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7/27/2008, 10:04 PM
...it's pretty dang good.

Who needs dancing and rapping skills when you can sleep on a pile of money that's given to you as a birthright for being white?

Seriously, I don't know if this CNN "Black in America" is doing any good. Especially when you start off the show with a stereotypical "poetic black dude" rhyme and rant.

I hope I'm wrong.

Curly Bill
7/27/2008, 10:13 PM
Haven't see it. Prolly cause I'm a whitey and I only watch whitey shows. :rolleyes:

Course a black dude did win tonight on The Next Food Network Star, and yes I watched.

7/27/2008, 10:19 PM
I'm gonna vote McCain because I'm white and he will give me what I'm entitled to.

Curly Bill
7/27/2008, 10:33 PM
I'm gonna vote McCain because I'm white and he will give me what I'm entitled to.

Do you suppose he'd give us a TV show called: "Being White In America"


Curly Bill
7/27/2008, 10:33 PM
I mean fair is fair right?

7/27/2008, 10:51 PM
How bout some all white colleges to?

Curly Bill
7/27/2008, 10:53 PM
How bout some all white colleges to?

Sure, don't see why not?

7/27/2008, 10:55 PM
How bout a WET cable station kinda like BET?

Curly Bill
7/27/2008, 10:56 PM
How bout a WET cable station kinda like BET?

Again, what's fair for one group is fair for the other right? Can't see a problem with it at all.

7/27/2008, 11:25 PM
I'm color blind. What's all this about?


7/28/2008, 01:38 AM
What ever happened to white chocolate?

7/28/2008, 02:39 AM
I really hate shows like "Black in America" etc. I'm nowhere near a racist or anything, but I think that shows like this really further segregate the population.

I got my undergrad degree at UCO, and they always had a Miss Black UCO, Miss Korean UCO, Miss Mexican UCO, etc. I always thought that was so stupid. Why can't their just be a Miss UCO?

Although the Black In America special is different and is designed to show the differences between Blacks and Whites, it is still somewhat of the same principal. This is America, and I fully beleive that it doesn't matter if your black, white, blue, green or orange, you will get what you put in.

The cream rises to the top, so they say.

7/28/2008, 03:54 AM
The cream rises to the top, so they say.

racist *******! :D ;)

7/28/2008, 06:27 AM
Miss Honky America Pageant?

7/28/2008, 06:37 AM
How bout a WET cable station kinda like BET?

They already have one; CMT.;)

7/28/2008, 06:45 AM
Im Balck Ok ? But I want a Mz WHITE bitch
I wanta see that ho
Cause I wanta Hit it

Hot Rod
7/28/2008, 07:30 AM
I mean fair is fair right?

According to her:

7/28/2008, 01:31 PM
Lol by the way Stoop, <3 Colbert

7/28/2008, 01:34 PM
One of the Dudes funniest quirks IMO.

7/28/2008, 01:45 PM
How bout a WET cable station kinda like BET?

My roommate from New Orleans always insisted there were more white people on BET than Black People on CMT.

7/28/2008, 02:19 PM
that's be cause the rappers love to put the white bitches in their vids


7/28/2008, 02:32 PM
that's be cause the rappers love to put the white bitches in their vids


plus, the white dude in the Dre video. There was always one.

Curly Bill
7/28/2008, 02:33 PM
plus, the white dude in the Dre video. There was always one.

Token white guy. pfffffft :D

7/28/2008, 02:38 PM
I would like to get a check on how many black people would claim Cowboy Troy.

Curly Bill
7/28/2008, 02:39 PM
I would like to get a check on how many black people would claim Cowboy Troy.


7/28/2008, 02:54 PM
I'm color blind. What's all this about?


7/28/2008, 04:47 PM
Im Balck Ok ? But I want a Mz WHITE bitch
I wanta see that ho
Cause I wanta Hit it

I have nothing against Balck people...some of my best friends have been Balck.

Srsly? I had no idea for realz. You don't stand out in this room of crimson folks.

7/28/2008, 04:53 PM
People will always believe they're entitled to things they don't have, regardless of sex, color, orientation, wealth or professional status, education and any other common denominator.

As such, people will think nothing of what they have right in front of them, despite what other people without think.

