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View Full Version : Water blessings

Chuck Bao
4/13/2008, 09:42 PM
We are fully into the Thai New Year festivities.

For the last couple of days, it has been unusually quiet in the center of Bangkok.

That is until late last night and I could hear the screaming.

Clarice…what do you hear? I hear screaming…the lambs want a water fight.

But, it’s a trap. The girls scream and the guys come out and blast you.

There is nothing this morning yet. Either they are sleeping off last night’s drunk which seemed to go on to 1-2am in the morning, or they are still drunk and not yet able to load up their pickup trucks and charge back into the neighborhood for the next water fight.

I’m happy to say that my neighborhood is well defended. The young kids on the block are waiting for them.

Chuck Bao
4/14/2008, 05:09 AM
Our neighborhood defenses appear stout this year.


But, the invaders are coming in armored cars. And, it looks like they have Buddhist monks on their side, sitting inside. The monks may also get a good bath, but hey it’s all good fun and water blessings are just that and so what if all you have in the world gets wet? Transience: it will dry out.


I was shot down by this troop of invaders. They got me from my third floor apartment balcony. I thought I was safe and ready be all sniperish.


Our local crew turned traitors and started giving aid to the enemy.


A bunch of girls, leaving totally defeated.


Sooner Born Sooner Bred
4/14/2008, 06:01 AM
Interesting. Thai people are funny.

Chuck Bao
4/14/2008, 08:29 PM
Subsitute fun loving for funny and yes.

I can't imagine the US stopping all business for a 3-4 day nationwide water fight. Okay, it is a bit funny.

4/14/2008, 09:15 PM
When I read the title of this thread, all I could imagine was a drunk on a roof ****ing on people.

I stand corrected. Funny yes, but that kind of fun here would get some arrested for being disorderly...disruptive.

4/14/2008, 10:16 PM
Ya some Old drunk bastage would get all pOed and break out the Mini 14 . :O
Looks like a good time was had by all .

Chuck Bao
4/14/2008, 10:47 PM
I did donate a litre of Johnnie Walker to the defense effort. I need to donate another bottle so our moral stays high.

Sadly, I have to go back to work tomorrow (Wednesday).

4/15/2008, 07:38 AM
looks like you folks had a gay old time.;)

4/15/2008, 03:48 PM
That WOULD be fun. Act like a kid for a few days... that's always a good time. Thanks for posting the photos.