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3/4/2004, 12:38 PM
Are any of you other geeks as pumped up about the potential fallout from the success of LOTR as I am? One project on the horizon is C.S. Lewis's "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" and the rest of the excellent Narnia series..this has been announced for some time. But a truly cool NEW movie that's going to be made:


The "Princess of Mars", from Edgar Rice Burrough's John Carter series! Some really, REALLY excellent pulp that should even meet with C&C Dean's approval! Manly men, half-naked women and big, nasty monsters? It doesn't get much better than that.

Not to mention, David Farland's "Runelord" fantasy series is also being filmed. I haven't read it yet, but it's on my to-do list.

On the sci-fi front, "Ender's Game" and "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" have been greenlighted, and the latter will start shooting soon. I've heard rumors that work is going on with "Rendezvous with Rama", but nothing lately.

These are good days to be a geek!

3/4/2004, 12:40 PM
Don't forget Punisher!!!

Which is to say, guh.

3/4/2004, 12:40 PM
I'm excited about NECA's 18" LOTR figures coming out. I think I'll do a disply in my theater room. {geekly snicker}

Eddie Money
3/4/2004, 12:41 PM
I can't wait for all of the movies with wizards, dragons, elves, mystical fantasy lands, and all of that other Dungeons and Dragons / Led Zeppelin crap, it is the best.

Oh wait. Screw that we have a Coen Bros, David Mamet, and Tarrantino movie in the next month!

And the Punisher looks good, I will admit it. It's bubble gum.

3/4/2004, 12:44 PM
I just don't believe that Thomas "Giant Mutant Shark Wrangler" Jane can do a better job that Dolph Lungren. Nuh-uh.

Beano's Fourth Chin
3/4/2004, 12:45 PM
I bet Ender on screen will suck.

Narnia might be good, but we'll see. That's another one with a fanatic fan base that will be hard to please.

Jackson pulled it off with LOTR, but can lightning strike twice?

3/4/2004, 12:46 PM
Don't forget Punisher!!!

Which is to say, guh.
Superhero movies are a different thing entirely. But I'm looking foward to Fantastic Four, no doubt.

Did I forget to mention: With the LOTR trilogy grossing nearly 3 billion worldwide, it's not IF "The Hobbit" will be made, but when. And it'll happen with a nigh unlimited budget.

3/4/2004, 12:51 PM
I bet Ender on screen will suck.

Narnia might be good, but we'll see. That's another one with a fanatic fan base that will be hard to please.

Jackson pulled it off with LOTR, but can lightning strike twice?
I'd think their translation to screen would be easier than LOTR, or even Harry Potter. The books are pretty short, and much smaller in scale. And LOTR proved that pandering to an existing fan base by NOT messing up the vision can be pretty lucrative.

The biggest problem I see with Ender is that they're using older kids (12-15 rather than 8-10). I also worry they'll lighten up or avoid the more disturbing elements (like the things that those kids go through with no help from the adults), because those are vital to the story.

I'm well aware of the dangers of letting Hollywood get at this stuff. We could end up with another "Krull"...

Beano's Fourth Chin
3/4/2004, 12:54 PM
Excellent points... I hope you're right.

I mean, it will be difficult to have Ender kill the kid right off the bat in a movie and that was integral.

From now on, the only director they should ever let put a book on screen is jackson.

Eddie Money
3/4/2004, 12:54 PM
In music and movies, when one style is successful, everything that follows suit to cash in is always even better, I have no worries!

I want a movie with Spider Man and The Punisher or Daredevil, or a combination of the three. But not Punisher and Daredevil.

3/4/2004, 12:55 PM
A better hitchikers guide than the crappy BBC version would be nice...

Frozen Sooner
3/4/2004, 12:58 PM
Doing Ender's Game on the big screen is a mistake, IMO. I hope they prove me wrong, but the novel is WAY too intellectual to make a good transition. Not only that, but as crawfish alluded to, there's some EXTREMELY brutal violence between children in that book.