For example, I do not have an XBox 360 or PS3, but really would like one if it weren't for the whole money saving thing. However, I really do not care what style or color my hair is. It's the color I was born with, but I see people spending hundreds to make theirs look like mine.

Circle of life. Meh.

7/28/2008, 04:58 PM
I always believe I'm entitled to stuff.

Scott D
7/28/2008, 05:34 PM
this thread is amusing.

7/28/2008, 06:26 PM
Yeah, watching people get antsy 'cause the coloreds are getting their own show on CNN is always fun. And we get to do it all over again this weekend when they show Buddha's Warriors and we get the thread about how no one would ever dare make a show called Christ's Warriors. :D

7/28/2008, 07:20 PM
I didn't mean for it to be amusing, Scott. Just wonder if it's really helping the black mans plight, rather than hindering it.

I can't imagine what it's like to be born into severe poverty and have little hope of a better future. I just wonder if shows like these help. What do you think?

7/28/2008, 07:23 PM
Yeah, watching people get antsy 'cause the coloreds are getting their own show on CNN is always fun. And we get to do it all over again this weekend when they show Buddha's Warriors and we get the thread about how no one would ever dare make a show called Christ's Warriors. :D

I don't think anybodys antsy and the way you put it isn't quite accurate.

Scott D
7/28/2008, 09:05 PM
I didn't mean for it to be amusing, Scott. Just wonder if it's really helping the black mans plight, rather than hindering it.

I can't imagine what it's like to be born into severe poverty and have little hope of a better future. I just wonder if shows like these help. What do you think?

does a show have the potential to make a difference? Sure.

do I think it'll make a difference? not a chance.

People are too wrapped up in having the 'high' of knowing that there are people that aren't doing as well as them. And especially find it easy to live on a high horse saying that anyone in a lower status than them are there simply because they aren't trying hard enough.

In the end, nobody can walk a mile in anyone else's shoes and it's pretty much all for naught. But, if the effort isn't there to try to create a bridge of understanding, then the myopic situations just continue as before.

Frozen Sooner
7/28/2008, 09:13 PM
The major problem with a show like that is it's preaching to the choir. It could possibly do some good from an educational or informational standpoint, but the people who need it the most probably won't watch it.

I haven't been watching either.

7/28/2008, 09:25 PM
The point of the OP was to kinda make a joke saying, "Hey, life is a bitch. What can you do? It's not easy for anyone." I guess it didn't take. And like Scott said, I can't walk a mile in anyones shoes, so I don't know.

One thing I got out of it. A guy at the end was saying, "We have to teach black children that it's ok to be smart. It's ok to go to college. It's cool." That's a huge problem right there. I guess they get teased for being part of the white system? Uncle Toms?

Why do blacks as opposed to Asian, Indian, Mexican, etc...only feel like this. Maybe they don't.

7/28/2008, 09:27 PM
very complex and explosive issue...

Frozen Sooner
7/28/2008, 09:30 PM
The point of the OP was to kinda make a joke saying, "Hey, life is a bitch. What can you do? It's not easy for anyone." I guess it didn't take. And like Scott said, I can't walk a mile in anyones shoes, so I don't know.

One thing I got out of it. A guy at the end was saying, "We have to teach black children that it's ok to be smart. It's ok to go to college. It's cool." That's a huge problem right there. I guess they get teased for being part of the white system? Uncle Toms?

Why do blacks as opposed to Asian, Indian, Mexican, etc...only feel like this. Maybe they don't.

Mexicans and Native Americans do feel like that. At least, the Native Alaskans in the village get a lot of grief from their peers if they study hard and "act white."

Check out the book Eagle Blue sometime. It's got some great insight on the parallels between village life in Alaska and ghetto life in New York and LA.

7/28/2008, 09:35 PM
How do you "act white." Must be the mile in the shoe's thingy.

Frozen Sooner
7/28/2008, 09:36 PM
According to some of the knuckleheads running around, using proper English and doing well in school.

7/28/2008, 09:37 PM
One thing I got out of it. A guy at the end was saying, "We have to teach black children that it's ok to be smart. It's ok to go to college. It's cool." That's a huge problem right there. I guess they get teased for being part of the white system? Uncle Toms?

