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8/23/2008, 08:06 PM
As most of you know, I don't post on the weekends. However, this weekend I will make an exception.

For the record...

I wasn't much of a paratrooper. I was recycled 3 times during ground week. Seems I couldn't physically quite do the dying cockroach to a certain black hat's expectation. I'm pretty much sure the Airborne tattoo I had on my arm - way before I managed to work my way through jump school - didn't have anything to do with it...

Anyhow, my daddy wasn't really a politician, in fact, he was an 8th grade dropout who really didn't have much else to do but join up and go to 3 wars for his country. WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Old SOB is still kickin' it too. God love him.

Anyhow, as I was saying, I was 17 and 5 days when I swore in, took a physical, and was on a bus to Ft. Polk, LA. This was in August, 1974. Yes, it was during the Vietnam era, but unfortunately, I wasn't quite old enough to serve over there. My unit (the 82nd) was already back stateside.

Anyhow, I spent my 3 years with the 82nd, 2/504 Airborne Infantry and 2/321 Field Artillery just pretty much pussing out of anything that might be construed as combat or taxing or physically/emotionally/spiritually draining in any way.

Since then, I've worked for over 3 decades for the government. Yes, I know, I'm a slob, and it was all handed to me on a silver platter.

With all that being said, if one more of you cowardly/worthless/careless/ignorant/non-serving **********s ever calls John McCain anything but an American hero I will personally perma-bane your pathetic *** from this board, and if we ever meet, I might even have to teach you something about respect - mano y mano.

Call him a crappy politician. Call him an old man with a lump in his jowl. Call him anything you want, criticize his politics, but don't you EVER disrespect his service to his country - and don't you EVER, EVAR compare it to John Kerry's ride on the ****ing river.

T. I. A.

Curly Bill
8/23/2008, 08:12 PM
Well said...beyond that I'm at a loss for words.


...and thanks.

8/23/2008, 08:30 PM
What he said ^^^

stoops the eternal pimp
8/23/2008, 08:40 PM
what urrbody said

8/23/2008, 08:46 PM
Yeah, Dean!

Frozen Sooner
8/23/2008, 08:47 PM
Yeah, I can get behind that. Except for the bit about Kerry, I guess. John McCain served our country very honorably and courageously in Vietnam, and impugning his service record is bunk.

Everything he's done since then is fair game, of course. ;)

8/23/2008, 09:04 PM
I think Dean doesn't post on the weekends because he's drunk.


8/23/2008, 09:22 PM
Drunkards can't spell that good Pat.

Actually, since posting I've had a few, and you know what? I feel even more strongly about people ****ing with McCain's military service. I know how hard it was being an average military ****up.

I couldn't even imagine being tortured on a daily basis for years and years...

People who criticize that part of what McCain is all about need a steaming helping of my sweaty butthole. In. The. Mouth.

8/23/2008, 09:23 PM
****ing a Dean. There's some pathetic BS being floated about by a bunch of candyasses who couldn't survive the first day of basic. I don't support McCain politically but jeebus. Have enough sense to respect and admire his military record.

8/23/2008, 09:26 PM
You still drink fag beer.

8/23/2008, 09:28 PM
You still drink fag beer.

Only when you're buying sweet cheeks.

8/23/2008, 09:47 PM
:dean:, if you and I weren't both happily married, I'd kiss you next time I saw you!


Frozen Sooner
8/23/2008, 09:48 PM
The fact that Dean's married is the only thing keeping you from making out with him?


8/23/2008, 10:09 PM
That's hawt.

8/23/2008, 10:12 PM
Can we hear the taint story next?

I love that one.


8/23/2008, 10:27 PM
The taint or the story?

8/23/2008, 10:31 PM
The story.

Ain't nothing nice nor friendly about Dean's taint.


8/23/2008, 10:58 PM

8/23/2008, 11:21 PM
Once again, Dean sums up my feelings pretty well. I am one of the candyasses Veritas mentioned (although I am pretty sure I coulld withstand a day, maybe two of basic :)) who has never served. For me personally, that fact has only accentuated my appreciation for those who have served.

