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View Full Version : wasp, yellow jackets, etc

7/27/2008, 10:11 AM
High pressure water hose, run like hell. YWIA

7/27/2008, 10:23 AM
Streaming Video? :D

What about a toy helicopter? :eek:


7/27/2008, 10:35 AM
http://youtube.com/watch?v=QNu0sR89_BM :D

7/27/2008, 11:10 AM
They are bad at the Chateau this year. Must be do to the lack of water.

7/27/2008, 01:04 PM

7/27/2008, 09:34 PM
That one on the right is really Jerry Seinfeld.

7/27/2008, 09:53 PM
August...the little suckers get more aggressive.
And each year I have a worse reaction.

Hates 'em I do. Now. Didn't before.

7/27/2008, 10:06 PM
Red w/ black wings are nasty.

7/27/2008, 11:17 PM
I HATE bees, wasps, yellow jackets etc. I had an allergic reaction when I was a kid and had to carry around an adrenaline shot for years. That helped shaped my feelings towards the little devils. Nothing bolsters a 7 year olds confidence at Camp Goddard like, "Have a great time. Don't forget, if you get stung take this shot in 5 minutes or you will die. OK, bye!"

The thing that still makes me laugh is the treatment. I had 2 shots a week for a year (it may have been six months but sure seemed like a year), then they were 1 a week, every other week, and then once a month. And the end of the treatment, my allegists says, "Congratulations, you are all done with the treatment. If it worked, you are no longer allergic to stinging insects."

IF!!!!!!! I haven't found out if it worked or not. I sure hope it did because I have also stopped carrying around the adrenaline shot.

7/28/2008, 05:54 PM
Raid Wasp and Hornet spray has never let me down. They drop like flies.

Animal Mother
7/30/2008, 04:08 PM
"Live And Let Die" style. Lighter + Hairspray = flame-thrower.

Please don't use inside unless you have a snake after you like double-naught spy did.