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5/1/2008, 10:22 PM
maybe one of the funniest documentaries i've ever seen. adults engaging in real life role playing. its the awesome (http://www.darkonthemovie.com/). i recommend it to everyone on the SO

5/1/2008, 10:37 PM
they have stuff like that at comic and gaming conventions, they're called LARP

some are more advanced then others, but most just use simple signs and roshambo to determine some things

Vampire: the Masqurade really got it moving and it used to be the most popular one, don't know if it still is

5/2/2008, 10:08 AM
Aren't the advanced LARPs supposed to make plans to meet where one LARP picks the other LARP up at the airport and they then get a room at the airport hotel or just hook up in the car before putting the traveling LARP back on the next flight home?