, 07:41 PM
I suspect there will be more to talk about when Michelle Obama speaks this evening.
KILL WHITEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curly Bill
8/25/2008, 07:43 PM
KILL WHITEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's gotta be somewhere where they are taking wagers on her saying something stupid. Wonder what the odds are? :D

8/25/2008, 07:44 PM
wait a sec... are you gainfully employed right now? :D

yes, i am calling your attention to the fact that there are disabled, retired and people between jobs (or even self-employed or stay-at-home parents) right now that also deserve to vote.

Baj that was a dig at a Professional Student ;)

8/25/2008, 07:47 PM
Baj that was a dig at a Professional Student ;)

be nice, he's already splained himself on that ;)

8/25/2008, 07:47 PM
wait a sec... are you gainfully employed right now? :D

yes, i am calling your attention to the fact that there are disabled, retired and people between jobs (or even self-employed or stay-at-home parents) and people that take 37 years to graduate college right now that also deserve to vote.


8/25/2008, 07:48 PM
be nice, he's already splained himself on that ;)

But If he wants all these conditions about being able to vote I Can set one to cant I :D

Chuck Bao
8/25/2008, 07:50 PM
Good video on NO and Katrina. And, a good dig by Pres. Carter. Like a third world country. Heh!

8/25/2008, 09:03 PM
If Obama's people dis Bill and Hillary, and don't treat them like rock stars, I'm voting for McCain!

8/25/2008, 10:06 PM
I think they should Be Gainfully employed also :eek:

I don't necessarily disagree with that.

8/25/2008, 10:10 PM
I suspect there will be more to talk about when Michelle Obama speaks this evening.

I thought she did well.

8/25/2008, 10:23 PM

And knowing this board, I'm simply not going to say anything further.

8/25/2008, 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by olevetonahill

I think they should Be Gainfully employed also

I don't necessarily disagree with that.

Retired folks? No leisure class representation? No housewives?

8/25/2008, 10:30 PM
Retired folks? No leisure class representation? No housewives?

Or whatever status of unemployment?

8/25/2008, 10:42 PM
Wonder If SoonerKnight was In on the Bust ?
Ya Know this wont be the Only Bunch or Idjit Rednecks that try to Put something like that together:mad:

8/26/2008, 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by olevetonahill

Retired folks? No leisure class representation? No housewives?

Obviously there are some exceptions to be made. That's why I said for the most part. As a disclaimer though, I would gladly exclude myself from the ballot box if it meant restricting the "right" to vote.

8/26/2008, 12:52 AM
Sicem , I just Make fun of stuff you take it serious :D

8/26/2008, 01:29 AM
Well, I missed most of tonight's coverage of the DNC. Thank God there was this thread to recap the key events.

8/26/2008, 01:34 AM
Well, I missed most of tonight's coverage of the DNC. Thank God there was this thread to recap the key events.

Ted kennedy made a speech I think , Didnt slur his words or nothin

King Crimson
8/26/2008, 01:39 AM
more whining from the usual suspects (if it's possible) is about what to expect.

straight talk express is pure. no flip flops (even though there are many). Patriotism: dimz; pure ideology and class warfare and socialism. all kinds of flip flops (moral turpitude). no Patriotism. Anti-americanism.

we should abolish civil society and make this a military state, that's what i get from this board over the last few weeks. only the second amendment, hoo hoo!

personally, i thought Michelle Obama's speech was pandering.

but aren't they all?

King Crimson is not a democrat. never registered, PM me if you doubt it. i vote 3rd party every time, someone has to.

8/26/2008, 02:21 AM
King Crimson is not a democrat. never registered, PM me if you doubt it. i vote 3rd party every time, someone has to.

'Atta boy. I'm with you.

King Crimson
8/26/2008, 02:42 AM
'Atta boy. I'm with you.

someone has to. it could be you reading this post....the two party system is bull****. the current system has to fall.

it doesn't matter if you are way right of the party authoritarian relentless apologist like Homey or a criminal so-called commie/libertarian like me.....

these are not the only choices.

vote 3rd party.

