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View Full Version : Greatest Redundancies From The World of Work

4/28/2008, 05:16 PM
"Let's redouble our efforts."
Ummmm, wouldn't that be "quadrupling" our efforts?

"Mandatory overtime."
As opposed to what, voluntary time off?

"Human Resources."
versus...human expenpendables?

4/28/2008, 05:23 PM
"Mandatory overtime."
As opposed to what, voluntary time off?

We have mandatory leave time at Christmas/New Year's. There are always days that week that aren't paid holidays, but you're apparently not supposed to come to work. I actually did work one of those days one year, but the hassles from payroll when I didn't claim leave for that day taught me my lesson.

4/28/2008, 07:15 PM
Voluntary Time off...now there's a concept I'd like to try and absorb.

Chuck Bao
4/29/2008, 02:22 PM
I don’t know the latest redundant management catch phrases, but I come across a lot of misnomers.

Integrity of research: Yeah, like who believes that!

Research houses: Up until the point that they get an IB team and then said research house appoints the IB head to be the top dog.

HOLD / NEUTRAL recommendations: The analyst doesn’t have the balls to say SELL, SWITCH, TAKE PROFIT, UNDERPERFORM due to IB connections or fear that he/she may never be able to arrange a meeting with top management ever again.

Hedge funds: Hedge funds are the WWF of the investment world. Not that it’s necessarily fake, just the 300lb, steroid-induced muscle-bound guy with a glittery heart logo on his speedos in a no-holds barred style of wrestling with the easily distracted referee. Some probably still keep within their original purpose of providing a hedge and benefiting from short-term arbitrage in the market, but others go with the tag team approach – smash an opponent with a chair while they are senseless and down and then run the other way when they regain consciousness.

Market efficiency: That hedge fund analogy brings up the funniest of the misnomers – the perception of market efficiency. Maybe in the past it has proven to be a useful tool in allocating resources. Now, it has been completely replaced by herd instinct (see market volatility and decide whether that is efficient or not). See, you have your dominant cows and they’ve been around the block a time or two and they know where the best grazing is, and the rest of the herd will follow them and they know that, given sufficient media coverage. They know that to get to the grazing land, they have to pass through the croc invested waters and the lion territory, but they know that some sacrifices will have to be made and market efficiency is all about the thinning of the herd. In other words, the grass is always greener on the other side of the dispense.

4/29/2008, 03:25 PM
No Child Left Behind
