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6/26/2008, 07:19 PM
Hey guys, look...

If I'm nice enough to move over to the left lane to let you merge onto the highway, then please don't take this opportunity to f*** me over as soon as you can.

I'm not over in the left lane to let you on because I have to. You see, you have the yield sign. I could just stay right there if I wanted to. But noooo, I think "I'm going to be polite and let this guy / gal on". And what does he/she do the first fuggin opportunity? Cut me off, cut in front of me and slam on the breaks, or ... oh, I love this, just stay right there next to me as If I should slow down and let them pass!

I tell you this: I'm tired of waving people through stop signs and not seeing them wave back...just hold their noses in the hair. I'm tired of people passing me and slowing down. And I'm tired of people not driving the ****ing speed limit. I'm tired of people cutting into the space that I leave in between me and the vehicle in front of me. If you do that, and look in your mirror, and see nothing but grill, it's because I assume that you wanted to be there.

Ok I'm done.


Whitey just hit 900,000 miles.

Newbomb Turk
6/26/2008, 07:26 PM
I agree - on the road people are generally ****heads.

I-40 and Council - one lane bridge each way (and it appears it will be that way until 2010). I'm headed north on Council - the left lane closes just before 1-40 and there are a bunch of people in the right lane. I stop to let a truck enter Council from the truck stop. Some dickhole comes around me - makes the truckdriver his his brakes. People are so damn in a hurry.

6/26/2008, 07:31 PM
I agree - on the road people are generally ****heads.

I-40 and Council - one lane bridge each way (and it appears it will be that way until 2010). I'm headed north on Council - the left lane closes just before 1-40 and there are a bunch of people in the right lane. I stop to let a truck enter Council from the truck stop. Some dickhole comes around me - makes the truckdriver his his brakes. People are so damn in a hurry.

Yep. They'll screw you over if it saves them 30 seconds, all to save them some time on their 5 minute errand across town. The fact that I got into the truck at 5:30AM, and it's now 5:30PM, wouldn't mean a thing to them even if they knew it.

6/26/2008, 07:32 PM
Keep in mind, one of us is getting paid to drive down the road.;)

6/27/2008, 07:29 AM
Mother with a mini van cut me off yesterday. Behavior like that makes me wanna apply for the Highway Patrol.

Oh, and do Oklahoma Vehicles come with turn signals optional? Maybe they do in Stillwater because no one uses them.

King Crimson
6/27/2008, 07:36 AM
there's nothing that makes people dumber, instantly, than putting them behind the wheel of a car.

i live near a university and the most dangerous force on the road is Ford Expedition driving sorority girl hell bent in a hurry to the tanning salon driving and putting on makeup, changing the tunes, smoking a cig, talking on the phone, looking at herself in the mirror. the other day i saw this deadly force make a u-turn in an intersection that's busy enough to have a traffic light.

In the intersection, she made a u-turn.

6/27/2008, 08:15 AM
People suck at driving. That's why I just flip everyone off as I drive.

6/27/2008, 10:10 AM


6/27/2008, 10:33 AM
my favorite is this morning there was this guy behind me and he switches lanes real quick then the other car slows down a bit so he switches back then somebody in front of me slows down to turn so the guy behind me switches back.
3 lane switches (not a single blinker btw) and no ground gained just being impatient. i laughed

6/27/2008, 11:07 AM

whew, glad I got that off my chest.

6/27/2008, 11:18 AM
I hate those no-hand Harrys and Harriets.

6/27/2008, 12:54 PM
I use one of them motorola egg bluetooth hands free kits when I drive.

I admit, i speed. I drive between north side of houston and corpus each week to hit the job site. I'm serious annoyed at having to pass ****ers in the right lane because the get in the left lane, hit cruise and don't even pay attention to anything. about 50% of the cars I pass, i do so in the right lane. I'm careful about pulling infront of cars, heck if i'm cutting it closer then i'd like to a semi, i'm going to be making sure I accelerate away from it. I've even hung back when getting ready to pass one because the numb nuts infrom of me is agoing a whopping 1 mph faster then mr semi and has spent the last 2 minutes only getting half way up the trailer or sitting in the drivers blind spot.

6/27/2008, 04:00 PM
What about drivers who stop and reverse because they missed their exit ramp?

even though the next exit is less than a mile away and they could double-back.

Animal Mother
6/30/2008, 05:41 PM
I help 18 wheelers make their move as much as possible. How does the average twerp think things get to the store shelves? Via a whole in the wall like the freaking Jetsons??

6/30/2008, 05:42 PM
my favorite is this morning there was this guy behind me and he switches lanes real quick then the other car slows down a bit so he switches back then somebody in front of me slows down to turn so the guy behind me switches back.
3 lane switches (not a single blinker btw) and no ground gained just being impatient

Somebody needs to watch the opening of Office Space.

6/30/2008, 05:45 PM
I use one of them motorola egg bluetooth hands free kits when I drive.

It's not the hands-free that's the problem, it's the fact that when you're trying to concentrate on a phone conversation you're not paying attention to what you're doing. People talking on a phone drive like they're drunk, hands-free or not.

Curly Bill
6/30/2008, 05:47 PM
Not me, I drive superbly whether drunk or on the phone...

...or both.

6/30/2008, 05:48 PM
What about drivers who stop and reverse because they missed their exit ramp?

OMFG, you've actually seen people do that?? :eek:

Bad drivers should be sent to Houston. The problem will take care of itself one way or another: They'll figure out in a hurry how to not be a dumbass or else face death by fiery crash or gunshot.

6/30/2008, 08:18 PM
OMFG, you've actually seen people do that?? :eek:

Bad drivers should be sent to Houston. The problem will take care of itself one way or another: They'll figure out in a hurry how to not be a dumbass or else face death by fiery crash or gunshot.

Let's see.....I-35 South at the I-240 exit..........235 North at the I-35 East exit......don't get started about the entire Broadway extension.

6/30/2008, 08:32 PM
OMFG, you've actually seen people do that?? :eek:

Bad drivers should be sent to Houston. The problem will take care of itself one way or another: They'll figure out in a hurry how to not be a dumbass or else face death by fiery crash or gunshot.

I haven't seen anyone put their car in reverse on the highway to get to an exit.

But I've seen them stop...two different times at the same spot, in fact, in the far left lane, to make their exit 3 lanes over to the right. Each time the driver was on their cell phone.

This was northbound (technically E bound) I-44 at the Tulsa exit were 39th expressway is.

It really sux for me because it takes about 1 mile to get going the speed limit again, and everyone is thinking "what an ******* truck driver, slowing everyone down!"

7/1/2008, 12:34 AM
When I'm around the Broadway Extension and I-44 junction, I stay in the left lane, no matter what. I've nearly gotten in high speed wrecks at least twice in that area because merging people like to swerve into the right lane without looking (and, of course, signalless). They better do a good job on that, it's a dangerous stretch.

7/1/2008, 10:35 AM
The number one way to turn someone into a good, alert and conscientious driver: make them drive a truck for a while.

The number two way: make them drive a scooter or a non-ricer motorcycle.

I've done both, delivering lumber when I was in college, and riding a scooter now, and both experiences have made me FAR more aware of my surroundings, other drivers, and of the limitations of other vehicles, especially trucks. People who whip in front of trucks and then shut down have no idea how much they are putting themselves at risk, and I don't mean at the hands of a ****ed-off truck driver.