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6/23/2008, 12:33 AM
that is all

Viking Kitten
6/23/2008, 12:46 AM
Dang. That sucks.

Link (http://uk.reuters.com/article/entertainmentNews/idUKN2339172520080623)

Looks like it was a heart attack.

6/23/2008, 12:53 AM

6/23/2008, 12:59 AM
Damn, one of my all-time favorite comedians. Thanks for the laughs.

6/23/2008, 06:43 AM
Damn...Carolyn and I were gonna go see him in Vegas in August. I had the pleasure of seeing him at the MGM Grand back in '04...I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my life. My best friend (and best man at my wedding) was laughing so hard, I swore he was gonna **** his pants!

RIP George...and thanks for the laughs.

6/23/2008, 07:30 AM
Whoa. That was unexpected.

If things happen in threes, then some other celebrity is going to have a heart surprise soon. :eek:

6/23/2008, 07:36 AM
I must admit I have heard of Him , but I dont think Ive ever Heard Him .:confused:

Czar Soonerov
6/23/2008, 07:38 AM

6/23/2008, 07:53 AM
I wish more people were intelligent enough to both listen to him and "get" him. Sadly, the people that need him the most are the ones that would never funny understand him.


Scott D
6/23/2008, 07:56 AM
I wonder how amused he will be as people go through his stuff to add to their stuff, and realize they can't get a bigger house for all that stuff.

6/23/2008, 07:57 AM
I wish more people were intelligent enough to both listen to him and "get" him. Sadly, the people that need him the most are the ones that would never funny understand him.


That be Me I guess Huh ?
Is there a Clip or sompun somewhere ?

6/23/2008, 07:59 AM
I wonder how amused he will be as people go through his stuff to add to their stuff, and realize they can't get a bigger house for all that stuff.

Kinda Like My sisters ?
They Grabbed everything they could Of Moms when she passed . Just to rent storage to put it in .:mad:

Scott D
6/23/2008, 08:01 AM
Kinda Like My sisters ?
They Grabbed everything they could Of Moms when she passed . Just to rent storage to put it in .:mad:

Stuff (http://youtube.com/watch?v=MvgN5gCuLac) for olevet.

not necessarily safe for work.

6/23/2008, 08:08 AM
Scott it wont open . Maybe Me or MY Puter . or his shat died whit him ?:confused:

6/23/2008, 08:14 AM
I wish more people were intelligent enough to both listen to him and "get" him. Sadly, the people that need him the most are the ones that would never funny understand him.

I don't think you really have to be intelligent to get him.

He was my favorite comedian for years. That special he did on HBO in 1984 "Carlin on Campus" was greatness, and I was 8 when I first watched it. Obviously I shouldn't have been watching him at that age, but such is the product of poor parenting. ;)

His stuff in his later years got to be too angry toward God. He used to vent very mildly toward organized religion but after the death of his wife in 97 he turned very bitter toward the idea of God specifically. That would be the only thing that would qualify somebody as being "intelligent" to get him, meaning if you're an atheist, you're somehow more intelligent than a theist. Other than that, his humor was pretty universal and not that complicated.

Rat **** bat **** dirty old ****,
69 ***holes tied in a knot
hooraaaay, lizard ****, ****!!!

6/23/2008, 08:27 AM
I don't think you really have to be intelligent to get him.

He was my favorite comedian for years. That special he did on HBO in 1984 "Carlin on Campus" was greatness, and I was 8 when I first watched it. Obviously I shouldn't have been watching him at that age, but such is the product of poor parenting. ;)

His stuff in his later years got to be too angry toward God. He used to vent very mildly toward organized religion but after the death of his wife in 97 he turned very bitter toward the idea of God specifically. That would be the only thing that would qualify somebody as being "intelligent" to get him, meaning if you're an atheist, you're somehow more intelligent than a theist. Other than that, his humor was pretty universal and not that complicated.

Rat **** bat **** dirty old ****,
69 ***holes tied in a knot
hooraaaay, lizard ****, ****!!!