I have said it many times on this board, but it is probably never enough. Thank you guys who were willing to serve and sacrifice so guys like me could live the good life. I realize that I owe it all to you.

8/23/2008, 11:49 PM
I completely agree with Dean. It'd be nice if that was extended to EVERYONE who served their country honorably no matter who they are.

8/24/2008, 12:16 AM
Right on, SicEm. Dean pretty much put it on the line. McCain ain't my favorite Conservative, but he understands a sh*t-pot a lot more than the Goobers of Denver on the seriousness of national security.

Get ready for three months of questioning of McCain's record and dismissing the fact he can't raise his left arm above his shoulder as anything but torture in a sh*thole that John Kerry never saw.

The best thing that can happen this week is Hillary's a$s-clowns show up and disrupt the donks - let 'em protest, spray paint stuff, gig folks with campaign sign sticks, ya know - just make a mockery of the electoral process. "Cause that's where we're headed with this intolerant crowd.

Chuck Bao
8/24/2008, 12:19 AM
I'll fight you Dean, mano y mano. Of course, I'll get my assed whipped but freedom doesn't come cheap.

We can argue about a lot of things and the bravery and courage of our fine young men and women serving in our armed forces isn't one of them.

Forieign policy is completely a separate thing.

For the record, I'm not going there. I was never there. But, the whole idea that Kerry's service and bravery was attacked by some people because what he said after he took off his uniform and then McCain is above criticism for his war-time heroics because he never disagreed or spoke up against the foreien policy after taking off his uniform and becoming a Senator. Honestly, I don't know if that is a bit of a double standard or not.

You gave some of your personal history. I'll give some of mine. Military used against its own people and opening fire when anti-crowd control measures should have worked on a peaceful crowd is not something to be honored. The military tearing up the constitution and rewriting to protect their own is nothing to be proud about.

I'm not saying that it will happen in the US. I'm also not saying that it won't. We all have to be vigiliant for our freedoms. It is not only the military that will protect us. We have to protect ourselves. That's why I would be willing to fight you.

8/24/2008, 12:23 AM
I'll fight you Dean, mano y mano. Of course, I'll get my assed whipped but freedom doesn't come cheap.

We can argue about a lot of things and the bravery and courage of our fine young men and women serving in our armed forces isn't one of them.

Forieign policy is completely a separate thing.

For the record, I'm not going there. I was never there. But, the whole idea that Kerry's service and bravery was attacked by some people because what he said after he took off his uniform and then McCain is above criticism for his war-time heroics because he never disagreed or spoke up against the foreien policy after taking off his uniform and becoming a Senator. Honestly, I don't know if that is a bit of a double standard or not.

You gave some of your personal history. I'll give some of mine. Military used against its own people and opening fire when anti-crowd control measures should have worked on a peaceful crowd is not something to be honored. The military tearing up the constitution and rewriting to protect their own is nothing to be proud about.

I'm not saying that it will happen in the US. I'm also not saying that it won't. We all have to be vigiliant for our freedoms. It is not only the military that will protect us. We have to protect ourselves. That's why I would be willing to fight you.

You would definitely benefit from reading historical (not media) reports of both Kerry and McCain. The realities are quite different.

8/24/2008, 12:25 AM
so kerry's service wasn't honorable?

8/24/2008, 12:28 AM
so kerry's service wasn't honorable?

I hope you aren't asking me. If you aren't, nevermind. If you are, you should try setting your political bias aside. Different is a far cry from honorable.

8/24/2008, 12:37 AM
sure, i'm asking.

8/24/2008, 01:33 AM
sure, i'm asking.

Then you should do some research. Kerry did his job as a soldier. McCain did at least the same. McCain was captured. He was offered the opporunity for release but declined because he wouldn't capitalize on his personal relationships. He endured years of hardship for that decision because of his principles. He refused to provide the enemy with any opportunity for propaganda.

Kerry testified to the "offenses" of his brothers-in-arms providing ample ammunition for the North Vietnamese and their propagandists.

That is different.