8/26/2008, 03:07 AM
I dont give a **** How Ya Vote as LOng as you Vote .:P

8/26/2008, 04:00 AM
someone has to. it could be you reading this post....the two party system is bull****. the current system has to fall.

it doesn't matter if you are way right of the party authoritarian relentless apologist like Homey or a criminal so-called commie/libertarian like me.....

these are not the only choices.

vote 3rd party.

I agree with all the above.

8/26/2008, 04:03 AM
I dont give a **** How Ya Vote as LOng as you Vote .:P

See, a lot of people say that but it's really totally illogical and frankly bad for the Republic.

Why on earth should EVERYONE vote just for teh sake of voting? Why encourage people to vote who have no interest in politics, no knowledge of the candidates or issues, and no clue how the government works?

I mean why have we convinced ourselves that it's some sort of civic-virtue to walk into a voting booth completely uninformed and damned near illiterate?

I think if you're a well informed citizen, you know the issues/candidates, and you have a rudimentary understanding of how government works then you have an obligation to vote. If none of that applies to you then stay home. I have a lot more respect for someone who says they aren't informed well enough to vote and therefore do not then someone who admits they aren't well informed but they go ahead and vote anyway.

8/26/2008, 07:07 AM
A citizenship/civics test similar to the one naturalized citizens have to take. I think you should have to demonstrate a passable proficiency in the structure and history of the United States government before earning the privilege to vote.


8/26/2008, 07:10 AM
See, a lot of people say that but it's really totally illogical and frankly bad for the Republic.

Why on earth should EVERYONE vote just for teh sake of voting? Why encourage people to vote who have no interest in politics, no knowledge of the candidates or issues, and no clue how the government works?

I mean why have we convinced ourselves that it's some sort of civic-virtue to walk into a voting booth completely uninformed and damned near illiterate?

I think if you're a well informed citizen, you know the issues/candidates, and you have a rudimentary understanding of how government works then you have an obligation to vote. If none of that applies to you then stay home. I have a lot more respect for someone who says they aren't informed well enough to vote and therefore do not then someone who admits they aren't well informed but they go ahead and vote anyway.

Then there would just be people like you and JohnnyMack votin :eek:

8/26/2008, 07:23 AM
If the 19th Amendment were repealled, no Donk would ever again be elected President.;)

8/26/2008, 07:27 AM
If the 19th Amendment were repealled, no Donk would ever again be elected President.;)

Yep, and we would never have to worry about silly ideas from busy body women that are doomed to fail, like prohibition, gun control, and universal healthcare.

8/26/2008, 07:39 AM
Dayum Yankees :mad:

8/26/2008, 07:53 AM
Isn't Mike a delegate at this dealio? Shouldn't he be posting live updates? Doesn't he have one of them cell phones that lets him get in the innerweb?

Come on, Mike.

8/26/2008, 08:20 AM
So they had Ben Stein on Larry King Live last night to respond with other Republicans to the first day of DNC. He was funny as always. He did nothing but trash the convention, but his voice... I was giggling throughout.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/26/2008, 10:45 AM
Well, I missed most of tonight's coverage of the DNC. Thank God there was this thread to recap the key events.HEAR HERE!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/26/2008, 12:02 PM

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/26/2008, 07:50 PM
OK, when does the Hillmeister come to call?

8/26/2008, 07:52 PM
What the heck does that have to do with fishing?

8/26/2008, 07:52 PM
WTF is this mayor of Fairbanks, AK moonbat?

8/26/2008, 07:55 PM
WTF is this mayor of Fairbanks, AK moonbat?

Mike Rich. ;)

8/26/2008, 07:56 PM
Maybe he's there to talk about fishing. I hear the fishing up there is great.

8/26/2008, 07:57 PM
Does anyone think the cracker lady from Appalachia wrote her speech?

8/26/2008, 07:58 PM
Next up, Birkenstock commando!

