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8/21/2008, 09:31 AM

The timetable is on its way.

8/21/2008, 09:52 AM
George Bush wants to lose the war now:eek:

I don't forget the rhetoric that was being used a few months ago to assassinate the characters of people who disagreed with the war policy. This type of politicing needs to stop, starting with McCain's accusation that Obama wants to lose this war to win an election.

Harry Beanbag
8/21/2008, 09:57 AM
An Iraqi official who was involved in the protracted negotiations said a compromise had been worked out on the contentious issue of whether to provide U.S. troops immunity from prosecution under Iraqi law, but he did not give details.

If they don't agree to this, I say let's pack up and leave tonight. **** them.

8/21/2008, 10:10 AM

You guys on the left wanted to pull out while the country was still an unstable and lawless mess and there was a tremendous amount of violence from several different nefarious groups, some of whom have now been defeated. Now that we have stabilized the country, got the violence low, and got their government on their feet, we are now ready to leave.....but first we gotta steal their oil, right? Right?????

8/21/2008, 10:16 AM

The timetable is on its way.
That is good, I have zero faith in the Bush administration to handle anything with compentency, and probably a desperate grasp to not be worst ever. But if it helps us leave, I'm all for it.

8/21/2008, 10:17 AM

You guys on the left wanted to pull out while the country was still an unstable and lawless mess and there was a tremendous amount of violence from several different nefarious groups, some of whom have now been defeated. Now that we have stabilized the country, got the violence low, and got their government on their feet, we are now ready to leave.....but first we gotta steal their oil, right? Right?????
And totally worth a trillion dollars.

8/21/2008, 10:24 AM
And totally worth a trillion dollars.

At least we see results, unlike LBJ's War on Poverty.

8/21/2008, 10:40 AM
At least we see results, unlike LBJ's War on Poverty.
Deflection isn't justification.

8/21/2008, 10:53 AM
At least we see results, unlike LBJ's War on Poverty.

Which accomplished absolutely nothing except to part hard working Americans of their hard earned money in the largest money grab by the government ever, redistributed wealth to the poor who have become addicted to the opiate of government money and doing nothing for it while the Dems got a built in electorate to keep the pump primed...

8/21/2008, 10:54 AM
Really scuba? Considering that the left continues to tout the welfare money pits that LBJ invented 40 years ago...but are bitching about a 6 year money pit that the current President put us into...which sounds worse?

8/21/2008, 10:59 AM
At least we see results, unlike LBJ's War on Poverty.

or his war on vietnam.

8/21/2008, 11:02 AM
Really scuba? Considering that the left continues to tout the welfare money pits that LBJ invented 40 years ago...but are bitching about a 6 year money pit that the current President put us into...which sounds worse?
So, things from 40+ years ago affect the present? It stands to reason that you support affirmative action then.

I'm not defending the War on Poverty, I like most, don't like welfare, but it's a bogey-man in that most of them don't vote anyway, so welfare doesn't equal votes. I'm sure it's fun to pretend that all Democrats are supported by an army of welfare queens using the leftovers from their massive gov't checks to support Obama, but it doesn't work that way. Lastly, how many of these silly "War on ..." do we need to figure out that these are massive wastes of money.

I was simply addressing the root issue in that I don't think we got a trillion ROI on Iraq.

8/21/2008, 11:06 AM
I think what THA is saying is that "the poor" have been voting democrat for fourty years........and they're still poor!

(meaning whatever they're doing, it ain't working)

8/21/2008, 11:12 AM
So, things from 40+ years ago affect the present?

Yep...cause we're still getting screwed by LBJ's policies to this day...

8/21/2008, 11:15 AM
And totally worth a trillion dollars.

The liberation of a country from a tyrant and the start of democracy and capitalism to help stabalize the Middle East wasn't worth the money we spent? I thought that it was liberals and Bush-haters who wanted a better world for everyone and not just those of us in the US? What about helping those less fortunate and looking towards our future as a globalization brings us all together? Oh, that's right, all of that is just BS talking points and issues for grandstanding. When it comes to putting your money where your mouth is you fall woefully short.

8/21/2008, 11:16 AM
So, things from 40+ years ago affect the present? It stands to reason that you support affirmative action then.

They usually do in one way or another but sometimes they're just not obvious.

8/21/2008, 11:17 AM
I think what THA is saying is that "the poor" have been voting democrat for fourty years........and they're still poor!

