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View Full Version : Top 10 Reasons Why A De-Nutted Obama Would Make A Better President

7/11/2008, 10:31 PM
10. "The Obama Girl" would have no use for him and would be available

9. The WNBA would have a new star power forward

8. Far left on Daily KOS would no longer challenge him to "Nut Up" and bring home the troops

7. Four years of Jesse Jackson one-liners rhyming with "nuts."

6. Even under a horrible Obama administration, the White House would never be referred to as the "Nut House."

5. Michelle would wear the pants in the family

4. Dean Scream becomes obsolete as Jesse takes care of business

3. "Truck nuts" becomes standard new car option

2. "Grow A Pair" bumper stickers explode

1. New campaign motto: "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you wish you had one."

7/11/2008, 10:33 PM

Curly Bill
7/11/2008, 10:33 PM
5. Michelle would wear the pants in the family

I think this one may already be in effect.

Curly Bill
7/11/2008, 10:34 PM
9. The WNBA would have a new star power forward

Some of them WNBA girls would wear his little punk *** out.

King Crimson
7/12/2008, 01:03 AM
i'll be willing to punch the clock for needless pop culture mind pollution when Obama Girl hits her 13th minute of fame and does a few nudies.