Thankfully, popular rappers (well, former rappers) like Jay-Z and Diddy are trying to clean up their image and become better role models. Jay-Z has a lot of real estate investments in New York and New Jersey. Diddy has a popular clothing line. It does give young black people role models to live by. I think it's good for them. I think it will be good for them.

7/28/2008, 09:48 PM
If Obama wins the presidency...That should be a major step.

7/28/2008, 09:49 PM
If Obama wins the presidency...That should be a major step.

in what direction ???

7/28/2008, 09:53 PM
in what direction ???

Politics aside. A positive role model for African-Americans.

Scott D
7/28/2008, 10:49 PM
The point of the OP was to kinda make a joke saying, "Hey, life is a bitch. What can you do? It's not easy for anyone." I guess it didn't take. And like Scott said, I can't walk a mile in anyones shoes, so I don't know.

I really didn't have a problem with how the thread was going. If I did I would have pointed out things that really didn't matter much in the overall picture, such as how the most popular NBC shows of all time had very few characters that were black, or other assorted minorities. And even fewer recurring characters.

At the time BET was created, the "blackest" MTV got was Michael Jackson, Prince, and Stevie Wonder (and that was because he had a duet with Paul McCartney). It was a station that filled a niche at the time of it's creation.

One thing I got out of it. A guy at the end was saying, "We have to teach black children that it's ok to be smart. It's ok to go to college. It's cool." That's a huge problem right there. I guess they get teased for being part of the white system? Uncle Toms?

Why do blacks as opposed to Asian, Indian, Mexican, etc...only feel like this. Maybe they don't.

Actually, the problem is just as bad with Native American teens and Mexican teens (at least those whom are native born to the US and in the barrios). Hopelessness within social ladders is very real. And in some cases, people feel you are surrendering cultural identity for success. Add the fact that in most cases in terms of being able to climb a ladder of success it's not really what you know that matters, but who you know. It's a recipe that builds for an overall cycle that can be tough to break.

7/28/2008, 11:13 PM
Down south we call it "Old Money" or "The Old South." In my hometown of Mobile, Al it's hard to make good money unless your part of this network, a doctor, lawyer, self starter,etc.

I guess it just depends on where you start out on the ladder?

7/28/2008, 11:29 PM
Down south we call it "Old Money" or "The Old South." In my hometown of Mobile, Al it's hard to make good money unless your part of this network, a doctor, lawyer, self starter,etc.

I guess it just depends on where you start out on the ladder?

It all depends on how high you want to climb up the ladder.

7/29/2008, 12:01 AM
Or rap could be illegal for all I care.

7/29/2008, 12:27 AM
The new "90210" show has a black guy on it. If that isn't progress, I don't know what is.

7/29/2008, 12:37 AM
I'd start living in a Teepee if I could get me some Casino Royalties. :D ;)

Scott D
7/29/2008, 06:33 AM
It all depends on how high you want to climb up the ladder.

yeah, because wanting to do something instantly guarantees success. you can have all the drive in the world, but if you can't make a break or two it won't matter. at which point you're setting yourself up for bitterness at your situation, and that can easily become twisted into blaming others for your not having that one break.

and that doesn't really apply to any particular ethnicity, because realistically it applies to all of them. which is why a relatively tight knit feeling of community is a major building block to one's success.

7/29/2008, 07:53 AM
setting yourself up for bitterness that can become twisted into blaming others?

This is true.

But it seems people now, today, fly off the handle at the drop of a hat at their situations. This is across all races, not black, white, asian, puerto rican, etc. NOBODY takes responsibility for their actions in this country anymore. NOBODY takes responsibility for their fate, their path. You choose your own destiny. You choose to stand up or sit down. You choose to blame others or learn the lesson of life and excel. You choose to use your skin color as a crutch or you look past it. I know that can be easier said than done, but I'm tired of people moaning and complaining about their life and situation. You don't like it, do something. Quit waiting for someone to come along and bail you out. THERE IS NO ENTITLEMENT DESPITE WHAT YOU THINK.

I won't vote for Obama. Not because he's black. I don't really want to vote for McCain either. It would be nice if Obama can show not just black youth but all minority youth that yes, if you work hard and stay diligent, you can accomplish anything and education is FAR more important than sports.