Werd! I was 14 at the time and I learned most of my vocabulary from that show. It is still one of the funniest acts that I've ever seen to this day and when I go back home to visit old high school pals, we always talk about his list of dirty words. My favorite... dirt road.:D

RIP George

Scott D
6/23/2008, 08:29 AM
Scott it wont open . Maybe Me or MY Puter . or his shat died whit him ?:confused:

well it's blocked from embedding, and he says sh*t a handful of times, so just go to youtube and type in "george carlin stuff" and watch it there.

6/23/2008, 08:38 AM
well it's blocked from embedding, and he says sh*t a handful of times, so just go to youtube and type in "george carlin stuff" and watch it there.

I just got to thinkin
If Ive gone this Long with out hearing Him Guess I can go a few More years !;)

Beano's Fourth Chin
6/23/2008, 09:08 AM
There was a couple of bootleg copies of one of his shows making the rounds through my jr. high school back in the day. I had a 5th or 6th generation copy on casette. I remember listening to it on or tape player under my pillow at night after I should have been asleep.

Of course, I probably shouldn't have been so sneaky because if my parents didn't hear the giggling, they wouldn't have ever heard the tape playing.

I haven't heard any of his shows since then aside from maybe an odd clip here and there. I hope he found peace.

6/23/2008, 09:44 AM
George (Carlin, not Beano) was also one of my favorite comedians - until he became a bitter, hateful old ****head. Like Beano says, I hope he found his peace, otherwise he's got some serious splainin' to do to the head honcho.

6/23/2008, 09:45 AM

6/23/2008, 09:46 AM
I guess I musta ducked
Cause I dont remember him at all .:confused:

6/23/2008, 09:52 AM

Heh. No, the real HMFIC.

6/23/2008, 10:30 AM
Oh, Mrs. Phil, gotcha...

6/23/2008, 10:43 AM
Agree that Carlin was greatness before the bitterness set in. At least it took him nearly 40 years to get to that point. Most comedians fizzle after a few good runs of standup and become solely actors. (See Eddie Murphy Raw).

I watched my dog take a Cracker Jack......

6/23/2008, 11:14 AM

6/23/2008, 12:02 PM
EDSBS, Football and Baseball (http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com/2008/06/23/rip-george-carlin/)

Jimminy Crimson
6/23/2008, 12:21 PM
Greatest stand up comedian.

Mitch Hedberg? :confused: :cool:

6/23/2008, 12:53 PM
Couldn't hold Carlin's jock.

6/23/2008, 01:00 PM
Probably the best ever, he stayed a relevant comic for 40 years, that is unreal. He'll be missed.

The Maestro
6/23/2008, 03:08 PM
I wonder what he thinks about religion and Christianity now?

Hey, if you couldn't appreciate his creativity and wit, in spite of his beliefs, then you can't appreciate great writing. The guy was a thinker, for sure.

I'd call him the Anti-Gallagher.

6/23/2008, 03:31 PM
I wonder what he thinks about religion and Christianity now?

Nothing. Being dead and all.

In keeping with Mr. Carlin's entire known opinion on death, mourning, and its importance, I'd like to say, "Son of a bitch. Hey, is there anything good to eat around here?"

6/23/2008, 03:59 PM
Tits doesn't even belong on the list, man!

sucks. I've got an autographed pic of him from when I wrote to him in 7th grade. I talked my new step-grandparents into getting me "Toledo Window Box" back in the day.


6/23/2008, 04:37 PM

He'll be making us laugh until we die.

You'll be missed Hippy Dippy Weatherman.



6/23/2008, 05:05 PM
I, too, grew up listening to Carlin and owned several of his cassette tapes. I may have to break them out this week, while I utter the seven dirty words you can't say on television.

RIP to a true original.

6/23/2008, 05:48 PM
EDSBS, Football and Baseball (http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com/2008/06/23/rip-george-carlin/)

The baseball-football routine is one of my most favoritest ever. I enjoyed the clever, silly Carlin more than the edgy, bitter one, though both could make me laugh. I always feel gratified and even complimented when someone takes the time to make me laugh by making me think differently rather than by simply shocking me.
RIP George

Curly Bill
6/23/2008, 05:54 PM
The baseball-football routine is one of my most favoritest ever. I enjoyed the clever, silly Carlin more than the edgy, bitter one, though both could make me laugh. I always feel gratified and even complimented when someone takes the time to make me laugh by making me think differently rather than by simply shocking me.
RIP George


6/23/2008, 08:17 PM
This sucks donkey ballz.

