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View Full Version : Some jackhole from McAlester rolled his SUV on the Creek Turnpike.

7/6/2008, 07:10 PM
Toddler NOT buckled into a car seat (NHTSA approved or otherwise) ejected and killed. Papa is fine.:mad:

7/6/2008, 07:24 PM
Toddler NOT buckled into a car seat (NHTSA approved or otherwise) ejected and killed. Papa is fine.:mad:

It's Oklahoma and I'm not surprised. I see toddlers unbuckled in moving vehicles all of the time in NW OKC.

7/6/2008, 07:26 PM
Toddler NOT buckled into a car seat (NHTSA approved or otherwise) ejected and killed. Papa is fine.:mad:

I saw this story today...that is just ridiculous.
I would never drive around w/my son unbuckled. That's how I felt about this topic before our car accident the other night that I posted about...and I will never change my opinion on this topic. Life is too precious to not be buckled in and not have your kids buckled in.
It's unfortunate that this kid didn't survive and now the adults have to deal with the loss of their child and the guilt the rest of their lives. Horrible.
Makes me sick to see these people driving around w/their kids bouncing around in the seat.

Viking Kitten
7/6/2008, 07:34 PM
Yup. Me being a psycho about car seats, booster seats and seat belts saved our collective bacon when I had that run-in with a horse. I wish I could show a picture of our smashed to pieces Jeep to every parent who would even consider driving around with their kids unbuckled.

The McAlester story is a sad deal.

7/6/2008, 07:39 PM
Some people just need a tragedy like this before they learn. Hopefully, if they have other children now or in the future, they'll be a hell of a lot smarter than they were tonight.

7/6/2008, 08:45 PM
That's just a damn shame

7/6/2008, 09:45 PM
This is really sad.

What ticks me off is I remember in my government class a woman said she didn't buckle up and didn't buckle her kids up. Her reason? "I've had two brothers in car crashes who weren't buckled up and it saved their life where they would have been dead!" It's sad it'll take a death of a loved one for that thinking to be gone.

7/6/2008, 09:53 PM
when i was a kid we just rode in the back of the pickup :D

7/6/2008, 09:56 PM
when i was a kid we just rode in the back of the pickup :D

Haha. You can still do that actually as long as it's just around town and not on the main highways. Well in the towns around here you can.

7/6/2008, 09:59 PM
man, i woke up one night on the highway (I-244 i think) on a mattress in a truck with a blanket and pillow

that was with a babysitter though :eek:

i think i was 5 or 6

7/6/2008, 10:21 PM
Yup. Me being a psycho about car seats, booster seats and seat belts saved our collective bacon when I had that run-in with a horse.

This ranks right up there with Lewis Blacks "If it weren't for that horse, I never would have gone to college." line.

7/6/2008, 10:47 PM
Seems that there is always someone who either wants to be different or just revolts everytime anyone gives them good advice.

You'll buckle up in my car or you'll walk.

7/6/2008, 10:50 PM
Any chance that dude will be getting a new McAlester address?

7/6/2008, 10:55 PM
Seems that there is always someone who either wants to be different or just revolts everytime anyone gives them good advice.

You'll buckle up in my car or you'll walk.

ditto. I don't drive unless everyone is buckled up.

Curly Bill
7/6/2008, 10:58 PM
when i was a kid we just rode in the back of the pickup :D

Yep, and as for the seat belts themselves my dad would always stuff them behind the seats to get them out of the way.

7/7/2008, 12:48 AM
when i was a kid we just rode in the back of the pickup :D

Brent Rawls, is that you?


7/7/2008, 07:02 AM
Well here in Far East Russia, they don't know what a car seat is, oh wait...Its Mama's lap.

Really different to see how people do things around the world. The U.S. is truly blessed and truly wealthy to have all the things and safety items we have.

7/7/2008, 08:38 AM
Back in 98 my sister was killed as the Truck my father drove had a blow out and flipped on I 40 near Tucumcari, New Mexico. She, along with my brother and another sister were riding in the bed with a camper shell. My dad and brother had severe head injuries, and my older sister held my younger as she died in her arms.

To this day, I get sick when I see folks letting their children ride in the shell of a camper. My dad still hasn't let it go, and he is just barely starting to resemble his old laid back self.

Folks, there are reasons for these safety belts and car seats, so please use them. I was serving a mission at the time, and I'll never forget the day I got that news.

7/7/2008, 01:54 PM
Goodness. Was the accident between Tulsa and Jenks? My wife and I drove by a SUV that had been flipped on the turnpike Saturday evening.