7/29/2008, 09:06 AM
yeah, because wanting to do something instantly guarantees success. you can have all the drive in the world, but if you can't make a break or two it won't matter. at which point you're setting yourself up for bitterness at your situation, and that can easily become twisted into blaming others for your not having that one break.

and that doesn't really apply to any particular ethnicity, because realistically it applies to all of them. which is why a relatively tight knit feeling of community is a major building block to one's success.

Part of the problem is 99% of the people crying and whining don't even want to get on the ladder. It's too much trouble.

It's kind of like the old saying "The harder I worked the luckier I got".

7/29/2008, 10:02 AM
As a white Irish Jew I AM ENTITLED.Where is my WIJ TV?

Animal Mother
7/29/2008, 05:34 PM
How bout a WET cable station kinda like BET?

Don't they have that on PPV with stars like Buck Naked???

7/29/2008, 05:52 PM
i think the problem is the entitlement mentality people have these days. they want something for nothing. they want it now. people should have more conversations with old people and ask how they "made it" and each and every one of them will probably say "go to work and pay your bills. wake up and do it again. do that for 40 years and youll be successful."

Scott D
7/29/2008, 07:58 PM
It's less a mindset of entitlement, and more a mindset of instant gratification. Personally I blame McDonalds and Michael Moore for that.

7/29/2008, 08:02 PM
Problem, in large measure, is that people don't seem to realize that happiness is not so much having what you want as it is wanting what you have. Bitter people do not network well. Happy people do.

7/30/2008, 08:31 AM
One thing I got out of it. A guy at the end was saying, "We have to teach black children that it's ok to be smart. It's ok to go to college. It's cool." That's a huge problem right there. I guess they get teased for being part of the white system? Uncle Toms?

This is when the educated working black people say, "Hey, wait a second... I have money! I'll go buy something without using a credit card and tons of interest charges like a big screen television to stick in my big house to make me feel better!"

And then, the dude calling him an Uncle Tom bitterly clings to his gun and his religion, because his credit card is maxed out so he cannot afford a big television, nor can he get a mortgage approved for a big house, as he has no high levels of income. Well, at least he can cling to one more thing: Thinking Obama will solve it.

It is the fun thing to do - use your extended income to buy stuff to make you feel better!


Bourbon St Sooner
7/30/2008, 02:18 PM
not so much having what you want as it is wanting what you have.

Isn't that a Sheryl Crow song?

7/30/2008, 02:57 PM
How bout a WET cable station kinda like BET?

They already have MSNBC.


7/30/2008, 03:13 PM
According to some of the knuckleheads running around, using proper English and doing well in school.

and do you call them twinkies?

'cuase i would

or maybe cupcakes

twinkies is cooler, but i guess it's more of an asian name


7/30/2008, 03:15 PM
One thing I got out of it. A guy at the end was saying, "We have to teach black children that it's ok to be smart. It's ok to go to college. It's cool." That's a huge problem right there. I guess they get teased for being part of the white system? Uncle Toms?

Why do blacks as opposed to Asian, Indian, Mexican, etc...only feel like this. Maybe they don't.

Well, yes. Black kids DO get teased for being smart. An disproportionate number of black children are from families/neighborhoods/etc.. where their role models are people who didn't finish school either. Factor in the whole machismo thing, and it gets even worse. These people have very little to hang their hats on other than being black, so, when someone tries to "act white," they are ridiculed. Also, when someone who they don't deem worthy tries to "act black," they get angered.

This all happens, because, for the most part, like I said, blacks are the ones that are largely victims of generational poverty. Their parents don't push them to take school seriously, especially so much as they do to get out and find a job as early as possible to help around the house. This is, in large part, due to the fact that many black homes are single-parent homes. THIS is, in large part, due to the number of children born to black mothers out of wedlock.

I'm not saying whether or not that THAT is bad because I don't want this to turn into a debate over religion, but I will say that, for the most part, it's young black women and younger black men. When two people in their late teens or early 20's, who aren't married, have a kid, then it's usually going to follow that they won't stay together. Not always. There are exceptions. I don't need a list of them.

But, when a struggling single black parent is trying to raise a child on her own, she will usually, due to her own lack of an education, have to work multiple jobs to do so. This means that, once her child(ren) hit their teenage years and are working themselves, they're going to have 1) money, and 2) the house to themselves quite often. For those of you with daughters, name two factors that scare you, regarding the boys that they hang out with...

