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View Full Version : So Brer Rabbit zez Dont

5/6/2008, 04:18 AM
trow Me In that Briar Patch
I hate it for him .:eek:

5/6/2008, 04:53 AM
Great....more of this crap the Catholic church has to deal with. It sucks being insulted and ridiculed being a Catholic and now this just adds more fuel to the fire....yet no denomination is perfect.

5/6/2008, 04:56 AM
Great....more of this crap the Catholic church has to deal with. It sucks being insulted and ridiculed being a Catholic and now this just adds more fuel to the fire....yet no denomination is perfect.

At least it wasnt Altar Boys .
Yall got that going fer ya .:P ;) :cool: :pop:

5/6/2008, 07:36 AM
I knew that was coming....actually I was going to say something like that or say- "well, at least it's a step up...but no no no, it's not a step up it's always a step down, one closer step to satan."

5/6/2008, 08:25 AM
this so ruins all of my "working in a women's prison" fantasies