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View Full Version : I just watched the Hillary speech

5/6/2008, 10:01 PM
I thought that maybe she would end her campaign.

Yeah right.

She's now demanding that Florida and Meatchicken be counted.

She's not going to go away.

5/6/2008, 10:06 PM
I thought that maybe she would end her campaign.

Did she lose Indiana?

5/6/2008, 10:11 PM
Let Obama have the liberal wing of the party and let Hillary lead a New Democratic party. In a three-way race, she has a good shot: the pubs vs. the donks vs. the new donks.

5/6/2008, 10:15 PM
Let Obama have the liberal wing of the party and let Hillary lead a New Democratic party.

Is a New Democrat anything like a "compassionate conservative"? No thanks.

5/6/2008, 10:17 PM
ROFL SJS no one in that would win a majority. She really should quit and save the Dems some face.

5/6/2008, 10:24 PM
I liked der Schlickmeister standing back there behind her on the stage, biting his lip and fighting back tears the whole time.

And wasn't Chelsea just stunning beside the Queen Mum? I am so glad that she survived the horror of 9/11, jogging around the Twin Towers at the moment they were attacked.

Frozen Sooner
5/6/2008, 10:24 PM
Did she lose Indiana?

Nope. Ahead by four points with Lake County still not reporting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Lake is heavily pro-Obama as it's in Chicago's footprint.

5/6/2008, 10:26 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she's nuttier than squirrel ****.

5/6/2008, 10:27 PM
Nope. Ahead by four points with Lake County still not reporting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Lake is heavily pro-Obama as it's in Chicago's footprint.

But probably heavily blue collar as well.

Frozen Sooner
5/6/2008, 10:54 PM
But probably heavily blue collar as well.

With 28% of precincts reporting in Lake County, Obama has a 75-25 lead. :D

Hillary's lead in Indiana is down to 2% with no returns from Union County in yet and a bunch of Lake still to come.

5/6/2008, 10:57 PM
First results are 75-25 for Obama from Lake Co.

Hillary is sweatin' like a Baptist in a liquor store right now. If Bill is close by, I'm guessing he's dodging things, as these results come in.

Frozen Sooner
5/6/2008, 11:42 PM
65-35 Obama in Lake County with 54% reporting. What I'm hearing is that Gary hasn't reported yet, which figures to be big Obama country.

5/7/2008, 12:02 AM
There's nothing wrong with Hillary that a wooden stake (mallet sold separately) or a silver bullet (firearm sold separately, of course.) wouldn't cure.
Bill 'n Hill...The Twin Faces of Evil.
Ain't gots no love for Hussein and M0-chelle either.

5/7/2008, 12:36 AM
There's nothing wrong with Hillary that a wooden stake (mallet sold separately) or a silver bullet (firearm sold separately, of course.) wouldn't cure.
Bill 'n Hill...The Twin Faces of Evil.
Ain't gots no love for Hussein and M0-chelle either.
Advocating the death of people you disagree with politically, classy.

5/7/2008, 01:12 AM
Let Obama have the liberal wing of the party and let Hillary lead a New Democratic party. In a three-way race, she has a good shot: the pubs vs. the donks vs. the new donks.

Heh, your funny. I am an independent, if I could do it in the great state of Oklahoma I would be a libertarian. I voted for Bush. I am not "left" on many things. That said, I would never vote for Billary. I would vote for 2000 John McCain, but not 2008 McCain. I would vote for Ron Paul. I would vote for Ross Perot. I will vote for Obama.

Let her keep this crap up. Let her say she will keep fighting. Fighting a battle you can't win is noble, continuing a war you WILL lose is foolish at best. Let her drag this out farther. At best she will ruin her political career, at worst she will destroy the democratic party. And if you think for a second that any candidate from a democratic splinter group would stand a chance in a general election, you are a bigger fool/tool than I thought. Let me tell you something right now, if Hillary where to run against George H.W. Bush and FDR himself, we would have another Bush in the White House again. The party lines are drawn, and they are pretty damn equal right now. You split the democrats, and the best the results look is 25% Donk 26% other Donk, 49% Republican. Guess who winds up in the White House.

5/7/2008, 02:31 AM
Advocating the death of people you disagree with politically, classy.

Please note that I did NOT advocate any such thing. Instead, the verbage was intended to (truthfully, IMHO) identify an unnatural and dangerous entity...such as a Vampire or WereSheWolf. I did not offer to pay for a hit nor did I offer the loan of either mallet or gun.
Killing is something I used to be paid to do and I'm not eager to repeat the drill, save in a case of self-defense or an opportunity to smoke a burglar or terrorist. If those chances arise...GAME ON!


sooner n houston
5/7/2008, 06:45 AM
I think those of you who are counting Hillary out are making a big mistake! She is fix'n to go nuc-lar on y'alls asses! She is going to get the Dem party to include FL and MI and their delegates! She will pull this thing out. The Dem party will see seven kinds of hell when that happens. :D

5/7/2008, 06:51 AM
Stick a fork in her, she's done. I hope she stays in until the end though, because it hurts libz. Especially if she somehow steals it.

In the meantime, the elephants need to get their knives sharpened to dismember this BHO demagogue and class-warrior.

5/7/2008, 10:04 AM
Heh, your funny. I am an independent, if I could do it in the great state of Oklahoma I would be a libertarian. I voted for Bush. I am not "left" on many things. That said, I would never vote for Billary. I would vote for 2000 John McCain, but not 2008 McCain. I would vote for Ron Paul. I would vote for Ross Perot. I will vote for Obama.

