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4/30/2008, 07:23 PM
Over the last eight to ten years...actually since the Golden EIB Microphone was put in front of Rush Limbaugh...I continue to hear folks state they are Conservatives.

Now...I know what a Conservative is...

What I'm looking for is each of you who deem themselves as a Conservative to state a short direct little blog on what make you a Conservative.

Again...I'm not looking for a definition or your voting record....I'm looking for how you tick as a Conservative. Your view not Rush's view or Glenn Beck or the Fox Networks view....yours.

As a Moderate I've always felt that when the liberals or the conservatives got too much power that things were out of sync. I like balance in my life as well as balance in my politics.

Hearing your views on being conservative might help me when it comes to building a bridge between the two stances.


4/30/2008, 07:44 PM
I'm a Conservative. I beleive the Constitution is NOT a so-called "living document." In fact, that sort of talk chaps my behind. It is the guardian of our freedom because it defines limits to what the government can do to us and for us.

It is based on individual rights granted by God that do not depend on governmental generosity. It was not drafted to lay-out some whacked-out plan by which the government takes all us chilluns to its breast and nurses us.

Gerald Ford was a punch-line in the 1970's, but he said something that has always stuck with me. He said, "a government that is powerful enough to give us everything we want is powerful enough to take everything from us." Keep that in mind when you vote "Mr or Miss I Demand Free Healthcare, Food, Housing, Education, Old age Pension, etc., ad nauseum."

I also happen to believe if folks wish to create new rights not expressly stated in the Constitution, they are a free to try and garner the votes to amend it. New rights aren't to be found in strained interpretations of the document's language.

In short, government exists to provide a secure infrastructure in which all men and women can take their chances in achieving their dreams. Government does not exist to grant wishes like some red-white-and-blue genie.

The number one responsibility of the federal government is our defense - both foreign (military) and domestic (local law enforcement.) That is the purpose upon which all our other rights depend. Second is roads and bridges. Everything else is gravy. Other than those things, leave me alone and let me do my thing.

If I become wealthy, it's by my own sweat and my God-given abilities. If I go bust and am about to starve, then maybe some kind person will give me a sandwich. Maybe not. All I want from my government, and what I beleive the Framers had in mind, was a more or less level playing field and courts where I can bring my grievances against a-holes who hurt me.

4/30/2008, 08:01 PM
Geez, I gotta follow Homey when he is on a roll?

I am a conservative.

"Those are governed best who are governed least."
I believe that the most precious right we have is the right to be left alone.

"There will be poor always."
It is the duty of each of us, and our churches and our charitable institutions to reach out a helping hand to those who are in need but trying. It is NOT the job of our government to do that.

"A drawn sword will keep another sheathed."
It IS the job of our government to provide us with a defense against those who would do us harm.

Read the Bill of Rights. Don't read a bunch of crap into them, just read them. For those who are unaware, that would be the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

The Constitution, other than the Bill of Rights, does not actually tell us what we can have or do. It tells Government what it CANNOT have or do. It is my personal belief that it is a divinely inspired document framed by very wise men after long and careful deliberation.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution. It tells why those wise men felt it necessary to deliberate and to frame a Constitution.

A lot of people speak a lot of words about the Constitution without having ever actually read the document. It is enlightening to do so. I commend it to your edification.

4/30/2008, 08:01 PM
As a conservative, I believe that this country was founded by GOD fearing Christians who believed that people needed to make this country great based on their own blood, sweat and tears.

I believe in giving people a hand-up during tough times (i.e. job skills training) not a handout (i.e. welfare, Social Security, etc).

Like Homey said, I believe that the Constitution is NOT a living document left to be routinely edited and besmirched as it has been by the activist judges in recent decades.

I believe in executing the guilty while protecting the innocent...thus I can't possibly be a liberal as they advocate the exact opposite.

I believe in the Captain Kirk method of dealing with hardasses in disputes:
"I'm gonna count to three and then I'm going to fire. One...two...three...BOOM!"
not the Jean-Luc Picard method of solving disputes:
"I'm gonna count to three and then I'm going to fire. One...two...three...I'm really not kidding...four...five...six...I really will shoot...seven...eight...nine...perhaps we should discuss this situation further."

I believe that I know how to best utilize my money, NOT the government.

That's just the beginning.

Chuck Bao
4/30/2008, 09:14 PM
I consider myself to be a conservative. But, I’d probably be more accurately described as a libertarian. The government or state has no business in my business.

I want the Supreme Court to strictly interpret the constitution and bill of rights and not engage in an activist agenda on either the conservative or liberal side.

I’m for gun ownership rights.

In my opinion, religion should never be part of the conservative agenda.