Big Red Ron
8/24/2008, 01:38 AM
Then you should do some research. Kerry did his job as a soldier. McCain did at least the same. McCain was captured. He was offered the opporunity for release but declined because he wouldn't capitalize on his personal relationships. He endured years of hardship for that decision because of his principles. He refused to provide the enemy with any opportunity for propaganda.

Kerry testified to the "offenses" of his brothers-in-arms providing ample ammunition for the North Vietnamese and their propagandists.

That is different.
It's because of punks like Kerry that gave the Việt Cộng "justification" to torture men like McCain.

It doesn't get much clearer than that.

Chuck Bao
8/24/2008, 02:23 AM
It's because of punks like Kerry that gave the Việt Cộng "justification" to torture men like McCain.

It doesn't get much clearer than that.

So, you’re saying that no patriotic American should ever question US foreign policy in time of war as it may embolden our enemies and endanger the lives of our troops serving overseas? Is it that clear? Are you willing to paint it that black and white?

How about the war on terrorism when there is no clear enemy and no way to declare victory? Are you willing to permanently sacrifice your right to speak out, your personal liberties and freedom for the off chance of giving comfort to the enemy?

Here’s a hint. They don’t like our liberties and freedom. If they do, we shouldn’t be fighting them. If they don’t, aren’t we like losing the war, so to speak?

Harry Beanbag
8/24/2008, 02:48 AM
****ing a Dean. There's some pathetic BS being floated about by a bunch of candyasses who couldn't survive the first day of basic. I don't support McCain politically but jeebus. Have enough sense to respect and admire his military record.

Exactly. If you didn't serve you have no idea at all about all that it entails. Acting like you do and passing judgement on those who did just makes you look like an ignorant tool. This is about the only thing that will get me riled up on this board.

Harry Beanbag
8/24/2008, 02:51 AM
So, you’re saying that no patriotic American should ever question US foreign policy in time of war as it may embolden our enemies and endanger the lives of our troops serving overseas? Is it that clear? Are you willing to paint it that black and white?

How about the war on terrorism when there is no clear enemy and no way to declare victory? Are you willing to permanently sacrifice your right to speak out, your personal liberties and freedom for the off chance of giving comfort to the enemy?

Here’s a hint. They don’t like our liberties and freedom. If they do, we shouldn’t be fighting them. If they don’t, aren’t we like losing the war, so to speak?

So are you saying you aren't a a patriotic American? Because you certainly have not sacrificed your right to speak out. What personal liberties and freedom have you sacrificed?

Chuck Bao
8/24/2008, 03:13 AM
So are you saying you aren't a a patriotic American? Because you certainly have not sacrificed your right to speak out. What personal liberties and freedom have you sacrificed?

I'm not going to willingly sacrifice any liberties and freedoms, thank you very much.

The whole fighting Dean part was just a bit of silliness. I'm not that brave.

I do not want my postings on this board or my emails to be monitored. Ahem...would anyone else be alarmed if all their internet surfing were to be recorded? I mean, I click on a lot of links on this board and have no idea where I'm going.

I'm certainly not a threat to anyone but myself and excessive drinking on most weekends, particularly during football season.

I have no idea why I was pulled into this discussion. Oh, I rember now. Dean was saying he would perma-ban anyone who criticises McCain's military record. I'm not doing that.

Chuck Bao
8/24/2008, 03:32 AM
Exactly. If you didn't serve you have no idea at all about all that it entails. Acting like you do and passing judgement on those who did just makes you look like an ignorant tool. This is about the only thing that will get me riled up on this board.

The only thing that gets me riled up are people who confuse foreign policy with support of our troops and patriotism. It almost comical, if it weren't so tragic. It's an economic war and it doesn't look like we're winning at the moment.

8/24/2008, 03:34 AM
so kerry's service wasn't honorable?

His service was honorable. I would say that some of the things he did when he returned home were not, but the service itself certainly was.