1) Money - Girls are impressed by guys with money moreso than broke guys; especially when those guys spend that money on them.
2) Free time - When a guy has no curfew, you're a lot less likely to want your daughter to hang out with him, right?

So, with money to stand on and a place to themselves, the cycle continues... The young couple becomes "accidentally" pregnant, they can't really finish school, they both start working, and, sadly, the jobs that they're going to work without an education aren't the kinds of jobs that are going to allow them to live a life that will be a good life for their kids. ...and the cycle continues...

I'm from Hugo, Oklahoma, down in the S.E. part of the state. I also majored in Sociology and I work with children as a teacher. You can feel free to question the things that I've said here, and I'll be more than happy to pull out numerous things to prove you wrong; between real-life examples, and academic studies done by people with a lot more money and free time than I have. The inner-city Cycle of Hopelessness doesn't just begin and end in the inner-city, guys. It's everywhere, and it's everybody's problem. Ignorance and Apathy are everybody's problems... They're not white, or black, or red, or yellow, etc... problems. They're EVERYBODY'S problems. Feel free to turn your back on them, but don't complain about how much you're paying when tax season rolls around. We're not teaching these people (What do you mean, "These people?" Shut it! That's what I mean.) to fish for themselves. We're fishing for them. Sadly, because so few of them have ever had to bait their own hooks, they don't WANT to learn how to fish for themselves...

...and the cycle continues.


Post Script -- I have a bad reputation to uphold around here, and I swear if any of you tell anybody that I'm actually a smart person, I will f'ing KILL you. :D That is all.

7/30/2008, 03:26 PM
wtf did you do Danny, pull up an old thesis from school?

7/30/2008, 03:28 PM
They already have MSNBC.


Nope that's the Obama channel.

7/30/2008, 03:42 PM
Thankfully, popular rappers (well, former rappers) like Jay-Z and Diddy are trying to clean up their image and become better role models. Jay-Z has a lot of real estate investments in New York and New Jersey. Diddy has a popular clothing line. It does give young black people role models to live by. I think it's good for them. I think it will be good for them.

First of all, it's "Formally Popular Rappers," and second, the average black youth has NO idea what their idols are up to in their personal lives. They're barely able to afford to illegally download their music.

Also, none of it will matter unless the CURRENTLY popular rappers do something about it, and force their peers and the next generation of rappers to do the same... Sadly, that's what isn't happening. More people know who Lil' Wayne:

Now I was bouncing through the club
She love the way I diddy bop
I see her boyfriend hatin' like a city cop
Now I ain't never been a chicken but my fitty cocked
Say I ain't never been a chicken but my semi cocked
Now where your bar at?
I'm tryna rent it out
And we so bout it bout it
Now what are you about?
DJ show me love
He say my name when the music stop
Young Money Lil Wayne
Then the music drop
I make it snow
I make it flurry
I'll make it all back tomorrow don't worry
Young Wayne on them hoes
A.K.A. Mr. Make It Rain On Them Hoes

and Trick Daddy:

I gives a f*ck that you getting do
I gives a f*ck bout your hoe, gives a f*ck bout who she know
Ain't no joking in my game, don't get chained,
and slanged about my c*caine
I know some n*ggas, who want to smoke,
He want some hotter green and a quarter head for that c*ke
Won't be no jacking while I'm stacking
Won't be no slapping, no laughing, or no motherf*cking macking
Just me and my workers in a circle,
And ain't nobody and hiding 'round cause if they is I got to hurt ya
And if it's worth it we'll dirt ya,
I know ya strapped so I'm wait for I search ya
I know ya scared, and you gonna get it, and I can feel yo *ss
Put this thing inside your head and I'm kill yo *ss

are than who A Tribe Called Quest:

Okay, if knowledge is the key then just show me the lock.
Got the scrawny legs but I move just like Lou Brock,
With speed. I'm agile plus I'm worth your while.
One hundred percent intelligent black child.
My optic presentation sizzles the retina.
How far must I go to gain respect? Ummmm...
Well, it's kind of simple, just remain your own
Or you'll be crazy sad and alone.
Industry rule number four thousand and eighty,
Record company people are shady.
So kids watch your back cause I think they smoke cr*ck,
I dont doubt it. look at how they act.
Off to better things like a hip-hop forum.
Pass me the rock and I'll storm with the crew and ...
Proper. What you say Hammer? Proper.
Rap is not pop, if you call it that, then stop.

is. It's sickening. It's certainly not about the music, because Tribe has better lyrics and better songs, overall. It's "them beats," and the culture that effects how kids listen to the music that they listen to. So, in order for things to change, an entire CULTURE has to be changed. You've got to convince today's popular rappers to do the opposite of what is making them money in order to help their former communities.