First skit I ever heard was "test fart." I was hooked immediatekly afterward. RIP GC.

6/23/2008, 08:26 PM
I just got to thinkin
If Ive gone this Long with out hearing Him Guess I can go a few More years !;)

Agreed. 'Sides, he uses dem "long" words too.:D

6/23/2008, 08:42 PM
Greatest stand up comedian of all time is a tough call. Carlin is way, way up at the top of the list, but I really couldn't tell you if I'd take Carlin or Steve Martin as #1. Bill Cosby is pretty damn far up that list, too.

6/23/2008, 09:22 PM
Even though I didn't agree with him he did raise questions and was able to be funny about his opinion and get it across. Here are just a few examples of some of his controversial material. These are NSFW.

Global Warming is Bull****

****ing Off The Feminists

American Tyranny We're Owned By Corporations

Religion is Bull****

You Have No Rights As An American

Americans Double Standard "This country is based on double standards, a group of slave owners wanted to be free"

Americans Love War, We're Good At It

6/23/2008, 09:29 PM
Carlin was good...

6/23/2008, 09:31 PM
Religion is Bull****

Along similar lines, I found Bill Hicks' routine about dinosaurs in the Bible hilarious. Even if he was from Austin.

6/23/2008, 10:09 PM
Carlin did some classic ****. He had gotten too grumpy in his persona for rich old dude.

6/23/2008, 10:46 PM
1997 Interview with George



6/23/2008, 11:36 PM
George Carlin was hateful, bitter man. The unsigned AP reports say that he was controversial because he pointed out "religous hypocrisy." Nope. He ridiculed people simply for their religious beliefs.

Sure, he used to make fun of feminists and had a good schtick about baseball versus football. But here's all you need to know about George Carlin. Where did he go when he had chest pains?

A hospital run by some of those fools who believe in an old man in a robe in outer space.

Just because you're a "rebel" doesn't mean you can't be a bigger self-righteous hypocritical *** than those you attack. And I'm well aware that I'm dangerously close to being that myself by speaking ill-well of the departed.

6/23/2008, 11:47 PM
sounds like someone hit a little close to home ;)

6/23/2008, 11:56 PM
sounds like someone hit a little close to home ;)

And I'm sure Imus will use that excuse tomorrow too to Sharpton ;)

6/24/2008, 12:51 AM
George Carlin was hateful, bitter man. The unsigned AP reports say that he was controversial because he pointed out "religous hypocrisy." Nope. He ridiculed people simply for their religious beliefs.

Sure, he used to make fun of feminists and had a good schtick about baseball versus football. But here's all you need to know about George Carlin. Where did he go when he had chest pains?

A hospital run by some of those fools who believe in an old man in a robe in outer space.

Just because you're a "rebel" doesn't mean you can't be a bigger self-righteous hypocritical *** than those you attack. And I'm well aware that I'm dangerously close to being that myself by speaking ill-well of the departed.

just stop and breathe for a moment. it took three pages for this post to be made? so, let me get this straight. making fun of pretty much everything = ok. making fun of religion = bad. some religious folk are so uptight about this, but then, as im guessing is true with a lot of posters here, is that anything can and most likely deserves to be made fun of sometimes. he allowed people to step back and look/laugh at the absurdity of everything, religion included.

Frozen Sooner
6/24/2008, 12:54 AM
Playing Devil's Advocate here...

If someone is Christian in the sense of what the Bible actually tells people to do, then being a Christian must literally be the most important thing in the world to you and take precedence over all other things. That being the case, it's easy to see why someone wouldn't have a sense of humor about it.

6/24/2008, 12:57 AM
Playing Devil's Advocate here...

If someone is Christian in the sense of what the Bible actually tells people to do, then being a Christian must literally be the most important thing in the world to you and take precedence over all other things. That being the case, it's easy to see why someone wouldn't have a sense of humor about it.

playing opposite devil's advocate

and people here bitch about muslims getting ****ed b/c of a cartoon of muhammed.