8/24/2008, 03:36 AM
McCain served honorably and did his duty as a soldier. Kerry also did his job as a soldier and Al Gore gave up the chance to get a commision and enlisted even though he had a pedigree degree and the opprotunity to serve state side like another person who did exactly that and never went to Vietnam (Gearge W. Bush) I served in the Navy 1996-1999 and then from 2003-2006 I respect all millitary service and would not in any way bash McCain for his service. I would however bash the republican party for attacking people for their service and call that a load of crap. Being a republican does not automatically=honorable service/patriotism.

My father served in Korea and Vietnam. He no longer has full use of his arm or his knees although he finally had one knee replaced and is recovering from the surgery. He would never allow anyone to talk bad about a president even if he despised them. George W. Bush is the first I ever heard him ever say anything negative about.

My Grandfather served in WWII, Korea, and lost his life in Vietnam. He was a fighter and a true patriot. He belived that his life was not worth more than our freedoms.

My dad does not like McCain but he respects his service and feels he would make a better POTUS than the other guy. I agree with him and we will both be crossing party lines to vote for McCain even though I really can't stand the McCain of today but it is better than a guy who is so arrogant that he truly believes that he can get the POTUS with 18 months of U.S. Senate experience (if that?).

8/24/2008, 07:07 AM
It was a good post, Dean.

8/24/2008, 08:39 AM
Good Jorb Deanster
While I cant Baine anyone I can sure as Hell neg em to Bolivia.
I Cant Deal with Idjits very well, That want to Trash talk Any current Or Former Member Of our Military
SSC may be a dayum Dweeb , But hes OUR dayum Dweeb and I for one am Proud of the Boy :D

8/24/2008, 09:13 AM
So, you'll get baned for comparing McCain's service to Kerry's. Unless you agree with Dean. Meh.

I haven't heard anyone bashing JM's service. I believe in his status as hero as much as anyone. My feelings about Ex-POWs are pretty firm in this regard. To me, there's nothing they can ask of their fellow citizens that is "too much." Years ago, when I worked for the VA in Texas, JM was instrumental in helping the Phoenix VA Regional Office see the light in any cases involving former POWs when he was asked. I've liked the guy ever since.

John Kerry did his duty as well and I admire him for it. Honestly I think what's dispicable is that so many gloss over the fact that our last 2 presidents were draft dodgers. Not saying they shouldn't have or that I'd do it differently in their situation. I am saying that it should create a much bigger ****-storm than the swiftboatersforpolitics ever thought about.

edit, forgot this part: What we need for a President is a "Great Man." Or woman. The last great man we elected was George HW Bush. He was honorable, decent, tough, smart, and a man you would want kids to look up to. These last 2, not so much even though they've both done some OK things, they are both such collossal screw-ups and embarrassments that it amazes me. And I was a big Clinton fan, but his lying about the BJ was just too much.

For the record, joined up when I was 17 and Dean's old unit was in Saudi Arabia, September 1990. Spent my 18th b-day in Iraq. Still, it wasn't a draft so I don't know how I'd have responded had I been a rich kid with other options.

Did I miss someone smearing JM's service? If I did, I'll watch Dean woop ya and hand him an energy drink in case he gets tired of woopin'.

Harry Beanbag
8/24/2008, 09:16 AM
I'm not going to willingly sacrifice any liberties and freedoms, thank you very much.

I do not want my postings on this board or my emails to be monitored. Ahem...would anyone else be alarmed if all their internet surfing were to be recorded? I mean, I click on a lot of links on this board and have no idea where I'm going.

Again, none of this is happening. Not here at least, not sure about Thailand.

8/24/2008, 09:18 AM
Again, none of this is happening. Not here at least, not sure about Thailand.

Really really?

8/24/2008, 09:19 AM
Did I miss someone smearing JM's service? If I did, I'll watch Dean woop ya and hand him an energy drink in case he gets tired of woopin'.
Yes. But he's gone now.

Harry Beanbag
8/24/2008, 09:19 AM
So, you'll get baned for comparing McCain's service to Kerry's. Unless you agree with Dean. Meh.