TLTWATW should be good, though they've tried to put it on screen before. [hysterical reaction]OH NO! More Christian propaganda on screen![/hysterical reaction]

I'll believe H2G2 when I see it. Is Jay Roach still attached to the project? If so, it should be VERY good. Just too bad that Douglas Adams isn't around to make sure that they're faithful to the book. Main issue I see is the long expository passages that were half of the humor in the book. [hysterical reaction]Shriek! More athiestic propaganda from Hollywood![/hysterical reaction]

3/4/2004, 12:59 PM
Actually, 'guh' for Punisher is a bit unfair. Not when they're prepping Iron Fist.

God help us all, it's the death of the New Golden Age of Comic Book Movies. :(

Frozen Sooner
3/4/2004, 01:00 PM
Plus, how are they going to show how truly nuts Peter Wiggin is without turning off a MAJOR portion of the audience? Heck, if they're using 15 year old kids, how are they going to explain Peter and Valentine still living at home-since they're both a few years older than Ender?

DAMN IT! I won't be happy until they've got 6-year-olds on screen battling to the death!!!!

[hysterical reaction]AGH! More Mormon propaganda on the big screen!!![/hysterical reaction]

3/4/2004, 01:05 PM
I really enjoyed Tad Williams' Otherland series. It's a VR theme with some really good plot ideas.

But each book is a hoss. While it could make for some really good movies it may be too much and end up being a disappointment.

3/4/2004, 01:13 PM
Doing Ender's Game on the big screen is a mistake, IMO. I hope they prove me wrong, but the novel is WAY too intellectual to make a good transition. Not only that, but as crawfish alluded to, there's some EXTREMELY brutal violence between children in that book.
There may yet be hope for the Ender series. (http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2004-02/10/10.30.film)

I hope they don't try and water it down. The Ender series is one of my favorites...

Frozen Sooner
3/4/2004, 01:15 PM
Hm. Well, at least they're going to go with the "Shadow" series as the sequels. Frankly, Speaker for the Dead and Xenophobe sucked rocks.

3/4/2004, 01:18 PM
Hm. Well, at least they're going to go with the "Shadow" series as the sequels. Frankly, Speaker for the Dead and Xenophobe sucked rocks.
I thought Speaker was fantastic. Very different from Ender's Game, but it was an incredible book. Probably unfilmable, though.

Agree that "Xenophobe" and "Children of the Mind" really sucked.

Frozen Sooner
3/4/2004, 01:20 PM
Hm. Maybe I'll give it another chance. I read it about 5 years ago, and just didn't like it at all, but I can always try again.

Frozen Sooner
3/4/2004, 01:21 PM
I guess what annoyed me about them was Card's constant interjection of his theories on social interactions.

I really enjoyed Pastwatch, though. That's a good book.

3/4/2004, 01:22 PM
Hm. Well, at least they're going to go with the "Shadow" series as the sequels. Frankly, Speaker for the Dead and Xenophobe sucked rocks.

And then some. Dunno why Speaker for the Dead got the acclaim that it did.

I'd love to see the Mars novels brought to the big screen -- Burroughs stuff is perfect for film. It's all epic, swashbuckling fun.

Orscon Scott Card, on the other hand, has some good books for reading - not so sure they'd make good movies.

And, am I the only one that thinks a film version of Rendezvous with Rama would be about as exciting as watching paint dry?

3/4/2004, 01:22 PM
I'll believe H2G2 when I see it. Is Jay Roach still attached to the project? If so, it should be VERY good. Just too bad that Douglas Adams isn't around to make sure that they're faithful to the book. Main issue I see is the long expository passages that were half of the humor in the book. [hysterical reaction]Shriek! More athiestic propaganda from Hollywood![/hysterical reaction]
Roach is producing. It starts filming next month.