6/24/2008, 05:23 AM
I'm gonna let God judge George.

If George's bitter gets him a mark under Wrath then so be it...

I just don't think George really wished to harm others or hisself.

I don't see him as prideful either...I think he felt he was just lucky to be able to write and do comedy for all those years.

His dislike for organized Religion was well known.

Again...I'll let God judge the mark of the man.

6/24/2008, 05:47 AM

6/24/2008, 08:26 AM
just stop and breathe for a moment. it took three pages for this post to be made? so, let me get this straight. making fun of pretty much everything = ok. making fun of religion = bad. some religious folk are so uptight about this, but then, as im guessing is true with a lot of posters here, is that anything can and most likely deserves to be made fun of sometimes. he allowed people to step back and look/laugh at the absurdity of everything, religion included.

I didn't say that making fun of religion is out of bounds.

I'm sorry if you can't see the difference in the sheer hate behind how he delivered that compared to the scores of other humorists who make fun of religion.

6/24/2008, 09:22 AM
Religion deserves to have fun poked at it.

God does not.

There's a huge difference between God and organized religion.

6/24/2008, 10:02 AM
There's a huge difference between God and organized religion.

really, it's only this far on a map...


6/24/2008, 10:03 AM
What is with the crazies on this board and taking joy in other's death based on their opinions? It's really, really ghoulish.

6/24/2008, 10:25 AM
What is with the crazies on this board and taking joy in other's death based on their opinions? It's really, really ghoulish.

there aren't any comedians in Cuba, so you don't have a dog in this fight.


6/24/2008, 10:31 AM
there aren't any comedians in Cuba, so you don't have a dog in this fight.

Well, if you don't laugh at Castro you get a Columbian necktie. So you could say that he is the funniest man on the island.

6/24/2008, 11:11 AM
Well, if you don't laugh at Castro you get a Columbian necktie. So you could say that he is the funniest man on the island.

Yeah, except he's dead like Carlin. Or is he? I can never keep up.

6/24/2008, 11:24 AM
What is with the crazies on this board and taking joy in other's death based on their opinions? It's really, really ghoulish.

I just looked to Bill Mahr's - and the MSM's - reaction to Jerry Falwell's death.

And I don't take joy in it. And it's not on his opinions, it's on his actions. But hey, don't let me rain on your strawman parade.

6/24/2008, 11:42 AM
I just looked to Bill Mahr's - and the MSM's - reaction to Jerry Falwell's death.

And I don't take joy in it. And it's not on his opinions, it's on his actions. But hey, don't let me rain on your strawman parade.
Heh. I was more referring to JCS more than you, but you do realize that when I say it's ghoulish that there are some on this board that seem to enjoy the fact that Carlin is dead, and your response is to talk about Jerry Falwell and Bill Maher, it's the definition of a strawman argument? Right?

6/24/2008, 11:49 AM
Heh. I was more referring to JCS more than you, but you do realize that when I say it's ghoulish that there are some on this board that seem to enjoy the fact that Carlin is dead, and your response is to talk about Jerry Falwell and Bill Maher, it's the definition of a strawman argument? Right?

No, Jerry Falwell and Bill Maher is not a strawman argument. It actually happened. The viedo clips are readily available. I didn't have to make it up. And it fits perfectly with your "speak ill of people who died whom you didn't agree with."

And I'm sorry for taking personal something you probably didn't mean as personal, and wasn't even directed at me. I don't enjoy the fact that he's dead.

6/24/2008, 11:54 AM
I'm pretty sure most people don't enjoy the fact he's dead. When I'd turn on HBO and see one of his shows I always stopped to watch some of it - even when he was ripping on God, etc.

I'm thinking/hoping that somewhere betwixt him thinking "SOB, I'm dying" and him actually finally flatlining he had an opportunity to make things right with his maker. And I'm confident his maker is willing to forgive if old George's heart was in the right place. That's my hope anyhow, cause lord knows we're gonna need some comedy when I get to heaven.

6/24/2008, 11:57 AM
Well, if you don't laugh at Castro you get a Columbian necktie. So you could say that he is the funniest man on the island.