I haven't heard anyone bashing JM's service. I believe in his status as hero as much as anyone. My feelings about Ex-POWs are pretty firm in this regard. To me, there's nothing they can ask of their fellow citizens that is "too much." Years ago, when I worked for the VA in Texas, JM was instrumental in helping the Phoenix VA Regional Office see the light in any cases involving former POWs when he was asked. I've liked the guy ever since.

John Kerry did his duty as well and I admire him for it. Honestly I think what's dispicable is that so many gloss over the fact that our last 2 presidents were draft dodgers. Not saying they shouldn't have or that I'd do it differently in their situation. I am saying that it should create a much bigger ****-storm than the swiftboatersforpolitics ever thought about.

edit, forgot this part: What we need for a President is a "Great Man." Or woman. The last great man we elected was George HW Bush. He was honorable, decent, tough, smart, and a man you would want kids to look up to. These last 2, not so much even though they've both done some OK things, they are both such collossal screw-ups and embarrassments that it amazes me. And I was a big Clinton fan, but his lying about the BJ was just too much.

For the record, joined up when I was 17 and Dean's old unit was in Saudi Arabia, September 1990. Spent my 18th b-day in Iraq. Still, it wasn't a draft so I don't know how I'd have responded had I been a rich kid with other options.

Did I miss someone smearing JM's service? If I did, I'll watch Dean woop ya and hand him an energy drink in case he gets tired of woopin'.

Yeah you must have missed the sooners20xx guy. According to him, McCain was an awful student who didn't deserve to graduate the Academy, and he was a horrible pilot who should never have flown, so bad in fact that he got himself shot down. Complete toolbox. :rolleyes:

8/24/2008, 09:23 AM
Did I miss someone smearing JM's service? If I did, I'll watch Dean woop ya and hand him an energy drink in case he gets tired of woopin'.

some syphlitic bed-wetter tried to suggest; 1) that JSM only graduated USNA and fight school because his pop was an admiral, and; 2) since JSM had lost some aircraft during his career as a naval aviator, he was not worthy of bona-fide war hero status.

8/24/2008, 09:27 AM
By the way, he ain't a member here anymore so no cards for name-calling. Him, anyway.

:les: FREE FOR ALL!!!

8/24/2008, 09:27 AM

8/24/2008, 09:27 AM
I'm such a troublemaker.

8/24/2008, 09:28 AM
That guy was a buttass.

8/24/2008, 09:28 AM
By the way, he ain't a member here nymore so no cards for name-calling. Him, anyway.

:les: FREE FOR ALL!!!

So i missed a perma-banning? Damn i always miss the exciting times around here ;)

8/24/2008, 09:29 AM
OK, now I look too much like Jed.

I'm done.

8/24/2008, 09:29 AM

8/24/2008, 09:29 AM
I'm really done now.

But that guy was a turd.

8/24/2008, 09:30 AM
Sorry about your thread Dean.

But I really do want to hear the taint story again.

8/24/2008, 09:30 AM
Is anyone else up?

8/24/2008, 09:30 AM

8/24/2008, 09:34 AM

That turd is 5 times whatever I called him In My drunken neg spek Post.:cool:

8/24/2008, 09:38 AM

I tried to allude he was a ****ing moron in one of my posts--in a round about way. Now that's a free-for-all:

soonersn20xx, you are the biggest ****ing moron on the planet--get a ****ing labotomy and go play in traffic.



Thanks BSG, I feel better. :D

8/24/2008, 09:52 AM


Sooner Eclipse
8/24/2008, 09:55 AM
For whoever baned that fruitcake (Dean, probably) - thankyou.

Now can we carry this further by stopping all registrations that start with Soonern-

SoonersnGA - banned 1 week
Soonersn2007 - banned in 2 weeks
Soonersn20XX - banned in 1 month

Actually he's getting smarter as evidenced above. At this rate he'll figure out the mods are onto him after about 4 more "SoonersnXXXX" usernames.

8/24/2008, 09:59 AM
Actually, it was collective effort.

But I'll bet Dean wishes he was the one to do it. He'd have made it a bit more...painful.