I also think that America should legalize gambling, prostitution and personal marijuana use and tax it accordingly. With that being said, I also think that some drugs are too dangerous, addictive and destructive and must be curtailed as much as possible.

I think a woman should have control over her body and her future prospects, even if she has made some unwise decisions.

I believe that education is very important in terms stemming the tide of drug use and promoting the use of contraceptives. We don’t need laws and more criminals. There are many examples of education and PR blitzes proving to have worked. It is not a bad use of taxpayers’ money.

Let the gays have their domestic partnerships or civil unions. That’s all that local and federal government should be involved in – the registry part. Fine, don’t call it marriage if you don’t want to. It’s just semantics. And, if there are churches willing to “marry” homosexuals, what do you get? Religious homosexuals? That surely isn’t something to get really worked up about.

The government should not spend more than it takes in. Okay, it may go into deficit spending but only during periods of recession to stimulate the economy. It better make up for it during periods of prosperity.

Central banks around the world set monetary policy by a balance of GDP growth and inflation. Why can’t governments set fiscal policy around GDP growth and tax revenues? Not those crazy long-term projections by dime-a-dozen economists, but setting policy around short-term goals, which may mean raising taxes on improving economic prospects, just like central banks often raise interest rates.

Despite the commonly-held misconception, lower taxes do not always stimulate the economy and result in subsequent higher tax revenues. We live in a very different world than 20 years ago. Lower corporate taxes today would probably result in greater corporate investment overseas and how benefits from that?.

I am in favor of greater personal tax breaks that encourage savings. American citizens need to save more instead of spending more. Do away with capital gains tax immediately.

I differ on one aspect of my conservative/libertarian agenda. Do you remember that old TV commercial that states: “if you’ve got your health, you’ve got everything.”? I think that is true. There is no reason for one of the richest countries in the world to let a large percentage of its children go without health care coverage. Would any of you like to tell your son or daughter: “sorry, I just lost my job and we can’t afford to get you the medicine that you need to save your life.” I’m afraid that this day is coming.

In my opinion, health care is the biggest threat to America, not some imaginary external enemy. Defense isn’t our government’s top priority so much at the exclusion of other high priorities. The US has no business policing the world. Has anyone tried to figure out who benefits the most from protecting US interests abroad?

With that being said, the brave men and women serving our country deserve to be fully supported with the finest equipment, facilities and health care. They also deserve to be called to serve only in vital missions and not unnecessarily put into harm’s way.

God bless all of us.

4/30/2008, 09:33 PM
I thought this was a thread about fishing. My bad...

4/30/2008, 09:35 PM
Government does not exist to grant wishes like some red-white-and-blue genie.

Like gas tax vacations? :D

Are you going to eat chicken fried steak with us or not?

4/30/2008, 10:06 PM
Looks like some good stuff there...

I'll read it tomorrow when I have time to digest it.


5/1/2008, 08:44 AM
I pretty much agree with the posts 2 thorugh 5 (before the morans moved in ;) ). The gubment has a role to protect us from foreign enemies and give us everybody a fair say at home. The gubment can do pretty much whatever the people want it to, for good or bad, BUT it ain't Santa Claus or God and people who think it is either are dangerous.

I differ wth conservatives who equate Christianity with conservatism or who say we are a "Christian Nation." We have traditionally been a nation of mostly Christians, but the Kingdom told about in the Gospel is far, Far, FAR above any political schemes of mortal man. There should be plenty of distance between government and organized religion (as opposed to common morality, decency, and tolerance). That's better for both gov't and religion. I don't want a so-called Christian theocracy (an oxymoron, IMHO) any more than I want a bunch of imams and mullahs in charge.

5/1/2008, 10:55 AM
I've read the posts now and had my coffee.

I can't disagree with any of you.

Even though...I still feel I'm a Moderate.

Homey's post covers most of the original stuff the Father's of our Country wanted to ensure...yet...they had started tarriffs back then and our control of imports and exports have been a huge part of making certain families rich for a couple of centuries now.

The bottom line issue I think is important is why the people of our Country felt the need to get away from the control of Kings.

Have we really done that?

My short answer is no.

The ultra wealthy run our country now.

Many of them have in a sense...become the elite (Kings) who seemingly are above our laws.

As much as I'd like to lean toward Conservatism...I feel it important to continue to empower the Middle Class instead of the ultra rich.

Rich and powerful shouldn't go hand in hand IMO.

Welfare was a bad idea. I'll never disagree with that.

As I've gotten older I notice that our health care and our educational system has not become elite systems when you compare to other Countries around the World. I don't think we have to follow their systems...I just think we should strive to become the leader again and show that America is THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE...and...IS THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE.

Right now it's more of a safe haven for those who wish to reap the benefits of living in America, instead of joining the struggle in their own Countires to fight for something better.

