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View Full Version : Thoughts and Prayers Please

8/18/2008, 08:21 PM
Dad had lots of recurring pain and atrial fibrillation last night and I ended up in the ER with him and Mom last night.

I made sure they got him stable and admitted to a room and took Mom Home around 11:30 pm. Got up at 4:50 am and went to work. Went back to the hospital this afternoon and they are talking about a Heart Cath, a Possible Bypass ( He's already had a quad and has a pacemaker that was replaced after lasting 9 years), also just for fun...he has some gallstones.

Mom's a Chemo patient and my Brother has some major health issues too so she's been driving him around today to check on Dad and take my Bro to the Dr's.

The Wife took the kids up to see Grandpa awhile ago...I'm racked and have to go to work in the morning again so I'm just sitting here chilling in the Oval.

Anyway...TIA as I know what a great bunch all of you are when it comes to these things.


8/18/2008, 08:23 PM
Ya Know Im in Bro
I give Hell all the time But when My Buds need a Lil help I try to be there for Em
God bless

Curly Bill
8/18/2008, 08:24 PM
I'm in. May God bless and be with you.

8/18/2008, 08:27 PM
Sorry to hear about that, I wish you and your family the best. :)

8/18/2008, 08:53 PM
That is a lot to go through at once. I will say a prayer for you and your family tonight.

sooner n houston
8/18/2008, 08:56 PM

8/18/2008, 09:09 PM
I can take my pants off. That should cheer you up!

8/18/2008, 09:12 PM
I can take my pants off. That should cheer you up!

You libs are always showing your *** , why should that cheer anyone up :eek:

8/18/2008, 09:14 PM

8/18/2008, 09:14 PM
Thoughts and prayers with you and your family...

8/18/2008, 09:54 PM
In & done, ST.

Hot Rod
8/18/2008, 10:15 PM
Prayers for your fam.

8/18/2008, 10:34 PM
In for sure, ST.

8/18/2008, 10:47 PM
In too. Hope things get better soon.

8/19/2008, 12:04 AM
God Bless you and your family ST

8/19/2008, 12:06 AM

stoops the eternal pimp
8/19/2008, 09:27 AM
In as always for the ST family...

8/19/2008, 09:32 AM
Give 'em hell, Papa ST. I'll put in a good word with The Man tonight.

8/19/2008, 09:33 AM
Nothing but positivity your way...

8/19/2008, 12:34 PM
In,, Hope everyone gets better soon.

8/19/2008, 01:16 PM
Sorry to hear that, again. In.

Chuck Bao
8/19/2008, 01:46 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, ST.

8/19/2008, 03:49 PM
Looks like Dad's just gonna have a Gallbladder done. The Heart deal is out.

My Mom was taken off Chemo and put on a new drug. Evidently the Company that gets it to Tulsa put it on Fedx and the Fedx flights are cancelled due to a storm. It was gonna take a week to get it...which would not be good.

After some looking into it...and some searching...they found her a "FREE" 30 day supply of this medicine. Evidently that's pretty much of a miracle and it's very expensive.


What ever you all did with the good thoughts and prayers....

It worked.

Dad is Home now and the surgery will be scheduled for later.

Thanks to you all...

God Bless