8/24/2008, 10:05 AM
Dean, excellent thread.
I've never served in the military. But I've said this before, and I'm saying it again, I've always admired and will always admire the courage of our military. As a 100% born and raised American alone, it frustrates me when I hear of McCain's service being questioned.... I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be to American's who have served (or are serving) our great country when they hear of former and fellow soldiers such as McCain being criticized.

McCain's got my vote and I'm proud and thankful of the bravery he displayed.

That turd is 5 times whatever I called him In My drunken neg spek Post.:cool:

Vet, at least you got a chance to neg him..I didn't even know it happened, I would've loved to drop a couple neg bombs on him for spouting that kind of b.s. off.

8/24/2008, 10:09 AM
Dean, excellent thread.
I've never served in the military. But I've said this before, and I'm saying it again, I've always admired and will always admire the courage of our military. As a 100% born and raised American alone, it frustrates me when I hear of McCain's service being questioned.... I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be to American's who have served (or are serving) our great country when they hear of former and fellow soldiers such as McCain being criticized.

McCain's got my vote and I'm proud and thankful of the bravery he displayed.

Vet, at least you got a chance to neg him..I didn't even know it happened, I would've loved to drop a couple neg bombs on him for spouting that kind of b.s. off.
But I got sent to the Time Out corner , and didnt even Have my coloring Book :mad:

8/24/2008, 10:31 AM
but it is better than a guy who is so arrogant that he truly believes that he can get the POTUS with 18 months of U.S. Senate experience (if that?).

I don't see an arrogant guy in Obama.

I see a guy who is educated and caring and wanting to ensure that our Freedoms continue to inspire other people Worldwide to do the same for themselves.

This fear mongering that only a Military guy can lead us out of the predicament we're currently in...it amazes me.

That looks more arrogant than the lack of Politcal Experience.

Change in the way of leadership in this Country is a scary proposition...

I don't believe one man can mess it up anymore than I believe one man can keep us safe.

I'm looking for a guy that will bring us together instead of fighting each other.

No matter who gets elected...I fear I'll still be looking for that guy four years from now. I say this because I'm not sure Obama will be able to pull it off. I'm leaning towards voting for him though as John McCain seems to be using fear as his strong point.

I'm just not scared to elect either of them...so the edge goes to Obama.

8/24/2008, 10:40 AM
But I got sent to the Time Out corner , and didnt even Have my coloring Book :mad:But you had 3 issues of Hustler.

8/25/2008, 12:07 PM
But you had 3 issues of Hustler.

well there was that :D

8/25/2008, 12:12 PM
But I got sent to the Time Out corner , and didnt even Have my coloring Book :mad:

I didn't know that Hustler came in a coloring book version.

8/25/2008, 12:24 PM
I didn't know that Hustler came in a coloring book version.

You should see the Crayons :hot:

8/25/2008, 12:30 PM
SSC may be a dayum Dweeb , But hes OUR dayum Dweeb and I for one am Proud of the Boy :D

I feel like I'm now your personal bitch!

8/25/2008, 12:32 PM
I haven't heard anyone bashing JM's service.

You missed the now-permabanned Sooner20xx's flaimbait thread saying JSM had no business running for president cause he was a bad military man cause he got shot down.

Vet's, mine and Tulsa_Fireman's responses to that lovely thread got us red-carded/quasi-baned.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
8/25/2008, 12:34 PM
the lines we draw on banning are eerily similar to the jenks school district map...

8/25/2008, 12:34 PM
By the way, he ain't a member here anymore so no cards for name-calling. Him, anyway.

:les: FREE FOR ALL!!!

In that case,

Soone20xx...if you had bothered to come to the tailgate this weekend...well, I still can't say what might have happened. Yes, I was that pizzed!

8/25/2008, 12:37 PM
In that case,

Soone20xx...if you had bothered to come to the tailgate this weekend...well, I still can't say what might have happened. Yes, I was that pizzed!

There was a tailgate last weekend? :confused:

8/25/2008, 12:37 PM
Dude...THIS weekend...

8/25/2008, 12:38 PM
There was a tailgate last weekend? :confused:

And I missed it ? Damnit :mad:

8/25/2008, 01:31 PM
I'll say one more thing on this. JSM had the cajones to land on a blacked-out carrier at night. Repeatedly.

