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View Full Version : "Best" Presidents in 50 year increments...

6/12/2008, 09:35 AM
Got to thinking... who do you think are the United States' "best" presidents during 50 year increments... Yes, I know "best" is a very subjective term but perhaps it should include those presidents who transcended the office through the laws passed under their watch, their ability to guide the nation through wars, international respect (or fear?)... those special persons who made an indelible mark on our great nation...

My list...

1700s -- George Washington (is there really any debate?)

1800 - 1850 -- Thomas Jefferson (providing stability and recognition internationally)

1850 - 1900 -- Abraham Lincoln (love him or hate him, he left an indelible mark on our nation)

1900 - 1950 -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt (say what you will about his domestic policies and "socializing" federal agencies, his leadership and guidance were crucial as the world stood on the precipice)

1950 - 2000 -- Ronald Wilson Reagan (the voice of a generation. So much has not even come to light about his resolve and actions to bring down Communism)

2000 -

6/12/2008, 09:40 AM
This won't end well.

Oh, and I agree.

6/12/2008, 09:45 AM
Got to thinking... who do you think are the United States' "best" presidents during 50 year increments... Yes, I know "best" is a very subjective term but perhaps it should include those presidents who transcended the office through the laws passed under their watch, their ability to guide the nation through wars, international respect (or fear?)... those special persons who made an indelible mark on our great nation...

My list...

1700s -- George Washington (is there really any debate?)

1800 - 1850 -- Thomas Jefferson (providing stability and recognition internationally)

1850 - 1900 -- Abraham Lincoln (love him or hate him, he left an indelible mark on our nation)

1900 - 1950 -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt (say what you will about his domestic policies and "socializing" federal agencies, his leadership and guidance were crucial as the world stood on the precipice)

1950 - 2000 -- Ronald Wilson Reagan (the voice of a generation. So much has not even come to light about his resolve and actions to bring down Communism)

2000 -

I would have to add Teddy Roosevelt to the list

6/12/2008, 09:55 AM
drive-by link (http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2004/06/09/reagans_heart_of_darkness/?page=1)ing

6/12/2008, 09:58 AM
This won't end well.

True dat.

6/12/2008, 10:00 AM
drive-by link (http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2004/06/09/reagans_heart_of_darkness/?page=1)ing

That article made me want to watch Lethal Weapon 2.

6/12/2008, 10:28 AM
I would trade out Reagan for Ike, but the rest I feel the same.

6/12/2008, 10:30 AM
I would trade out Reagan for Ike, but the rest I feel the same.

The best thing about Ike's time was me being born during it. Ike couldn't carry Reagan's briefcase.