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View Full Version : Anyone seen hide or hair of TD2K?

4/22/2008, 08:43 PM
I'm thinking that gal done runnoft. Either that, or she got back with Achmed and he drug her off to Asscrackistan or WTF he was from.

stoops the eternal pimp
4/22/2008, 08:51 PM
actually she is doing pretty good..fixin to be married to a cop..

Harry Beanbag
4/22/2008, 08:54 PM
I heard she's been eating a lot of Italian food lately.

4/23/2008, 06:17 AM
actually she is doing pretty good..fixin to be married to a cop..

Clearly a bad idea without first submitting him for vetting by this board. I mean, dang, we saved her from more than one romantic f-up. Perhaps she's so intent on getting hitched she doesn't care that we might advise an abundance of caution based on facts she provides about said cop for our consideration.;)

4/23/2008, 08:06 AM
Could you define "Seen"


4/23/2008, 08:24 AM