Marvin Freeman of "The Office" as Arthur Dent. Sam Rockwell as Zaphod. Mos Def as Ford Prefect?

Beano's Fourth Chin
3/4/2004, 01:23 PM
Speaker was awesome... they went downhill after that in my opinion. DIdn't speaker win Card a back to back Hugo or whatever the sci-fi award is?

I wouldn't worry, though Froz... Battlefield Earth translated so well to the big screen... :vomitingsmiley:

Frozen Sooner
3/4/2004, 01:24 PM
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention about Rendezvous with Rama.

My grandfather is actually very good friends with Arthur C. Clarke and corresponds with him on a regular basis. He has signed first editions of every single novel Clarke wrote.


Frozen Sooner
3/4/2004, 01:26 PM
Excellent news, crawfish. Excellent news. Douglas mentioned in Salmon of Doubt that he was very impressed with Roach's take on H2G2.

Mos Def? Really? Wow. That's not how I pictured Ford...

3/4/2004, 01:40 PM
I'm well aware of the dangers of letting Hollywood get at this stuff. We could end up with another "Krull"...
I always liked Krull. Was it originally a book or something? I wasn't aware of that.

3/4/2004, 01:53 PM
There's a rumor going around Hollywood that they're going to turn Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series into either a TV Miniseries...

or just adapt the first one into a movie. Any thoughts?

3/4/2004, 02:11 PM
Predators vs. Aliens vs. Terminators

3/4/2004, 02:12 PM
Personally, there's about a hundred books I'd prefer adapted before anything from WOT. They started out OK, but now they're just rambling on and on and on. Actually, the first one might not be bad.

Here's a few I'd like to see:

Chronicles of Amber (Zelazny)
Lord of Light (Zelazny)
Prydain books ("The Black Cauldron", etc) (Alexander)
Earthsea books (Le Guin)
The first few Xanth books (Anthony) Don't laugh.

This is just off the top of my head.

Pricetag, I think Krull was a comic book (not sure). However, I'm referring to the fact that Hollywood was just churning out whatever fantasy it could without concern for quality. Krull is ok, in a cheesy, b-movie sort of way.

3/4/2004, 02:17 PM
Actually the Xanth Books are in process right now. They're trying to secure the rights. As they are with the Incarnations of Immortality series.

How about the Sword of Shannara series by Brooks?

3/4/2004, 02:25 PM
Actually the Xanth Books are in process right now. They're trying to secure the rights. As they are with the Incarnations of Immortality series.

How about the Sword of Shannara series by Brooks?
Cool! The first three were of above-average quality, although he should've stopped there. I think they'd made great kids movies.

I think SOS has already been made into a trilogy of movies...called "Lord of the Rings". ;)

3/4/2004, 02:28 PM
The first three were good. But so was Crewel Lye. That one was pretty good too.

The Incarnations of Immortality series would be AMAZING for today. Sci-fi crossed with Fantasy set in the future. It would rock.

About SOS. Yeah, I get what you're saying. But they were good books.

Frozen Sooner
3/4/2004, 02:31 PM
The first few Xanth books (Anthony) Don't laugh.




I'd think that Anthony's Bio of a Space Tyrant would adapt well to the Big Screen. Gratuitous sex all over the place.

How about Robert Aspirin's Myth Series?

The Prydain Series would be cool. One of my favorite mental pictures as a young kid was Llewellyn charging at his nemesis screaming "SPIDER!!!" Don't know why, but I really liked that scene.

WoT-Jeez, isn't Jordan going to have to finish them some time to get them in theaters? I guess it hasn't hurt Rowling.

How about The Belgariad by David Eddings? Other than it being a complete rip off of the Arthur legend (c'mon, simple farm boy becomes king of an island by pulling a sword out of a rock???) it had excellent interplay between the characters and several climactic moments.

Heck, Kate Blanchett could even play Ce'Nedra fairly convincingly.