8/26/2008, 08:07 PM
Now the chick he should have chosen as a running mate is talking.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2008, 08:21 PM
Isn't Mike a delegate at this dealio? Shouldn't he be posting live updates? Doesn't he have one of them cell phones that lets him get in the innerweb?

Come on, Mike.

Mike was a delegate to the state convention, not the national convention. I missed election to the national convention by just a few votes.

I've been poll watching today for the primaries.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2008, 08:23 PM
WTF is this mayor of Fairbanks, AK moonbat?

You mean Jim Whitaker? The Republican mayor of Fairbanks who is considered to be very strong on energy issues?

8/26/2008, 08:32 PM

8/26/2008, 08:46 PM
Why did they pick Mark Warner to do the keynote?

He's always seemed awkward to me, and he's raising the bar here.

8/26/2008, 09:37 PM
ok, I don't drink, but after 30 minutes of watching the DNC, I'm ready to start. Where are the drunkytown folks, somebody declare some drinking rules...

8/26/2008, 09:46 PM
1 drink every time the word "change" is mentioned & 1 drink for McCain.

You'd be comotose in 15 minutes.

8/26/2008, 10:03 PM
Wow, Hillary is on a McCain bashing ROLL.

Jokes and jokes and jokes

I'm one of the least political people around, but gah.

8/26/2008, 10:05 PM
Her performance is pretty strong but possibly a little too much about her.

Curly Bill
8/26/2008, 10:06 PM
1 drink every time the word "change" is mentioned & 1 drink for McCain.

You'd be comotose in 15 minutes.


8/26/2008, 10:07 PM
She's going to have to distance herself from her comments about McCain being a better than Obama & bashing does that.

Besides, Obama needs sound bytes since both Hillary & Biden dissed him hard.

8/26/2008, 10:13 PM
A pretty strong speech. Moreso than I expected really.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2008, 10:21 PM
That was an excellent speech. If she'd have given a speech this powerful 12 months ago, she might be the one speaking on Thursday.

Basically called out all of her supporters who were thinking of voting for McCain as a protest, which is what needed to be said.

8/26/2008, 10:34 PM
I think she crossed her fingers behind her back. The speech I saw focused on her contributions only making passing mention to be a loyal Democrat & vote for Obama because he's the nominee. She never once mentioned she thought he'd be a good president or that he was a good person--just policy stuff.

8/26/2008, 10:35 PM
Basically she said the country "needs Obama" so the evil, vile, greedy Republicans won't retain the White House.

8/26/2008, 10:42 PM
The Libs of the board Loved it , the Cons thot it was weak sauce.
whoda thunk it :D

8/26/2008, 10:42 PM
It's so awesome how two people can watch the exact same thing and come away with that different impressions. Tune in Thursday for another episode.
Season 2 starts next week.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2008, 10:50 PM
It's so awesome how two people can watch the exact same thing and come away with that different impressions. Tune in Thursday for another episode.
Season 2 starts next week.

It is, isn't it?

You can almost tell which talking heads people are listening to based on their responses-and I'm not excluding myself from this.

8/26/2008, 11:12 PM
What color was her pant suit tonite?

BTW, Charles Barkley is a joke.

8/26/2008, 11:15 PM
It made her *** look fat

King Crimson
8/27/2008, 12:16 AM
What color was her pant suit tonite?

tangerine, tangerine, living reflection of...well, not a dream.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/27/2008, 12:55 AM
Thanx for filling in us non-watchers on the highlights, gang. Gosh, I should have watched it. It was apparently insightful and inspirational.

8/27/2008, 03:54 AM
Michelle Obama is hot. I'd hit it w/ Chuck Bao's ****.

Chuck Bao
8/27/2008, 05:01 AM
Michelle Obama is hot. I'd hit it w/ Chuck Bao's ****.

You're right. She is hot.

But, if you're going to be hitting on something, do it right. Say please first.

8/27/2008, 09:32 AM
It is, isn't it?

You can almost tell which talking heads people are listening to based on their responses-and I'm not excluding myself from this.

Don't get me wrong I still wouldn't trust her with a sack of dead hamsters. I'm just saying she gave a speech that was strong in delivery and emotion and managed to touch on just about all of the issues the D's hoped she would.