(meaning whatever they're doing, it ain't working)
Depends on your metric. It also assumes that people vote exclusively on economic issues, as opposed to cultural ones. While the poor do vote in favor of Democrats, it isn't that crazy of an advantage, of people making less than 30,000k, Dems pulled 57% in 2004, not exactly earth shaking. I also think it's notable that states with lower median incomes are solidly Republican.

There are a lot dynamic factors to the way people choose to vote, I think income is the worst.

Harry Beanbag
8/21/2008, 11:20 AM
The liberation of a country from a tyrant and the start of democracy and capitalism to help stabalize the Middle East wasn't worth the money we spent? I thought that it was liberals and Bush-haters who wanted a better world for everyone and not just those of us in the US? What about helping those less fortunate and looking towards our future as a globalization brings us all together? Oh, that's right, all of that is just BS talking points and issues for grandstanding. When it comes to putting your money where your mouth is you fall woefully short.

It all depends on who is in the White House at the time.

8/21/2008, 11:25 AM
It all depends on who is in the White House at the time.
There is a stunning amount of truth in this. People who thought Kosovo was a bad idea (myself included), suddenly think Iraq is a glorious Democracy in the sand! It's magic. Frankly, I believe all government should be organic, and if you live under the thumb of a dictator, it's because your country was complacent while he assumed power, deal with it yourself.

Notable exception is when said dictator makes a land grab, then we could possibly have to aid the sovereign nation invaded.

Harry Beanbag
8/21/2008, 11:27 AM
As time drags on, I find myself to be more and more an isolationist.

8/21/2008, 11:32 AM
As time drags on, I find myself to be more and more an isolationist.

I always thought it'd be interesting if Iran got a hold of nuclear tipped missiles that could reach western Europe, and an itchy trigger finger. Well, I guess it wouldn't be funny, but can you imagine then that Western Europe begs us for help and we just throw up our hands and say "Bah, it's your problem. Good Luck!"

Pat them on the butt and say "Go gettem, Tiger!"

8/21/2008, 11:36 AM
Holy crap this thread is pathetic.

8/21/2008, 11:58 AM
In any case, this is great news, because it means we have basically won and our soliders can go home or kick some rag-head @$$ in Afganistan and elsewhere.

Its really too bad the libz want to turn a major victory in the GWOT into a defeat for their own country. But this has been their mission since Vietnam.

8/21/2008, 12:29 PM
Depends on your metric. It also assumes that people vote exclusively on economic issues, as opposed to cultural ones. While the poor do vote in favor of Democrats, it isn't that crazy of an advantage, of people making less than 30,000k, Dems pulled 57% in 2004, not exactly earth shaking. I also think it's notable that states with lower median incomes are solidly Republican.

There are a lot dynamic factors to the way people choose to vote, I think income is the worst.

Jerk has what I was going at.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/21/2008, 12:41 PM
Which accomplished absolutely nothing except to part hard working Americans of their hard earned money in the largest money grab by the government ever, redistributed wealth to the poor who have become addicted to the opiate of government money and doing nothing for it while the Dems got a built in electorate to keep the pump primed...It's a nifty system that their hero FDR laid the groundwork for, but LBJ did take it up a BIG notch.

8/21/2008, 12:46 PM
I really like Guvmint cheese.

8/21/2008, 12:48 PM
JM is getting a good laugh at this thread.

8/21/2008, 12:50 PM
You guys ever had guvmint beef-in-a-can?

It's like roast meets Spam, Spam gets a lil' tipsy, has hot relations with roast, roast bounces and leaves a phone number to Bill's Tire Barn, and nine months later, BLAM.

Guvmint beef-in-a-can.

It's good stuff if you aren't afraid of floaty grease.

8/21/2008, 01:00 PM
giving in to mostly dead terrorists...there's a difference


8/21/2008, 01:03 PM


8/21/2008, 01:20 PM
In any case, this is great news, because it means we have basically won and our soliders can go home or kick some rag-head @$$ in Afganistan and elsewhere.

Its really too bad the libz want to turn a major victory in the GWOT into a defeat for their own country. But this has been their mission since Vietnam.

that is the biggest crock of **** since the run up to this whole boondogle.

8/21/2008, 01:29 PM
It's spelled 'boondoggle'.


8/21/2008, 01:58 PM
JM is getting a good laugh at this thread.


8/21/2008, 02:03 PM
Why do you hate AMERICA so much?