Let her keep this crap up. Let her say she will keep fighting. Fighting a battle you can't win is noble, continuing a war you WILL lose is foolish at best. Let her drag this out farther. At best she will ruin her political career, at worst she will destroy the democratic party. And if you think for a second that any candidate from a democratic splinter group would stand a chance in a general election, you are a bigger fool/tool than I thought. Let me tell you something right now, if Hillary where to run against George H.W. Bush and FDR himself, we would have another Bush in the White House again. The party lines are drawn, and they are pretty damn equal right now. You split the democrats, and the best the results look is 25% Donk 26% other Donk, 49% Republican. Guess who winds up in the White House.

OK i was joking. If she's assured of losing the Demo nomination, she could continue third party. I'm not real serious on this.

But the fact is, she is a United States Senator from New York. Whatever happens, she has a great job.

5/7/2008, 10:22 AM
I thought that maybe she would end her campaign.

Yeah right.

She's now demanding that Florida and Meatchicken be counted.

She's not going to go away.

As a Republican I f'in love it! **** off all of your conservative Democrats and Independents that either she or Barack has and watch them come on over to team McCain.

Greed and ego will destroy the democrats this year.

5/7/2008, 10:23 AM
Advocating the death of people you disagree with politically, classy.

Climb down off your paisley horse for chrissakes. WTF is wrong with you?

5/7/2008, 10:25 AM
Greed and ego will destroy the democrats this year.


5/7/2008, 10:31 AM
Howard Dean was on the Daily show the other day joking around that Obama is friends with a racist preacher, Hillary lied about dodging sniper bullets, and they are both still in it, but he got booted off the ticket because he got too excited and screamed booyah.

5/7/2008, 10:35 AM
Howard Dean was on the Daily show the other day joking around that Obama is friends with a racist preacher, Hillary lied about dodging sniper bullets, and they are both still in it, but he got booted off the ticket because he got too excited and screamed booyah.

Good thing nobody else in this country is friends with a "racist".

5/7/2008, 03:44 PM
I'm hoping Denver 2008 makes the 1968 meltdown seem mild by comparison. Hang in there, Hill!

5/7/2008, 03:55 PM
I'm hoping Denver 2008 makes the 1968 meltdown seem mild by comparison. Hang in there, Hill!

Yeah all we need are a few assassinations and we'll be on our way!

5/7/2008, 04:16 PM
Good bless the Democrats. This is quality entertainment.

5/7/2008, 04:27 PM
Let Obama have the liberal wing of the party and let Hillary lead a New Democratic party. In a three-way race, she has a good shot: the pubs vs. the donks vs. the new donks.

Hillary is always gonna come out on top in a 3-way. :D


5/7/2008, 06:13 PM
You have to understand Hillary's entire adult life.. her goal, her ultimate dream was to be the first woman to win the White House... from her days as a mouthpiece at the Rose Law Firm.. to supporting Bill as governor of the most flea bitten state in the union, to assisting him in his bid for the White House.. to her attempts to have her own agenda passed during the Clinton Administration.. to standing by her man, while other women were on their knees in front of him.. to selecting the most vulnerable, yet important state to win the Senate seat.. to biding her time and knowing the press would show her as the face of opposition to the Bush Administration... until.. now.

The time was right... an unpopular president... an unpopular war... the economy with huge question marks... no definitive front runner from her own party.. the country seemingly tired of 8 years of President Bush.. the time was.. perfect. And then....

She begins to lose to an upstart... a national nobody before 2007.. decades of dreaming.. of planning.. of scheming... all beginning to go away... "lending" her own campaign over $11 million to continue.. and to see it slipping away, and not quickly.. but slowly.. painfully, yet inexorably toward the abyss of defeat she slides.... she sees the Democratic power structure beginning to whisper that perhaps it is time to unite behind Obama... and yet, her blind ambition will not let her let go.

Scorched earth and shattered dreams await... and once again, on a national scale, the Dems find a way to look like a monkey humping a football.

5/7/2008, 06:37 PM
gawd dammit, Lid, sometimes you make me forget you are a worthless whorn.

Frozen Sooner
5/7/2008, 06:40 PM
I wouldn't say that Obama was a nobody on the national stage before 2007. He did give the keynote at the 2004 Democratic convention and I remember some articles on him in Newsweek and Time back then.

Chuck Bao
5/7/2008, 06:46 PM
Lid, spek and I hate speking a horn.

You've nailed it.

I don't think Bill was a bad president, especially compared to his successor.

My problem with Bill and, particularly, Hilliary is the arrogance, their wanting to make history, to be compared to JFK, Camelot. It just seems more about them than their ideals and ideas.

Bill gets away with it better because of his peccadilloes and good ol' southern boy charm. Hilliary just comes across as calculating. Oh, shed a tear or two and try to appear vulnerable and passionate. Nope, I'm not buying into it.

She still gives the impression that she will tear the heart out of anyone who stands in her way. The fact that she will continue this fight until the hopeless end is not helping to dispel this impression.

texas bandman
5/7/2008, 10:20 PM
Scorched earth and shattered dreams await... and once again, on a national scale, the Dems find a way to look like a monkey humping a football.

Anything to win....sad :( I felt that before we voted in Texas, that's why I voted Obama. Although she gives lip service to helping a democrat win in '08, I think she'll do just enough to seem like she's helping, but will start the Hillary '12 campaign the day after McCain wins.