3/4/2004, 02:44 PM
Raymond Feist's Riftwar series are excellent books, and they'd translate to film fairly well, I think. The only drawback is that the first book covers something like 20-30 years of the major character's life, and not in a way that's easily montage-able. You'd need three actors that resemble each other and all could act.

3/4/2004, 02:52 PM
A critic once said that Piers Anthony was the literary equivilant of "peeking up a girl's skirt). I'd have to agree.

If they're going to do a miniseries of movie of another fantasy epic, I'd much rather see the "Song of Ice and Fire" or Robin Hobb's Assassin series. Both are much higher quality than WOT.

3/4/2004, 03:12 PM
The Riftwar sage was one of my favorites. Great read.

Or his solo book, Faerie Tale. I've actually talked to Raymond Feist about that. Freat book.

3/4/2004, 03:13 PM
What about the Chaos Wars Series?

3/4/2004, 03:27 PM
I haven't read them, although I've got the first book at home in my "reading queue".

11/21/2006, 02:06 PM
No P Jackson for The Hobbit. :(

proud gonzo
11/21/2006, 02:13 PM

11/21/2006, 02:21 PM
Why not? Did the thought of making an assured blockbuster while making millions just not appeal to the man?

11/21/2006, 02:25 PM
Why not? Did the thought of making an assured blockbuster while making millions just not appeal to the man?

I haven't read the details yet but I think New Line punted him.

11/21/2006, 02:45 PM
Why not? Did the thought of making an assured blockbuster while making millions just not appeal to the man?

He's suing the studio for allegedly withholding money from him (apparently he has a percentage of the take?), and wouldn't start negotiations with the studio for the next film until the suit concluded.

They decided to take it to trial, and that they couldn't wait to make the next film, so are looking for someone else.

11/21/2006, 03:13 PM
I haven't read the details yet but I think New Line punted him.

I knew it: It's because he got the Hobbits' feet all wrong in LOTR.
<shakes head sadly>

11/21/2006, 03:33 PM
It is disappointing and I bet it postpwns the movie in a great way. I bet PJ already had a pretty good idea how everything was going to play out. :mad:

11/21/2006, 03:35 PM
This thread is making my head pointy.


11/21/2006, 03:54 PM
This thread is making my head pointy.



11/21/2006, 03:58 PM

I'd like to see some fresh blood with the next project.

PJ is in desperate need of an editor. The bloated mess that was King Kong is proof positive of that.

12/12/2006, 04:41 PM

12/12/2006, 04:42 PM
what's it say, it's blocked here at work.

12/12/2006, 04:46 PM
The badgers kick *** at Hell's Deep.

12/12/2006, 05:10 PM
Hmmmm...of everything I mentioned, Eragon is the fallout. I hope it doesn't suck, but it looks like it probably will.

(the book certainly did, albeit impressive for a 15-year-old writer.)

12/12/2006, 06:13 PM
Sci-Fi/Fantasy sucks.

12/12/2006, 06:26 PM
Sci-Fi/Fantasy sucks.
You forfeit the right to vote on what sucks when you drink Zima.

12/12/2006, 06:34 PM
You forfeit the right to vote on what sucks when you drink Zima.

However the combination of drinking zima and watching baylor football does make him intimately familiar with suckage....

Frozen Sooner
12/12/2006, 06:38 PM
Sci-Fi/Fantasy sucks.

Yet you seem to be OK with the idea that Joe McCarthy and Pinochet were good people. Odd.

12/12/2006, 06:44 PM
Yet you seem to be OK with the idea that Joe McCarthy and Pinochet were good people. Odd.

SEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I told you he was an alien robot.

12/12/2006, 07:31 PM
Sci-Fi/Fantasy sucks.

Funny, that you'd hold that opinion only reinforces my love of the genre. :texan:

12/12/2006, 08:45 PM
SEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I told you he was an alien robot.


12/12/2006, 08:47 PM
Sci-Fi/Fantasy sucks.

You and credibility have officially parted ways.