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View Full Version : Im gonna try To Honor Homey and Sicem here Ok ?

8/12/2008, 05:03 AM
Having Put Boots On the ground in a foreign Country May I speak with a Little experience ?
Most of the Boots, Just Fought fer Country , Not Understanding the Big Picture, nor really having a clue . we Just went and did Ok ?
Homey While I totally agree that the Union should Have been Preserved . Slavery was NOT the Biggest Issue In the Boots frame Of Mind . Most Of em were to Poor to even Own a Musket .
On the same Note Sicem , Most Boots didn't give a shat about States rights , Nor did The reb soldiers Give a shat about Slavery
I trully did Have Family that fought On both sides :eek:
Yall Listen to this song Ok ? Substitute any Army soldier you want fer the Rebs It all rings true.
I remember Talking to Flag My bestest Buddy here . That one of the Hardest things I have to deal with about the enimy that went Down Under My 16.
Is the Fact They were Boots also .:O They were Fighting for their Country also .
Heres The song Yall give it a Respectful listen Ok ?

8/12/2008, 05:10 AM
and Now we are Here

8/12/2008, 05:15 AM
Yall Salut this Ok ?

8/12/2008, 06:03 AM
I've never had a beef with the common Johnny who believed he was marching off to defend his hearth and home. The ones I have a beef with are the damned wealthy Rebel a-holes who trumped up the "woah" to defend their cursed way of life which was dependent on the ownership of other human beings.

Then, those same "fire-eaters" whipped up a firestorm in which poor whites in the South were convinced to lay down their plows and take up a musket. The result? Ruin, famine and pestilence. The social and economic development in the region was severely set back and its effects are still felt today. Southerners ansgt is misplaced. They shouldn't hate Lincoln, Grant or Sherman. Instead, they should hate John C. Calhoun, Jeff Davis, Alex Stephens and the rest of the "moonlight and magnolia" band of thugs and petty tyrants who refused to consider life without their slaves.

Further, I object to modern Confederate apologists characterization that the Civil War was the result of a clash of the political philosophies of "states rights" and federalism. I've done a fair amount of study on the period, including the politics of the era. It can be distilled down to the fact anyone who maintains the Civil War began for any reason other than the South's inherently evil and failed attempt to preserve human chattel slavery is either intellectually dishonest or ignorant of the facts. In fact, the only "states rights" those rebel politicians cared about was the "right" to own human beings. Just as "states rights" continued into the mid-Twentieth century as code for the maintenance of Jim Crow and apartheid against the edicts of the federal government to the contrary.

And like you, my forebears were mostly Confederates, although on my maternal grandfather's side, there were some Indianans who fought to preserve the Union and eventual realization of the Founders thesis that "all men are created equal."

8/12/2008, 07:11 AM
I agree Homester
all I'm sayin is Boots didnt Know shat from shinola
Im so Proud Of OUR country that , that way of Life is passed.
Im Just sad that so Many had to die :(
Poor Ignorant boots . :(

8/12/2008, 08:13 AM
And one other thing I believe bro. Far too many of the people who like to publicly wave around that Reb flag nowadays are just demonstrating passive aggressiveness and the fact they lack the guts to walk up to a black man and say, "get off my sidewalk n*****!" IOW, its a safe way to say, "I'm still better than you."

8/12/2008, 08:27 AM
And one other thing I believe bro. Far too many of the people who like to publicly wave around that Reb flag nowadays are just demonstrating passive agressiveness and the fact they lack the guts to walk up to a black man and say, "get off my sidewalk n*****!" IOW, its a safe way to say, "I'm still better than you."

Ya Know what? I think I agree with you On that . Ive nevar had a Rebel Flag
and The Only Folk I know who have one are Rednecks and theres just a coupla of them around . Thank God .
I was an Ignarant Kid In 68 befor I went to the Boonies But I did My share Of Racist crap then . After I fought and saw a few Folks Die .
Not so Much as a Matter of Fact In 70 I got In a Lot of Fights In Latimer and Leflore Counties , Over Ignorant Trash saying that word .
Thanks Homey ;)
But I still Give Props to the Boots On Both sides .