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View Full Version : Worst Head Coach In OU Football History

6/12/2008, 09:47 AM
Vote away. This may be closer than one thinks.

6/12/2008, 09:50 AM
At least with "Wild Turkey" we were somewhat competitive.



6/12/2008, 09:56 AM

6/12/2008, 10:10 AM
SmellsofBourbon. He had a better record but was way more of a train wreck. At least Blake could recruit.

6/12/2008, 10:18 AM
Boo was the onlt name needed on the ballot.

6/12/2008, 10:55 AM
Blake: good assistant, bad head coach

6/14/2008, 02:31 AM
Probably need to add Jack Harts up there. He lost every game he coached.

I keed.

There are NO OTHER candidates for this award than 'turkey' and the blakester. But it's hard -- very hard -- to pick between the two. Wonder what that 1996 season would have looked like if schnellenberger had been back on the sidelines?

One of the posters above gave the nod to schnellenberger on the premise that he was "a trainwreck" (which is absolutely true), but geez man Blake redefined trainwreck for a new generation.

The man just had no managerial skills. He didn't meet with his staff, he allowed outsiders to name assistants, he couldn't decide who were the best two QBs on the team (much less which ONE was the best), he brought in a WHOLE NEW OFFENCE in mid-season, his players walked out (can you see that under Stoops?) and on and on and on. It was just one long train wreck playedout over three seasons. God knows where that was headed if Blake had had more time, but major scandals (and much more big losing) just to me seemed inevitable.

OK, I talked myself into Blake. Schnellenberger was an ego-centric circus who tried to outshine the Oklahoma Football Monster, Blake was just a stumbling, bumbling, fool. Dang, when I started out on this I never meant to be so harsh. Shoot, I reopened some bad wounds in there.

For a wild card, where do people think Gomer should be rated? An easy vote for 3rd place, or does he belong in the mix? He had a losing season in 1965, but even near demi-god Wilkinson had turned in a .500 season a couple of years before.

6/14/2008, 05:45 AM
Gomer deserves Honorable Mention. Another great assistant coach, but not a HC.

6/14/2008, 07:45 AM
If it were only about a coach's winning percentage there would be no need for a poll. The individual who did the most damage to OUr program was the drunk. The guy only lasted a single season, that by itself speaks volumes about him. In less than a year he managed to alienate everyone.

6/14/2008, 10:04 AM
If it were only about a coach's winning percentage there would be no need for a poll. The individual who did the most damage to OUr program was the drunk. The guy only lasted a single season, that by itself speaks volumes about him. In less than a year he managed to alienate everyone.

Very true, and an excellent point. The fact that Blake was a better recruiter puts him at #2, and the title of the worst goes to Schnelly at #1. This elevates Gomer Jones for my Dad's generation. He never liked Gomer, but these guys put the "Jones Era" in a much better light.