8/27/2008, 10:47 AM
Hillary thoughts:

1- She needed to do this to have any hope of taking a second try at presidency, because Lord knows she won't get nominated for any other party's ticket then the Dem's.

2- She didn't say enough to get Obama elected, but rather, enough to criticize McCain so that if McCain is elected, she will be able to run against him in 4 years, having fired the first shots last night.

3- Obama still needs to earn Hillary's supporters; Hillary cannot simply hand votes over to him without Obama asking for them, and Hillary cannot convince people to vote for Obama simply by saying "You supported me, so support him, because we're both against McCain."

4- That tangerine pantsuit will not easily be forgotten. NP thought it was a good color for her - I thought it was more of a color to stand out than anything else.

Hillary needs Barack to lose. Eight years is far too long to wait for another presidential run - she's not going to have the same support then. McCain also needs Barack to lose, so, if anything, it brings to light why extreme leftists like Barack and extreme rightists like Tom Coburn work so well together - same ends, but different means :D

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/27/2008, 01:04 PM
I guess AZ's own "Dammit"Janet has delivered some talkwords at the DNC.?.?.

8/27/2008, 04:06 PM
the DNC has so many points of interest that it's getting buried under road rage threads :D

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/27/2008, 09:12 PM
I've heard the Impeached One is/was speaking, supposedly on foreign relations, tonight. Post-anal-ysis, pls.

8/27/2008, 09:57 PM
I've heard the Impeached One is/was speaking, supposedly on foreign relations, tonight. Post-anal-ysis, pls.

I was sooo hoping he'd make a joke about his still being the first black president, but no dice.

At any rate, after bragging on HRC and how "his" candidate lost, WJC was all about recounting the wonderful and glorious Clinton years and how BHO can return the USA to full Clintonian Era glory. Honestly, it was 15 minutes of how WJC established all the benchmarks and how we must elect BHO to return to those happy daze.

The bumpersticker moment was, referring to his adminstration, American foreign policy was about the power of our example, not the example of our power. The delegates and assembled moonbattery on the floor swooned at that turn of phrase.

I guess he figured most people have forgotten he unleashed USAFE and half the carrier air wings in the Navy to bomb the crapola out of the Serbs 24/7 for several weeks in order to break-up their mud-wrestling with the Bosnians. He then ordered the 2d Armored Division and 4th ID from Germany to roll down there and knock heads together like Moe did to Larry and Curly. And, for the record, we still have boots, armor and artillery on the ground in the Balkans.

8/27/2008, 11:12 PM
I was sooo hoping he'd make a joke about his still being the first black president, but no dice.

At any rate, after bragging on HRC and how "his" candidate lost, WJC was all about recounting the wonderful and glorious Clinton years and how BHO can return the USA to full Clintonian Era glory. Honestly, it was 15 minutes of how WJC established all the benchmarks and how we must elect BHO to return to those happy daze.

The bumpersticker moment was, referring to his adminstration, American foreign policy was about the power of our example, not the example of our power. The delegates and assembled moonbattery on the floor swooned at that turn of phrase.

I guess he figured most people have forgotten he unleashed USAFE and half the carrier air wings in the Navy to bomb the crapola out of the Serbs 24/7 for several weeks in order to break-up their mud-wrestling with the Bosnians. He then ordered the 2d Armored Division and 4th ID from Germany to roll down there and knock heads together like Moe did to Larry and Curly. And, for the record, we still have boots, armor and artillery on the ground in the Balkans.

Wasn't the 2nd Armored Division deactivated well before the Balkans? I only know this because I'm a WWII buff and the 2nd Armored is my favorite of WWII divisions.

At any rate, aside from his abysmal handling of the military, what do we have to really complain about with the Clinton years? The economy was good, he signed 90% of the GOP's Contract with America into law (including welfare reform), and he didn't expand the size of the government as much as even W. Bush has. All and all, we could have done much worse with a Democrat President than WJC.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/27/2008, 11:24 PM
The economy was good, he(Clinton) signed 90% of the GOP's Contract with America into law (including welfare reform), and he didn't expand the size of the government as much as even W. Bush has. All and all, we could have done much worse with a Democrat President than WJC.How many other Dem presidents have had the benefit of a GOP congress?

