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View Full Version : Sleep Apnea & Say A Prayer For The Family

7/16/2008, 03:42 AM
I have lived in Oklahoma since March of last year and had seen a doctor maybe three times in a 10 year span up until that point, but since the move, I have had...

1. Diverticulitus
2. Ruptured Disk which required back surgery
3. Tore my Medial Meniscus in my right knee which required surgery

Well, the last few years have been hard on me in the way of getting and staying asleep. As of the last two weeks, I wake up at least every hour on the hour that I lay in bed at night. The last time that I have recorded more than three hours of sleep w/o waking up was over two weeks ago.

I talked to my sister because I remember her having sleep apnea and she has some type of machine that helps her sleep. She claims that it's loud but the best thing invented since sliced bread. She also claims to have more energy and deeper sleep because of the machine.

As you can tell by the time that I've posted this, I'm not sleeping again tonite, and that's after popping a bunch of pain meds. I also decided to hand all of the pain pills over to my wife (they aren't getting me to sleep anyway) so she can destroy them properly up at work. I'm pretty fed up and going down fighting one way or another.

I've done some research on this disease (if it really is a disease) and it seems like a bad mutherfrankfurter from all standpoints! In my mind, all that's left to see, is which type of sleep apnea that I have.

I'm usually hard to scare but the lack of sleep and toll that it seems to have taken on my health is hard to ignore. I'm going to see my doctor next Monday and then hopefully to a sleep study soon after. My desire to do things that I used to enjoy doing has decreased dramatically, almost to the point of depression (God, I hate that word). Luckily, my sense of humor and support from my family, are helping me thru these tough times.

If any of you believe in prayer, please say a prayer for my three kids and my wife. I know that they are worried and I want there minds to be at ease. Hopefully, they can find out was is going on with me before it gets worse. I'm obviously in some bad mambo jambo with this disease.


7/16/2008, 07:22 AM
Sorry to hear that. I hope the doctors visit provides some sort of relief. Prayers sent.

Lott's Bandana
7/16/2008, 07:44 AM

The best thing you can do for your condition is do something about it. Because you are, your loved ones will have you around for quite some time.

Since you are taking care of it, try to not worry (I know it is difficult not to)as you don't want to stress-start that D'litis again...bad stuff.

7/16/2008, 07:50 AM
Good Luck Bro .

7/16/2008, 08:51 AM
My Dad has the breathing machine and it is very loud. He can't sleep without it though. A friend of mine was in the same boat you're in and had the surgery. He was nervous before hand, but is pissed that he didn't do it sooner. He says it's the best thing he's ever done.

Good luck to ya man, hope everything works out for ya.

7/16/2008, 09:10 AM
You got it Bro.

I've been through lots myself.

Using prayer to keep you on track is gonna get you past it.

So you had to throw out the pain meds huh? :D ;)

Keep smiling and chin up!

7/16/2008, 09:19 AM
Just some thoughts on this:

Pain meds - especially when used over a period of time will actually keep you awake rather than knock you out. They'll also block up your bunghole like a big bitch. Quitting the pain meds will help you right away.

Weight. Dropping some poundage will help dramatically in both the snoring and the overall health/feeling of well being.

Snoring machine. The new ones aren't loud at all. My brother uses one and it's pretty much a quiet purr. Sometimes he does sound like Darth Vader though when he's sleeping. His wife said she'll take Darth over Bluto any day. They are pricey, and they're a pain in the *** to travel with (if you carry on the airplanes) but my brother won't go anywhere without his.

7/16/2008, 11:17 AM
Thanks fellas. At this point, I'll do anything to get a good nite's sleep. Who knows, maybe looking like an Air Force pilot will improve my sex life as well.:D

I'm done with pain meds. I feel like a druggie. I have been on something since I hurt my back in June.

Frozen Sooner
7/16/2008, 11:36 AM
Good luck. My stepdad uses the apnea machine and it's improved his life immensely.

7/16/2008, 11:37 AM
I'll keep you in prayer.God Bless.

Newbomb Turk
7/16/2008, 11:41 AM
r5 - you and your family are in my prayers.

Good luck - I hope you and the doc's get this figured out.