*looking around*

6/24/2008, 12:13 PM
No, Jerry Falwell and Bill Maher is not a strawman argument. It actually happened. The viedo clips are readily available. I didn't have to make it up. And it fits perfectly with your "speak ill of people who died whom you didn't agree with."

And I'm sorry for taking personal something you probably didn't mean as personal, and wasn't even directed at me. I don't enjoy the fact that he's dead.
I don't deny that there were people who were happy when Falwell died, but I still think applying that stance to someone who hasn't adopted it in argument in order to prop your position is a strawman.

I didn't take anything you said personally, and really I don't have a problem with those who think that Carlin is going to burn, but the man committed no crime by standing on a stage and entertaining paying customers, there were much bigger threats to Christianity than GC.

6/24/2008, 12:23 PM
No, Jerry Falwell and Bill Maher is not a strawman argument. It actually happened. The viedo clips are readily available. I didn't have to make it up. And it fits perfectly with your "speak ill of people who died whom you didn't agree with."

And I'm sorry for taking personal something you probably didn't mean as personal, and wasn't even directed at me. I don't enjoy the fact that he's dead.

Bill Maher is a filthy atheist. Shouldn't you be better than him...?

6/24/2008, 12:26 PM
Bill Maher is a filthy atheist. Shouldn't you be better than him...?

Yeah...47....you should be into nostalgia. :D


6/24/2008, 12:57 PM
That's my hope anyhow, cause lord knows we're gonna need some comedy when I get to heaven.

We need all that we can get right now as well cuz you're still on this earth ;)

6/24/2008, 01:12 PM
Bill Maher is a filthy atheist. Shouldn't you be better than him...?

You would think I would think that, wouldn't you? But that would make you the self-righteous, judgmental jerek here.

Animal Mother
6/24/2008, 01:48 PM
George Carlin was hateful, bitter man. The unsigned AP reports say that he was controversial because he pointed out "religous hypocrisy." Nope. He ridiculed people simply for their religious beliefs.

Sure, he used to make fun of feminists and had a good schtick about baseball versus football. But here's all you need to know about George Carlin. Where did he go when he had chest pains?

A hospital run by some of those fools who believe in an old man in a robe in outer space.

Just because you're a "rebel" doesn't mean you can't be a bigger self-righteous hypocritical *** than those you attack. And I'm well aware that I'm dangerously close to being that myself by speaking ill-well of the departed.

As opposed to a hospital run by atheists? Someone doesn't believe in fairies and unicorns and deities with human qualities is headed straight to hell. Horse sh!t !!! Flush out your headgear. I agree with 99.9% of what he “said” and please refresh my memory of all the things he did to keep the people he ridiculed from practicing their superstitions….. I mean religion. Those will total ZERO.

6/24/2008, 02:32 PM
PLUS, he made sense when he was ridiculing.

6/24/2008, 08:25 PM
As opposed to a hospital run by atheists? Someone doesn't believe in fairies and unicorns and deities with human qualities is headed straight to hell. Horse sh!t !!! Flush out your headgear. I agree with 99.9% of what he “said” and please refresh my memory of all the things he did to keep the people he ridiculed from practicing their superstitions….. I mean religion. Those will total ZERO.


6/25/2008, 12:38 PM
I wish more people were intelligent enough to both listen to him and "get" him. Sadly, the people that need him the most are the ones that would never funny understand him.


he was funny and he was intelligent but if you've ever needed George Carlin then you're f'd up man.

6/25/2008, 12:43 PM
playing opposite devil's advocate

and people here bitch about muslims getting ****ed b/c of a cartoon of muhammed.

actually there's a difference between being ****ed and threatening to kill over something.
there's nut balls in all beliefs but I'd dare say Christians are a bit more tolerant of things. call me crazy.

6/25/2008, 12:55 PM
Just a head's up... NBC is airing the first SNL this weekend on George's behalf. Might be fun to watch the original again after all these years.

6/25/2008, 02:15 PM
actually there's a difference between being ****ed and threatening to kill over something.
there's nut balls in all beliefs but I'd dare say Christians are a bit more tolerant of things. call me crazy.

yea christians are nice. they let you come in to their countries even if you have a quaran, or a star of david dangling from your neck.