8/27/2008, 11:38 PM
That was pretty much the most bat-*** crazy thing I've heard in awhile. I think the blood we've spent to liberate those people, the billions of dollars we've already spent on reconstruction, and the financial commitments we will be fulfilling for years to come is not only more than the Iraqis deserve but all the "reparations" we ought to be paying.

if only they asked for the "help" to begin with

8/27/2008, 11:46 PM
See, a lot of people say that but it's really totally illogical and frankly bad for the Republic.

Why on earth should EVERYONE vote just for teh sake of voting? Why encourage people to vote who have no interest in politics, no knowledge of the candidates or issues, and no clue how the government works?

I mean why have we convinced ourselves that it's some sort of civic-virtue to walk into a voting booth completely uninformed and damned near illiterate?

I think if you're a well informed citizen, you know the issues/candidates, and you have a rudimentary understanding of how government works then you have an obligation to vote. If none of that applies to you then stay home. I have a lot more respect for someone who says they aren't informed well enough to vote and therefore do not then someone who admits they aren't well informed but they go ahead and vote anyway.

bravo. seriously.

8/28/2008, 12:48 AM
How many other Dem presidents have had the benefit of a GOP congress?

How many GOP Presidents have had the benefit of a GOP congress and squandered the opportunity?

8/28/2008, 01:00 AM
Wasn't the 2nd Armored Division deactivated well before the Balkans? I only know this because I'm a WWII buff and the 2nd Armored is my favorite of WWII divisions.

At any rate, aside from his abysmal handling of the military, what do we have to really complain about with the Clinton years? The economy was good, he signed 90% of the GOP's Contract with America into law (including welfare reform), and he didn't expand the size of the government as much as even W. Bush has. All and all, we could have done much worse with a Democrat President than WJC.

Well, you can attribute the tech bubble crash of 2001 to Clinton, if you're not smart enough to realize that presidents have very little to do with downturns and upswings to the macroeconomy.

8/28/2008, 06:15 AM
At any rate, aside from his abysmal handling of the military, what do we have to really complain about with the Clinton years? The economy was good, he signed 90% of the GOP's Contract with America into law (including welfare reform), and he didn't expand the size of the government as much as even W. Bush has. All and all, we could have done much worse with a Democrat President than WJC.

WJC had a ton of resources dropped in his lap due to the "peace dividend" arising when the USSR collapsed. He slept on national security. No, he was in a coma on national security.

IMHO, presidents, like the rest of us, are generally just along for the ride on market forces that shape and define economic conditions. Thus, presidents shouldn't be blamed when the economy is down, and really shouldn't get the credit when its up.

Finally, his personal shenanigans made him virtually incapable of accomplishing anything for about two years thus squandering much of his second term.

8/28/2008, 12:49 PM
WJC had a ton of resources dropped in his lap due to the "peace dividend" arising when the USSR collapsed. He slept on national security. No, he was in a coma on national security.

IMHO, presidents, like the rest of us, are generally just along for the ride on market forces that shape and define economic conditions. Thus, presidents shouldn't be blamed when the economy is down, and really shouldn't get the credit when its up.

Finally, his personal shenanigans made him virtually incapable of accomplishing anything for about two years thus squandering much of his second term.

I don't buy the nonsense that the President has NO effect whatsoever on the economy and deserves no credit or blame when things don't go well. I thin it's something like a ship...the general course can't be changed easily but you can certainly do things to "rock the boat." Clinton managed the economy without rocking the boat too much.

For what it's worth, I don't blame most of the current economic troubles on Bush. Forces well beyond his control and well beyond what Clinton had to deal with were at work.

Having said all of that, Bush should have used a GOP Congress to make giant cuts in the Federal budget, use the surplus to pay down the deficit, and introduce a bit of fiscal responsibility.