Be you Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Whig ( :D )...

I think we all mostly agree on the stuff that has made America great...

We're struggling to continue to keep it great though.

To the great thinkers who responded to my thread...


To the rest of you...

Climb Aboard!


5/1/2008, 10:59 AM

5/1/2008, 12:09 PM

5/1/2008, 01:05 PM
I always thought I was a Conservative , I took a Political quiz a few yrs back .
It told Me I was Libertarian /Border line Anarchist.

5/1/2008, 03:09 PM
I always thought I was a Conservative , I took a Political quiz a few yrs back .
It told Me I was Libertarian /Border line Anarchist.

It's cuz they didn't have a category called "armed nekkid hillbilly redneck moonshiner"


5/1/2008, 03:27 PM
Homey.. they have a name for people like you.. it's called.


Pretty much agree with you except the part about roads and bridges.. I believe that is a state law function and whereas I understand the argument that the interstate highway system is an absolute necessity, let state's contract with private companies to maintain the system.

5/1/2008, 05:34 PM
"The separation of church and state" and "the writ of habeas corpus" are two of the original ideologies that helped to found this great nation.

Both of which have been stomped on and nearly obliterated, most recently by the very party that claims to want less government. The "moral" majority seems to be anything but, and the actual majority seem so ambivalent and/or apathetic that nothing short of anarchy could wake them into action.

After one of the most chaotic events in our nation's history, far too many chose to hunker down and see what happens next, even our leader appeared to do just that. He squandered the opportunity to find and destroy those who actually harmed us in an vain attempt to finish what his father began.

He threw habeus corpus out the window in a hapless endeavor to corral terrorists on american soil and few seem to care about the loss of their own privacy due to the fear mongering he and his staff engender still to this day.

It is humorous that the "conservative" news bastion is the flashiest and most outlandish broadcast out there. The definition of conservativism is morphing before our eyes, into nearly the opposite of its true meaning.

If Rush and O'Reilly are the spokesmen for the "right" and conservative cause then any true conservative should be denouncing their antics from the mountain tops, loudly and vigorously. For Fox to call the right wing opinions that they broadcast "news" is a joke. As a military trained journalist I am often aghast and perplexed by what they try to pass off as factual.

All I see from most who call themselves conservative at this stage is bigotry, classism and the belief that their god is above all others and should be more than just a consideration by those that govern them.

For those that claim this nation was founded by God fearing Christians, I claim that it was actually founded by those running from and battling against God fearing Christians. Leave him out of it please, as our founding fathers wished.

By the people, for the people, of the people. All the people... not for just those who have and not against those who have not.

I know, as I live and was born and raised in this bible belt state, that my words will not be recieved well. But I hope some of you will remove your Rove-colored glasses long enough to actually see and understand my point of view.

Crawling back into my hole now, have fun reading RLIMC's retort and please try to remember I didn't ask any of you to turn in your guns!

5/1/2008, 05:44 PM
What I'm looking for is each of you who deem themselves as a Conservative to state a short direct little blog on what make you a Conservative.

I'd like to know who still thinks that the Republican Party is the party of Conservatism.

Frozen Sooner
5/1/2008, 05:50 PM
Not speaking as a moderator here, just as Mike:

Folks, ST was asking self-described conservatives to share what makes them so or why they align themselves that way. Not really the right thread to tear down conservatives' beliefs.


5/1/2008, 05:55 PM
I have no clue what I am. Gay people don't scare me, I don't feel compelled to buy eleventy billion guns and the last time I went to church was Christmas 03.

I am offended as hell by government hand outs, I think that the constitution was made amendable for a reason, and I believe that every American is a duel citizen. We are citizens of our states first, and of the Nation second. I believe that the central federal government has usurped far to much power from the states under the guise of the Commerce Clause, and this has lead to a bloated central government and incapable state governments. All the central government was meant to do was regulate business between the states, represent all states in foreign affairs, and organize the defenses of the states against any hostel threats from any powers, foreign or domestic.

I don't think that our founding fathers built this country to be a shinning example of Christian morals and laws. I think they built it on the ideas of the Rule of law not Rule of God. Laws dictated and governed by man, not by any god. I think that they added that the governments should not adopt an official religion to keep God and blind faith in church, and out of making decisions that could affect everyone regardless of their faith.

5/1/2008, 05:55 PM
Overruled! The very title of this thread begs for discussion from the other side of the aisle.

5/2/2008, 12:36 PM
***For those that claim this nation was founded by God fearing Christians, I claim that it was actually founded by those running from and battling against God fearing Christians. Leave him out of it please, as our founding fathers wished.
Hear him!

Even though he's off the point of the thread. :D