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8/18/2008, 06:26 PM
News Channel 2 KJRH just did a story that says Mayor Taylor's Personal Family Trust would donate to the Ballpark and that she and her Husband would be 2 of the 7 Trustees involved with Ballpark decisions. Trustees would each serve 12 year terms.

Some think the Mayor's involvement as a trustee is a conflict of interest.

Some Innerdispersal Loop businesses feel they will be forced to pay for the park through accessment fees. Private donors and the baseball team will pay for just over half of the $60 million bill. The rest will come from the assessment fees.

Single family homes, religious organizations and the federal government are exempt.

I remember Mayor Lafortune taking heat for pushing the BOK Center through and all the fallout from the Denver Grill, yet what is occurring with the Ballpark currently, just seems like folks shouldn't get in the way and not only should they not have an opinion...they aren't going to be allowed on the Ballpark Board of Trustees unless they are a Private Donor.

Should anyone who is an Elected Official be on the Board of such a project at all?

I'd think if your using taxes to pay for even half....the City Commission might want to involve some City Business Leaders instead of an Elected Official and also be involved with approving who sits on the Board.

I'm not bashing the Mayor as I'd like to believe her heart is in the right place...but it does seem odd.


8/18/2008, 08:54 PM
http://flickr.com/photos/dscott28604/2657181159/ (http://flickr.com/photos/dscott28604/2657181159/)



8/18/2008, 09:27 PM
Put Tom Kivitso on the board...wait, nevermind.

I think she should absolutely be allowed to serve as a board member. She isn't doing it for the money, that's for sure.

8/18/2008, 09:43 PM
Put Tom Kivitso on the board...wait, nevermind.

I think she should absolutely be allowed to serve as a board member. She isn't doing it for the money, that's for sure.

I agree about the money...

Why doesn't she just buy the Team?

8/18/2008, 09:45 PM
The Tulsa Enterprise has a nice ring to it IMO. :D


8/18/2008, 09:58 PM
I hope it gets built, but I'm getting the feeling that this deal will implode, and the Drillers will end up in Jenks.

8/19/2008, 07:30 AM
The Jenks deal is all but finished and they have moved on.

8/19/2008, 07:32 AM
http://flickr.com/photos/dscott28604/2657181159/ (http://flickr.com/photos/dscott28604/2657181159/)



I thought it was a rule that stadiums faced the east so that the sun wont be in the batters eyes during evening games. I remembered the stadium used to face US-75 and everyone got all huffy.

8/19/2008, 08:08 AM
Goodbye, Central Fire Station at 411 S. Frankfort.

Just a heads up. Now is the first time in over 100 years of departmental history that Tulsa has not had A) a central fire station, and B) headquarters located in a fire station.

Our fine, upstanding Mayor put a bullet in the head of a whole bunch of history and pride at 411 S. Frankfort. Traded the dead body for a God damned glass box.

Uhhh, yay? *groan*

**** the Drillers.

8/19/2008, 08:37 AM
The thing is that the land there and around there has been for sale a long time. I'm sure they knew they were going to have move at some point. They will probably build a brand new station somewhere nearby.

8/19/2008, 09:29 AM
The thing is that the land there and around there has been for sale a long time. I'm sure they knew they were going to have move at some point. They will probably build a brand new station somewhere nearby.

Why would they? Department headquarters was located there, apparatus were stored there, administrative personnel worked there, the Assistant Chief was stationed there, but as far as an actual working firehouse, Central hasn't had a fire company assigned to it for almost 6 years. So in other words, why would they build another house when they don't A) have the payroll numbers to staff it, B) need a working fire company in the vicinity of 4th and Frankfort because of established coverage standards being addressed by other surrounding downtown companies, C) obviously give a rip about the history of the department.

I do. I gotta have an FBI pat down and a frickin' anal probe just to go pick up my paystub. :(

8/19/2008, 09:51 AM
It is funny how I hear a lot of people (the complaining type) ask why the Drillers can't stay at the stadium they have.

Uh... because they don't want to? :)

The Drillers are going to sell out to the highest bidder, much like the Tulsa 66ers, who now play in Bixby. Yes, college dropouts who think they'll be in the NBA but go undrafted due to inflated egos and unperforming and untalented college careers, you, too, can end up in Bixby if you don't stay in school.

(not knocking Bixby, but it sure sounds funny to tell NBA hopefuls that have hoop dreams of Showtime in L.A. that they're going to Bixby)

So anyways, Jenks wants the stadium, but Mayor Taylor is determined to not let another thing go to the 'Burbs, hence the proposal that the stadium end up in north Tulsa - for you outsiders, north Tulsa is the side that is historically black, but historically also disagrees with anything the current administration proposes and votes down all tax propositions, building propositions, etc. To sum up n. tulsa, the "N" stands for "NO"


Personally, with all the people who work in downtown Tulsa throughout the year, the Drillers would have far better attendance and would make downtown a better draw. However, it all comes down to a vote of the councilors, and unfortunately, Tulsa has very much been in a "Vote NO" state of mind lately.