8/28/2008, 12:58 PM
I thought Bill and Hillary are the 2 best convincing liars I have ever heard....

8/28/2008, 01:15 PM
I thought Bill and Hillary are the 2 best convincing liars I have ever heard....

Oh they are.

8/28/2008, 01:19 PM
I thought Bill and Hillary are the 2 best convincing liars I have ever heard....

Agreed but W and Condaleeza aren't too far behind.

8/28/2008, 03:30 PM
Whats wrong with Condi ?:confused:

8/28/2008, 03:49 PM
Whats wrong with Condi ?:confused:

She's just the latest member of W's administration he's let go down in flames. The way he rolled her out and made her concede that the timeline to pull out of Iraq was in fact happening was a disgrace. God forbid he have the stones to face the Nation and tell us to our faces.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/28/2008, 06:50 PM
This is Obama's "Greek Theater" night, isn't it? Somebody post the main points, pls.

8/28/2008, 08:30 PM
I was watching MSNBC around 6:30-7 PM EDT tonight and David Gregory was hosting one of the garden variety leftist programs.

The snivelling frat boy couldn't blast Bush and lift Obama up to that celestial plane because some azz clown with a bullhorn kept shouting "911 Was An Inside Job." This went on for the entire half hour I watched it. Poor Gregory - can't dump on Bush with big fancy words because of a louder, mentally deranged conspiracy theorist.

I swear to God, man, these people never fail to entertain.

Big Red Ron
8/28/2008, 09:13 PM
I like the lesbian deligation from California. Them and the, "rather be nekkid than wear fur girls."

I mean, there's that.

Oh, and I also like that football is on FSN and ESPN and I don't have to watch the DNC circle jerk.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/28/2008, 09:15 PM
That's some mighty powerful DNC stuff, there.

Curly Bill
8/28/2008, 09:16 PM
Oh, and I also like that football is on FSN and ESPN and I don't have to watch the DNC circle jerk.

Good Gawd, ain't that the truth.

Big Red Ron
8/28/2008, 09:18 PM
Baylor's getting blown out though. Kinda boring, not as boring as watching obama spew rhetoric from the 60's and 70's packaged as "change" though.

8/28/2008, 09:32 PM
Michael McDonald sucks.

8/28/2008, 09:32 PM




Big Red Ron
8/28/2008, 09:42 PM


8/28/2008, 09:43 PM
how about some pictures of the trash bags at the convention:



8/28/2008, 09:45 PM

Yes, all of the flags were nothing but show!

8/28/2008, 09:48 PM

8/28/2008, 09:53 PM
Take a moment to really drink in the next one. Very rich in metaphor and symbolism.


8/28/2008, 10:14 PM
Those pictures won't be able to be duplicated at the R convention. Nope. No way.

8/28/2008, 10:27 PM
Wasn't all the confetti, streamers and fireworks an affront to the Global Warming movement? That's a lot of trash going to the landfills, and smoke contributing to greenhouse gases. Denver will have a smog alert tomorrow after that display.

No wonder we didn't see hide nor hair of Gore around.

Curly Bill
8/28/2008, 10:28 PM
Wasn't all the confetti, streamers and fireworks an affront to the Global Warming movement? That's a lot of trash going to the landfills, and smoke contributing to greenhouse gases. Denver will have a smog alert tomorrow after that display.

No wonder we didn't see hide nor hair of Gore around.

I'm sure it was all offset by carbon credits. :rolleyes:

8/28/2008, 10:29 PM
The networks missed a golden opportunity to expose the hypocrisy when The Messiah said Washington's been talking about our dependence on foreign oil for 30 years and John McCain has been there for 26 years.

A candid shot of Biden at that point would have been priceless.

8/28/2008, 10:31 PM
Obama mentioned both Hillary and Bill in his address. Hmm...no camera shots of the Lovebirds.

Any thoughts on where they may have been on Obama's Big Night?

Curly Bill
8/28/2008, 10:34 PM
Obama mentioned both Hillary and Bill in his address. Hmm...no camera shots of the Lovebirds.

