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View Full Version : Booger is Back

8/7/2008, 10:23 AM
This lady really creeps me out.


http://www.sfgate.com (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/08/05/international/i111346D61.DTL)

Booger is back: Woman receives 5 cloned puppies

(08-05) 22:02 PDT SEOUL, South Korea (AP) --

Booger is back. An American woman received five puppies Tuesday that were cloned from her beloved late pitbull, becoming the inaugural customer of a South Korean company that says it is the world's first successful commercial canine cloning service.

Seoul-based RNL Bio said the clones of Bernann McKinney's dog Booger were born last week after being cloned in cooperation with a team of Seoul National University scientists who created the world's first cloned dog in 2005.

"It's a miracle!" McKinney repeatedly shouted Tuesday when she saw the cloned Boogers for which she paid $50,000.

"Yes, I know you! You know me, too!" McKinney said joyfully, hugging the puppies, which were sleeping with one of their two surrogate mothers, both Korean mixed breed dogs.

The team of scientists working for RNL Bio is headed by Lee Byeong-chun, a former colleague of disgraced scientist Hwang Woo-suk, who scandalized the international scientific community when his purported breakthroughs in cloned stem cells were revealed as fake in 2005.

Independent tests confirmed the 2005 dog cloning was genuine, and Lee's team has since cloned more than 20 canines.

But RNL Bio said that its cloning was the first successful commercial cloning of a canine.

"RNL Bio is commencing its worldwide services with Booger as its first successful clone," the company said in a statement.

8/7/2008, 10:37 AM
I thought this was going to be about Revenge of the Nerds. :(

8/7/2008, 11:39 AM

Animal Mother
8/7/2008, 12:53 PM
I really love our cats but I ain't selling the ranch to get a dead one cloned.I'll just go back to the pound where I got the ones we have and re-load.

Same if my wife died. I'd just go to the same ad on desperaterussianwomen.com and click me another one.

8/7/2008, 01:23 PM
The stupid stuff people will spend real money on never ceases to amaze, befuddle and annoy me.

8/7/2008, 01:25 PM
I think the US should make her stay in Korea.

Don't let her bring those freaks on nature home!

8/7/2008, 05:36 PM
According to Fox News, this woman once kidnapped a Mormon missionary.

8/7/2008, 05:48 PM
"Yes, I know you! You know me, too!" McKinney said joyfully, hugging the puppies


8/7/2008, 05:50 PM
I thought this was going to be about Revenge of the Nerds. :(

i was thinking Chase Daniel... :D

8/7/2008, 05:54 PM

8/7/2008, 08:58 PM

I'm thinking she doesn't understand cloning.
And she's a psycho.

8/7/2008, 09:08 PM

I'm thinking she doesn't understand cloning.
And she's a psycho.

And she's lying about not being the kidnapper of the missionary dude. Freaky.