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View Full Version : My stock lost $1800 per share today!

5/7/2008, 04:58 PM
But since it's worth $108000 per share, I guess it's not that bad. :rolleyes:

texas bandman
5/7/2008, 10:01 PM
I really don't look at my investments more than once or twice a quarter, because if I did I'd go nuts. Losing money really depresses me, but since I have a decade before I can touch my retirement account, I don't worry about day to day volatility. Dang recession (I just checked my account!).

5/8/2008, 12:47 AM
Now, if you were a real owner of Berkshire Hathaway stock, you would be partyin yuor *** off with Warren Buffett and other shareholders. Apparently his annual stockholder's meetings are like Woodstock to the investor types, and he is like Jimi Hendrix, but without all the acid use.