Any thoughts on where they may have been on Obama's Big Night?

Shopping for Obama voodoo dolls?

8/28/2008, 10:42 PM
I figured Hillary and Chelsea were chowing down on some grub. They make pantsuits in ever expanding waistlines.

And Bill...well, heh - somebody's gettin' a li'l nookie tonight.

8/28/2008, 10:49 PM
No wonder we didn't see hide nor hair of Gore around.

You realize he gave a speech earlier today, right?


Of course, I'm not saying he's not pissed about the trash...


This post brought to you in a non-partisan tongue-in-cheek manner. I approved this message.

8/28/2008, 10:57 PM
man, that was on pretty late...

McCains' gonna have to start his at 3:00 so he can still catch the Early Bird special at the cafeteria. ;)

8/28/2008, 10:58 PM
man, that was on pretty late...

McCains' gonna have to start his at 3:00 so he can still catch the Early Bird special at the cafeteria. ;)

That's Furr's, get your **** straight.:D

8/28/2008, 11:27 PM
It was a good speech, but what was most striking was Obama's effect on his thousands of adoring fans and supporters in attendance tonight:








8/28/2008, 11:51 PM
Oh, and I also like that football is on FSN and ESPN and I don't have to watch the DNC circle jerk.
If the DNC is a circle jerk, what would that make this thread?

Big Red Ron
8/28/2008, 11:59 PM
If the DNC is a circle jerk, what would that make this thread?
people laughing at a televised circle jerk?

8/29/2008, 01:03 AM
Ok so NOT having read Most of this thread. Ive come to the conclusion .
that not a Damn thing of Interest happened at this thing .
Am I right ?

Chuck Bao
8/29/2008, 01:39 AM
I'm finally watching it now. And, I just wet my pants. Lieterally. This guy is THAT good.

8/29/2008, 02:15 AM
Those pictures won't be able to be duplicated at the R convention. Nope. No way.

Not the ones that say "recycle" and "change".

Harry Beanbag
8/29/2008, 07:47 AM
I'm finally watching it now. And, I just wet my pants. Lieterally. This guy is THAT good.

He's not my type.

8/29/2008, 08:05 AM
He's not my type.

yeah, he's straight.

Big Red Ron
8/29/2008, 11:12 AM
I'm finally watching it now. And, I just wet my pants. Lieterally. This guy is THAT good.Man, that's a little too much info. At least you're out of the closet. Congratulations man!

Frozen Sooner
8/29/2008, 11:13 AM
Chuck's been out of the closet for a while, man.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/29/2008, 02:53 PM
Chuck's been out of the closet for a while, man.your point?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/29/2008, 04:15 PM
Amen. Buh-bye DNC. Welcome SARAH PALIN, the soon-to-be new VPOTUS!

Frozen Sooner
8/29/2008, 05:39 PM
your point?

That making a ****ty comment about someone being out of the closet in order to make fun of some sort of imagined crush on a politician when the person involved is, in fact, out of the closet is stupid?

8/29/2008, 06:49 PM
That making a ****ty comment about someone being out of the closet in order to make fun of some sort of imagined crush on a politician when the person involved is, in fact, out of the closet is stupid?

CB came OTC at the dnc?

8/30/2008, 09:48 AM
IT IS FINALLY OVER.Thats all that intrests me.

Scott D
8/30/2008, 09:52 AM
The fact that you mother****ers have five pages and over 180 posts about something as ****ing stupid as a week long political bull**** session says you have serious ****ing issues. :)

Have a nice day.

8/30/2008, 09:56 AM
Hey, I tried to talk about fishing.

Scott D
8/30/2008, 10:01 AM
don't worry, I expect the RNC vasolinefest to be just as anemic.

8/30/2008, 10:08 AM
Hey, I tried to talk about fishing.

Yes, but was it fly fishing?

8/30/2008, 10:55 AM
Hey, I tried to talk about fishing.

:les: Sarah Palin fly fishes!

You're not helping. ;)