(And, I don't know how kids can't see THAT. None of these rappers that came up from nothing move back to their old hoods when they get paid. They move to rich, gated "WHITE" communities. Why? They want your money, not your issues. It's all an act. They're no worse than girls who act gay at parties for attention... although they're certainly no better either... :D)

But a change of that magnitude... That's not an easy task. It's certainly not something that's going to happen in a generation or two. But it has to START happening now, because dysgenics is a very, very real thing, and we're heading towards it at an alarming rate, people. I know that, especially within the black community, nobody likes hearing the "S" word, but frankly, with the economy becoming what it is becoming, and those communities becoming what they're becoming, there WILL be a (thank you, Malcolm Gladwell) tipping point at which time the people who actually ARE paying their taxes and are paying for others to live, basically, will no longer do so; they will riot in the streets, and then we've gone from a republic to an anarchist society in which only those with money and power will survive and live normally. Everybody else becomes what?

Exactly. I'm not looking forward to that day, 'cause, frankly, my back isn't strong enough for that kind of work.


Animal Mother
7/30/2008, 03:45 PM
This is when the educated working black people say, "Hey, wait a second... I have money! I'll go buy something without using a credit card and tons of interest charges like a big screen television to stick in my big house to make me feel better!"

And then, the dude calling him an Uncle Tom bitterly clings to his gun and his religion, because his credit card is maxed out so he cannot afford a big television, nor can he get a mortgage approved for a big house, as he has no high levels of income. Well, at least he can cling to one more thing: Thinking Obama will solve it.

It is the fun thing to do - use your extended income to buy stuff to make you feel better!


Well hello S T R E T C H ! ! !

7/30/2008, 03:45 PM
As a white Irish Jew I AM ENTITLED.Where is my WIJ TV?

All Beastie Boys, All The Time. I'd watch it. H*ll's YES, I'd watch it.

The comedy programming would be, as the kids say, "off the chain," as well.


7/30/2008, 03:47 PM
wtf did you do Danny, pull up an old thesis from school?

Dean, as hard as it is to believe, although since you've known me for a long time, it probably isn't for you, I just rattled that one out. I've been working on papers like this for a while now for when I go back to get my Masters, but, for the time being, I'm going to have to whip them out to impress (or depress) people on message boards much the same way that I used to whip something else out to im... ah, who am I kidding...? :D


7/30/2008, 03:50 PM
Dean, as hard as it is to believe, although since you've known me for a long time, it probably isn't for you, I just rattled that one out. I've been working on papers like this for a while now for when I go back to get my Masters, but, for the time being, I'm going to have to whip them out to impress (or depress) people on message boards much the same way that I used to whip something else out to im... ah, who am I kidding...? :D


Well as long as you keep up your mixology skills, you've always got some cash income...

7/30/2008, 03:53 PM
Yeah, I assuredly have skills that venture beyond

The Dean:

- 4oz of warm Crown Royal.
- Pour Crown in plastic cup and drink as a shot.
- Call anybody who doesn't want a second one a p*ssy.



Frozen Sooner
7/30/2008, 04:00 PM
and do you call them twinkies?

'cuase i would

or maybe cupcakes

twinkies is cooler, but i guess it's more of an asian name


I believe the equivalent term is an "apple."

Though a lot of Native Alaskans are a lot closer genetically to ethnic Chinese than they are Native Americans.

7/30/2008, 05:49 PM
Yeah, I assuredly have skills that venture beyond

The Dean:

- 4oz of warm Crown Royal.
- Pour Crown in plastic cup and drink as a shot.
- Call anybody who doesn't want a second one a p*ssy.



Lets see how he does with the OVJ :D