Now, I don't consider Naval Aviators to be better than Air Force flyers, but I give mad props for that. That act must be the single most courageous thing a person can do that does not actually involve getting shot at. srsly.

Frozen Sooner
8/25/2008, 01:36 PM
I'll say one more thing on this. JSM had the cajones to land on a blacked-out carrier at night. Repeatedly.

Now, I don't consider Naval Aviators to be better than Air Force flyers, but I give mad props for that. That act must be the single most courageous thing a person can do that does not actually involve getting shot at. srsly.

Grandpa tells stories about landing on carriers before they had instrumentation. Said he wet his pants the first few times.

8/25/2008, 01:56 PM
the lines we draw on banning are eerily similar to the jenks school district map...


Sapulpa football fan

8/25/2008, 02:06 PM

Where the hell you been?

8/25/2008, 02:12 PM
In that case,

Soone20xx...if you had bothered to come to the tailgate this weekend...well, I still can't say what might have happened. Yes, I was that pizzed!

Nothing would have happened, besides everyone pointing and laughing as you defecated yourself after Dean put you in a sleeper hold.

8/25/2008, 02:28 PM
Nothing would have happened, besides everyone pointing and laughing as you defecated yourself after Dean put you in a sleeper hold.

it's not the first time Dean's done that.

8/25/2008, 02:54 PM

Where the hell you been?

I'm a lurker man!

8/25/2008, 03:06 PM
it's not the first time Dean's done that.
Defacated himself? Prolly won't be the last either. They typically lose control of their bowels when they sink into senility.

8/25/2008, 04:12 PM
Nothing would have happened, besides everyone pointing and laughing as you defecated yourself after Dean put you in a sleeper hold.

:dean: prolly woulda helped me (not chokehold or the crap my pants part)...just sayin.

8/25/2008, 04:17 PM
:dean: prolly woulda helped me (not chokehold or the crap my pants part)...just sayin.

You + :dean: = crapped pants

8/25/2008, 05:13 PM
I don't see an arrogant guy in Obama.

I see a guy who is educated and caring and wanting to ensure that our Freedoms continue to inspire other people Worldwide to do the same for themselves.

This fear mongering that only a Military guy can lead us out of the predicament we're currently in...it amazes me.

That looks more arrogant than the lack of Politcal Experience.

Change in the way of leadership in this Country is a scary proposition...

I don't believe one man can mess it up anymore than I believe one man can keep us safe.

I'm looking for a guy that will bring us together instead of fighting each other.

No matter who gets elected...I fear I'll still be looking for that guy four years from now. I say this because I'm not sure Obama will be able to pull it off. I'm leaning towards voting for him though as John McCain seems to be using fear as his strong point.

I'm just not scared to elect either of them...so the edge goes to Obama.

fear mongering. heh.

8/25/2008, 05:17 PM
fear mongering. heh.

So I embellished a bit....lol. :pop:


8/25/2008, 05:20 PM
hey it's true, it just comes from both sides.

Harry Beanbag
8/25/2008, 07:17 PM
Now, I don't consider Naval Aviators to be better than Air Force flyers...

I do.


8/25/2008, 08:54 PM
the lines we draw on banning are eerily similar to the jenks school district map...

Heh, I read about that little Jenks problem today. Finally drawing attention upon themselves for recruiting, wonder what the hell took so long.

Scott D
8/25/2008, 10:18 PM
I do.


can't expect an inferior air force pilot to understand that they are only a step above coasties on the food chain ;)

8/25/2008, 10:25 PM
so does this make me below coasties?

Scott D
8/25/2008, 10:30 PM
you're barely above merchant marine civvies. :)

Animal Mother
8/26/2008, 12:57 PM
So I embellished a bit....lol. :pop:


And werewolves.

Robot Chicken

8/26/2008, 02:44 PM
And dementors and inferi and giants and deatheaters.

8/26/2008, 02:55 PM
and carnies.

8/26/2008, 02:56 PM
And dementors and inferi and giants and deatheaters.
