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View Full Version : Your favorite Sooner momentum

7/7/2008, 10:35 AM
Mine is that momentum we got during the coin-flip at the 2000 Orange Bowl. Carried us through the entire game :)

Oh. And please pretend I put "momentum" in quotes.

I'm an idiot.

7/7/2008, 12:06 PM
Lofton's recovery of Chases's botched hand-off last year...it just seemed like we pwned them after that.

7/7/2008, 12:08 PM
Just read this off the horn board.

MB and the coaching staff and the players have been on a type of cruise control since the win over SC. If there has been one thing about MB that is a little bit frustrating, it's that he doesn't have the competitive fire that Stoops has. I don't believe for a minute all this nonsense about Stoops being a master strategist, tactician, or motivator. Not even for a second. But he has a stronger desire to win in comparison to win than MB. It took MB two years or the second consecutive loss to A&M to finally get fighting mad.

7/7/2008, 11:35 PM
You really shouldn't try 'n compare Brown to Stoops. They're an entirely different critter.

Frankly, for all the fun we have mocking Mr. Happy Claps, the guy is successful in his niche: Warm and fuzzy recruiter. He's put together great recruiting classes, and has had a great overall record.

Our coach just happens to own him :)

7/8/2008, 12:26 AM
In my years at OU, I would say momentum changed the most this last year when we played Mizzou. Lofton picking up the fumble and scoring was a massive momentum changer. The crowd was the loudest since '03 for the goal-line stand against LoSuR. Simply crazy. I knew at that point we would win, and so did the team and all of the other fans.....and mizzou players. It was amazing.

7/8/2008, 07:23 AM
In the 2000 KSU game at Manhattan, we had played them to a standstill until late in the game. They scored to take the lead with, it seems like 4 or 5 minutes to play. On the ensuing kickoff, I think it was Thatcher, ran the kickoff back for what should have been a TD(they ruled it OB on the 2 or 3 yard line). Best change of momentum I've ever seen.

7/8/2008, 10:41 AM
In the 2000 KSU game at Manhattan, we had played them to a standstill until late in the game. They scored to take the lead with, it seems like 4 or 5 minutes to play. On the ensuing kickoff, I think it was Thatcher, ran the kickoff back for what should have been a TD(they ruled it OB on the 2 or 3 yard line). Best change of momentum I've ever seen.

My favorite change of momentum occurred that night too. Remember when Calmus was running unobstructed to the QB and had someone grab his shirt from behind, drawing a flag for an obvious holding call, only to have the ref wave it off because Rocky "fought through the obstruction?" His momentum really changed on that play. :)